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Showing entries 9301-9400 out of 54071.
Stack-based concatenative language embedded in Haskell
A fast JASONETTE-iOS JSON combinator library for haskell
Create immutable algebraic data structures for Java
Bindings to the JNI and a high level interface generator
Utilities for working with the java-bridge package
Functions to simulate Java's Character class
The etude of the Haskell programming
Tools for reflecting on Java classes
Java class files
Remote Monad for JavaScript on the browser
Extra javascript functions when using GHCJS
A utility to print the SourceFile attribute of one or more Java class files
A utility to print the SourceFile attribute of one or more Java class files
A utility to print the target version of Java class files
A utility to print the target version of Java class files
Labeled one-dimensional arrays
IO operations for the javelin package
Library for modeling jazz improvisation
Just Build It - a "do what I mean" abstraction for Haskell build tools
JCDecaux self-service bicycles API client
A Json implementation for Haskell, with JavaScript Values and Encoding/Decoding
Implementation of Java Debug Interface
Generate a cabal freeze file from a stack.yaml
Generate nix for Jenkins plugins
Extract all JavaScript from an HTML page and consolidate it in one script
Please see the README on GitHub at
Yet another streaming library
A transpiler from Python to C++ for competitive programming
Unit conversion and manipulation library
Handle Jira wiki markup
Functional sed for JSON
QuasiQuotation library for programmatic generation of Javascript code
JSON-RPC clients and servers using JMacro, and evented client-server Reactive Programming
Happstack backend for jmacro-rpc
Snap backend for jmacro-rpc
Common utilities for running a web service
Jmonkey is very restricted but handy EDSL for JavaScript
Complete JNI raw bindings
Job queue
A job queue library
A library for creating a jobs management website running custom jobs
Parallel Join Patterns with Guards and Propagation
Bindings for Join push notifications
Join list - symmetric list type
Trying to compose non-composable
An implementation of the Jonathan's Card API
joplinjoplinNix package
Joplin CLI Client
joplinnodePackages_latest.joplinNix package
Joplin CLI Client
Geographical Position Calculations
JSON with Structure
OpenAPI Definitions for Jordan, Automatically
Servant Combinators for Jordan
Servant Client Instances for Jordan Servant Types
OpenAPI schemas for Jordan-Powered Servant APIs
Servers for Jordan-Based Servant Combinators
JP's own ray tracer
JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) library
jose-jwtjose-jwtNix package
JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library
jose-jwtjose-jwt_0_10_0Nix package
JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library
Tiny markdown notebook
Stream logs using journalctl
Transform Joy code using conditional rewrite rules
A library for decoding JPEG files written in pure Haskell
Ephemerides for solar system objects from the JPL Horizons service
Jump point search for Haskell
js-beautifynodePackagesNix package for node
js-beautifynodePackages_latestNix package for node
Obtain minified chart.js code
Obtain minified jquery.dgtable code
Obtain minified flot code
Obtain minified jQuery code
js-yamlnodePackagesNix package
YAML 1.2 parser and serializer
js-yamlnodePackages_latestNix package
YAML 1.2 parser and serializer
Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC
Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC
DOM library that uses jsaddle to support both GHCJS and GHC
JSaddle Hello World, an example package
Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC
Run JSaddle JSM with the GHC WASM backend
Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC
Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC
Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC
High level interface for webkit-javascriptcore
Design-by-contract for JavaScript
jsdocnodePackagesNix package
An API documentation generator for JavaScript
jsdocnodePackages_latestNix package
An API documentation generator for JavaScript
jshintnodePackagesNix package
Static analysis tool for JavaScript
jshintnodePackages_latestNix package
Static analysis tool for JavaScript
Javascript Monadic Writer base package
jsonhaskellPackagesNix package
Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON
jsonnodePackagesNix package
A 'json' command for massaging and processing JSON on the command line
jsonnodePackages_latestNix package
A 'json' command for massaging and processing JSON on the command line
Union 'alternative' or Either that has untagged JSON encoding
Utilities for generating JSON-API payloads
Utilities for generating JSON-API payloads
Test that your (Aeson) JSON encoding matches your expectations
Universal JSON AST datastructure
Encoders of JSON AST
Compatibility layer for "json-ast" and "QuickCheck"