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Showing entries 52301-52400 out of 54071.
An equational theorem prover
tweet-hshaskellPackages.tweet-hsNix package
Command-line tool for twitter
tweet-hstweet-hsNix package
Command-line tool for twitter
Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente
Used as Lab Assignments Environment at the University of Twente
Tree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente
Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente
Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente
RoseTree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente
Tree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente
A fork of the popular websockets package
Rubik's cube solver
They Work For You API Client Library
CLI twitter client
Unix Command-Line Twitter and Identica Client
STM library with safe irrevocable I/O and inconsistency repair
Twilio REST API library for Haskell
Twilio API interaction
TwiML library for Haskell
Very simple template language
Simple 2D Game Engine
Haskell twirp foundations
Simulator of twisty puzzles à la Rubik's Cube
A high level file watcher DSL
Client access to API endpoints
A Haskell-based CLI Twitter client
Twitter API package with conduit interface and Streaming API support
Twitter API package with enumerator interface and Streaming API support
Client for fetching Twitter timeline via Oauth
Twitter JSON parser and types
Twitter JSON types (lens powered)
Reader for the 2bit file format
An implementation of the Twofish Symmetric-key cipher
Persistent transactions on top of STM
The SQL link in your *NIX chain
Filter to convert plain text files to RTF
Deprecated in favor of eros
Typed type representations and equality proofs
Template Your Boilerplate - a Template Haskell version of SYB
Provide proof witnesses for closed type family evaluation
Analyzes Haskell source files for easy reference
Various type-aligned sequence data structures
Runtime type assertions for testing
Type-level booleans via type-families
Utilities for caching type families results
Type-level serialization of type constructors
A collection of data types for type-level programming
Quasiquoters for the 'type-combinators' package
Interop between /type-combinators/ and /singletons/
Type-level Ord compatibility layer
Arbitrary-base type-level digits
Type equality evidence you can carry around
Type equality check
Tools for writing better type errors
Combinators for writing pretty type errors easily
Please see the README on GitHub at
Collection of widely reimplemented type families
Emulation of type-level functions
Guide type inference with proxy values
Queues with verified and unverified versions
Type Level 2s- and 16s- Complement Integers
Interpreter for Template Haskell types
Typeclasses for injective relations and isomorphisms between types
Type-level programming library
Type-level binary search trees in haskell
Tools for manipulating type-level bytes and bytestrings
Provides integers lifted to the type level
Type level Key-Value list
Make Esqueleto handy with type-level-kv-list
Make Persistent Raw SQL handy with type-level-kv-list
Simple type level natural numbers
High-level combinators for performing inductive operations
Basic operations on type-level natural numbers
Type level numbers implemented using type families
Type-level sets and finite maps (with value-level counterparts)
Utilities for writing Show-like type families
Type-level programming library (type families)
Operations on type-level lists and tuples
Type-indexed maps
Type-level natural and proofs of their properties
High performance type driven html generation
Optimize static parts of type-of-html
Various type-level operators
Type-level comparison operator
Generic type-level comparison of types
Partial port of prelude to the type level
Support functions to work with type representations
Classes for the rig (sums and products) of types
Type safe BST and AVL trees
Type set
Type-level sets
Sets and functions-as-relations in the type system
Type Level Specification by Example
A spine-view on types
Type structure analysis
Substitute types for other types with Template Haskell
Tree representations of datatypes
Type-level and typed unary natural numbers, inequality proofs, vectors