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Showing entries 52601-52700 out of 54071.
Some kind of the optimization approach to data inner structure
Metrices for the maximum element for the uniqueness-periods-vector packages family
A very basic descriptive statistics
Aliases for ()
Extremely simple typeclass
A domain-specific type system for dimensional analysis
Attoparsec parsers for the units package
Definitions for use with the units package
A parser for units of measure
An extendable library for type-safe computations including units
Unity3D TestResults parser
A monad type class shared between web services
Implementaation of unitym for Servant servers
Implementation of the unity monad for the Yesod framework
Parser for OS X Universal Binary format
universeuniverseNix package
A class for finite and recursively enumerable types
universeuniverse_1_2_3Nix package
A class for finite and recursively enumerable types
universe-baseuniverse-baseNix package
A class for finite and recursively enumerable types
universe-baseuniverse-base_1_1_4Nix package
A class for finite and recursively enumerable types
universe-dependent-sumuniverse-dependent-sumNix package
Universe instances for types from dependent-sum
universe-dependent-sumuniverse-dependent-sum_1_3_1Nix package
Universe instances for types from dependent-sum
Universe instances for types from the base package
universe-instances-extendeduniverse-instances-extendedNix package
Universe instances for types from selected extra packages
universe-instances-extendeduniverse-instances-extended_1_1_4Nix package
Universe instances for types from selected extra packages
Universe instances for types from the transformers and mtl packages
universe-reverse-instancesuniverse-reverse-instancesNix package
Instances of standard classes that are made possible by enumerations
universe-reverse-instancesuniverse-reverse-instances_1_1_2Nix package
Instances of standard classes that are made possible by enumerations
universe-someuniverse-someNix package
Universe instances for Some from some
universe-someuniverse-some_1_2_2Nix package
Universe instances for Some from some
Construct a Dec's ancestor list
Custom prelude used in Serokell
POSIX functionality
Unix/Posix-specific functions for ByteStrings
Portable POSIX-compatibility layer
Comprehensive bindings to fcntl(2)
POSIX operations on Handles
Support for writev, pwrite and pread
Unix memory syscalls
Run processes on Unix systems, with a conduit interface (deprecated)
POSIX pseudo-terminal support
Fast and flexible primitives for recursive file system IO on Posix systems
Straightforward bindings to the posix API
Unix time parser/formatter and utilities
A crude interface between Haskell and Unix-like operating systems
A simple interface to shadow passwords (aka, shadow.h)
Bidirectional JSON parsing and generation
Unlambda interpreter
Unleash feature toggle client
Unleash feature toggle client core
Typeclass for monads that can be unlifted to arbitrary base monads
(un)lifted classes and functions for the STM monad
Unlifted and levity-polymorphic types
GHC Haskell lists of non-thunks (things of kind TYPE 'UnliftedRep)
The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO (batteries included)
The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO
Fast and robust message queues for concurrent processes
UnliftIO using well-typed Paths
Use MonadUnliftIO on servant APIs
Generalization of io-streams to MonadUnliftIO
Tool to convert literate code between styles or to code
A Library for the manipulation of images
Extract useful information from Amiga MED files
Efficient hashing-based container types
Rematch support for unordered containers
Graph library using unordered-containers
A specialization of HashMap Int v
Monad transformers that mirror worker-wrapper transformations
Unpacked containers via backpack
An unpacked either data type
An unpacked maybe data type
Maybes of numeric values with fewer indirections
Optional text that unpacks well
An unpacked these data type
An unpacked validation data type
An attoparsec roundtrip
Compiler plugin for loop unrolling
Unified interface to unsafe functions
Create pure futures using lazy IO
Flexible access control for unsafe operations and instances
Like unsafeperformIO, but for the ST monad
Unsatisfiable type class
Solve Boggle-like word games
An extension removing the sequentiality from monads
Utility construction of the graph depending unusable packages
A command line tool to identify unused code
Unwrapping sums/products lifted to functors
Units of measure as a GHC type-checker plugin
Command-line tool to generate paths for moving upward in a file system
Software management tool
Please see the README on GitHub at
update-nix-fetchgithaskellPackages.update-nix-fetchgitNix package
A program to update fetchgit values in Nix expressions
update-nix-fetchgitupdate-nix-fetchgitNix package
A program to update fetchgit values in Nix expressions
Update all your git repositories with just one command
Monadic FRP library based on stm
A style of maintaining and upgrading Haskell projects
Haskell client for Uploadcare
Upload test
OAuth helper and remote fetcher for Uppy's ( extensible file upload widget with su…