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Showing entries 8801-8900 out of 54071.
Some useful functions for Idris
Arrowized FRP library for Idris with static safety guarantees
Free Monads and useful constructions to work with them
Comonads for Idris
GLFW bindings for Idris
Parser and library for graphviz dot files
Idris Hash Array Mapped Trie
Theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic in Idris, with metaprogramming features
Idris library for high resolution time
Idris library to interact with HTML
HTTP library for idris
Experimental HTTP framework for Idris
Recursion scheme library for Idris
Semantic highlighter for Idris code
FFI Bindings to interact with the unsafe world of JavaScript
Parser for Idris iPkg files written in Idris using Lightyear
Js library for Idris
Js libraries for idris
Van Laarhoven lenses for Idris
Parser combinators for Idris
Propositional logic tools, inspired by the Coq standard library
Idris mapping library
Binding of the GNU libmicrohttpd library to the Idris C backend
Proof that Idris is pacman complete
Immutable map from integer keys to values based on patricia tree
Type-safe way of working with permutations in Idris
Purely functional data structures in Idris
Composable and effectful production, transformation and consumption of streams of data
System POSIX bindings for Idris
Prelude builtin Idris library
Pruviloj builtin Idris library
Type-safe physical computations and unit conversions in Idris
Idris rational number type built from paths in the Stern Brocot tree
Recursion schemes for Idris
Port of Scala/Haskell Refined library to Idris
SDL2 binding for Idris
Semidirect products in Idris
Idris proofs for extensional equalities
Well-typed symmetric-monoidal category of concurrent processes
Collection of Idris snippets
Code for Software Foundations in Idris
Testing library for Idris
Simple TAP producer and consumer/reporter for Idris
Testing Utilities for Idris programs
Port of Haskell tf-random
Idris parser and serializer/deserealizer for TL language
TOML parser for Idris
Strongly Typed Paths for Idris
TParsec - Total Parser Combinators in Idris
Composable algorithmic transformation
Trees in Idris
UnionType in Idris
Virtual DOM in pure Idris
Abstract vector spaces in Idris
Idris library to interact with WebGL
Wadler-Leijen pretty-printing library
Little web server written in Idris
Idris library to interact with xhr
Idris YAML lib
Idris implementation of Yampa FRP library as described in Reactive Programming through Dependent T…
Indexable, serializable form of Data
Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers
Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers
Parser for IEEE-754 floating-point values
Version of Control
Library for the IEX Trading API
(?) and (?>) conditional operator
Branch on whether a constraint is satisfied
Put if statements within type constraints
Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow
Constructing and dissecting IFF files
Iterated Function System generation for Haskell
An inductive-form set constraint solver
Bindings to Instagram's API
An keyboard-driven interactive graph editor
Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library
Handle ignore files of different VCSes
Bindings to the igraph C library
International Geomagnetic Reference Field
ihaskellihaskellNix package
A Haskell backend kernel for the Jupyter project
ihaskellihaskell_0_12_0_0Nix package
A Haskell backend kernel for the Jupyter project
IHaskell display instances for Aeson
IHaskell display instances for basic types
IHaskell display instances for blaze-html types
IHaskell display instances for charts types
IHaskell display instances for diagram types
IHaskell display instances for basic types
IHaskell display instance for Gnuplot (from gnuplot package)
IHaskell display instance for GraphViz (external binary)
IHaskell display instances for hatex
IHaskell display instance for hvega types
Embed R quasiquotes and plots in IHaskell notebooks
IHaskell - IHaskellDisplay instances of the image types of the JuicyPixels package
IHaskell display instances for bytestrings
IHaskell display instances for Parsec
IHaskell display instance for Plot (from plot package)
A rDisp quasiquote to show plots from Rlang-QQ in IHaskell
IPython standard widgets for IHaskell