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Showing entries 8701-8800 out of 54071.
Hydrogen Command Line Arguments Parser
Hydrogen Data
Hydrogen Multimap
Hydrogen Parsing Utilities
Hydrogen Prelude
Hydrogen Prelude /w
Hydrogen Syntax
Hydrogen Tools
Hydrogen Version Type
Simple web application server
WebGL live-coding environment for writing shaders with Hylogen
A package for solving dynamic programming problems in Haskell
GLSL embedded in Haskell
Tools for hybrid logics related programs
Tableau based theorem prover for hybrid logics
Very small programs for hybrid logics
Display class for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter
Display instances for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter
Server back-end for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter
Interactive HTML apps using type-safe serverside Haskell
A fast, trustworthy HTTP(s) server built
Hypergeometric function of a matrix argument
Hypergeometric functions
Reliable performance measurement with robust data export
An approximate streaming (constant space) unique object counter
Approximate cardinality estimation using constant space
A thin wrapper for the Hyperpublic API
A parser for the _hyperscript programming language
Typed ASTs
Text hyphenation algorithm
Configurable Knuth-Liang hyphenation
A Haskell neo4j client
Modules for parsing, generating and manipulating AB1 files
Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover
This package is Zaif Exchange Api wrapper
Zenhan library for Haskell
Haskell interface to Zenity dialogs
Haskell client library for Apache Zookeeper
A haskell wrapper for the Zulip API
iNix package
Haskell interval types
Internationalization for Haskell
Code for the Haskell course taught at the University of Seville
Base i3blocks written in haskell
A type-safe wrapper around i3's IPC
A simple wrapper of In-App-Purchase receipt validate APIs
An API for the Interactive Brokers Trading Workstation written in pure Haskell
Validate and generate IBANs
A simple uncomplete ibus api
ICalendar format parser and org-mode converter
ICalendar data types, parser, and printer
Lattice iCE40 Primitive IP
icepeakhaskellPackages.icepeakNix package
A fast JSON document store with push notification support
icepeakicepeakNix package
A fast JSON document store with push notification support
A strange message received at the Pegovka observatory
Library for generating grids of hexagons and pentagons mapped to a sphere
Package for handling icon fonts in Haskell
String encoding conversion
Type safe iconv wrapper
An IDE backend library
Shared library used be ide-backend and ide-backend-server
RTS for the IDE backend
An IDE backend server
Feedback services for intelligent tutoring systems
Interactive domain reasoner for logic and mathematics
Common types for mathematical domain reasoners
Interactive domain reasoner for statistics
Idempotent monoids
Flexible generation of identicons
Squares style for the identicon package
Numeric identifiers for values
ID3v2 (tagging standard for MP3 files) library
Deriving Applicative for sum types
Implements IDNA (RFC 3490)
Converts Unicode hostnames into ASCII
A project manage tool for Idris
idrishaskellPackagesNix package
Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
idrisidrisPackagesNix package
Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
Primitive flat arrays containing Idris values
Base builtin Idris library
Idris Binary Integer Arithmetic, porting PArith, NArith, and ZArith from Coq
Small bifunctor library for idris
FFI-based byte buffers for Idris
Idris FFI binding for html5 canvas 2d api
Category Theory
Some Idris libraries including nodejs bindings and ISO8601 Date and Time
Comonads for Idris
Composition extras for Idris
Parsers for various configuration files written in Idris
Idris library to interact with the browser console
Various data structures for use in the Idris Language
Contrib builtin Idris library
Implementation of the Lambda Cube in Idris
Type class deriving with elaboration reflection
Descriptions, levitation, and reflecting the elaborator
Dict k v in Idris
Idris library to interact with the DOM
Effects builtin Idris library
Electron bindings for Idris
Infix pipe operators and some Nat, Float, String conversions