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Showing entries 8901-9000 out of 54071.
JSX-like but for Haskell
Call GPT4 from your Haskell apps
Interpolated Haskell
Incremental HTTP iteratee
ijavascriptnodePackagesNix package
IJavascript is a Javascript kernel for the Jupyter notebook
ijavascriptnodePackages_latestNix package
IJavascript is a Javascript kernel for the Jupyter notebook
Optimised list functions for doing index-related things
A fast syntax highlighting library built with alex
Determine the type of an image by reading the first bytes
Image Filters (contrast, brightness, gaussian blur, etc)
Bindings to imagemagick library
Command-line image paste utility
Determine the size of some common image formats
An efficient IMAP client library, with SSL and streaming
Downloads email from imap SSL servers
imapnotifyimapnotifyNix package
Execute scripts on new messages using IDLE imap command
imapnotifynodePackages_latest.imapnotifyNix package
Execute scripts on new messages using IDLE imap command
Minimalistic .bib reference manager
A function to post an image to imgur
Uploader for Imgur
Animation Framework
Game engine with geometry, easing, animated text, delta rendering
A game with flying numbers and 8-bit color animations
An application to determine the maximum capacity of stdout buffer
Prelude library
Haskell binding for Imlib 2
Execute arbitrary actions for each item from RSS/Atom feeds
immortalimmortalNix package
Spawn threads that never die (unless told to do so)
immortalimmortal_0_2_2_1Nix package
Spawn threads that never die (unless told to do so)
Build a pool of queue-processing worker threads
Create worker threads that logs exceptions and restarts
A GHC plugin for automatically importing modules
Multi-platform parser analyzer and generator
Deep embedding of imperative programs with code generation
Deep embedding of VHDL programs with code generation
A library for writing Imperative style haskell
Framework for defaulting superclasses
A math-inspired programmatic 2D & 3D CAD system
Auto generate hie-bios cradles & hie.yaml
Auto generate hie-bios cradles
A logging framework built around implicit parameters
Named and unnamed implicit parameters with defaults
Helps maintain consistency of imports
Tool for haskell imports refactoring
Generate code for importing directories automatically
Set of data and type definitions of impossible types
Reactive programming language based on a DSL
Imprevu support for Happstack
Serialization of arbitrary Haskell expressions
An imperative, verifiable programming language for high assurance applications
Imperative approach to testing stateful applications
Mutable containers in Haskell
A higher-order effect system where the sky's the limit
Disambiguate obvious uses of effects when using in-other-words
Editor and interpreter for Interaction Nets
Inbox for asychronous messages
A STM reference useful for incremental computing
A type-checker for Haskell with integer constraints
Simple parser combinators for lexical analysis
A Prelude for Polysemy
incipit-baseincipit-baseNix package
A Prelude for Polysemy – Base Reexports
incipit-baseincipit-base_0_6_1_0Nix package
A Prelude for Polysemy – Base Reexports
incipit-coreincipit-coreNix package
A Prelude for Polysemy
incipit-coreincipit-core_0_6_1_0Nix package
A Prelude for Polysemy
Include the value of an environment variable at compile time
Inclusion of files in executables at compile-time
Incremental update library
Incremental computing
Package for doing incremental computations on maps
Generic parser library capable of providing partial results from partial input
Simple, Incremental SAT Solving as a Library
Type classes for incremental updates to data
Fix your indentation
Indentation sensitive parsing combinators for Parsec and Trifecta
Indentation sensitive parsing combinators core library
Indentation sensitive parsing combinators for Parsec
Indentation sensitive parsing combinators for Trifecta
Combinators for parsing indentation based syntatic structures
A parser for indentation based structures
Indentation sensitive parser-combinators for parsec
Indexed Types
Tools for entity indexation
Haskell98 indexed functors, monads, comonads
Simple, no-frills indexed lists
Do notation for indexed monads
Indexed functors, monads and comonads that require extensions to Haskell98
Indexed monads for free
Type safe indexed list literals
Utilities for indexed profunctors
Indexed State
Atkey indexed monad transformers
FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex
More instances of FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex
Length- and element-indexed lists sitting somewhere between homogeneous and fully heterogeneous
A series of type families and constraints for "indexable" types
Indian Language Font Converter
Multi-dimensional statically bounded indices
A collection of implementations of IndieWeb algorithms
Convenient imperative eDSL over Lorentz
Automatic differentiation and backpropagation