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Showing entries 9501-9600 out of 54071.
Generic KVS API
Generic KVS API
A library for creating and using Jupyter kernels
JuPyTer notebook parser
Keyed container types with type-checked proofs of key presence
A simple and comprehensive Haskell parsing library
Call JVM methods from Haskell
Provides batched marshalling of values between Java and Haskell
A library for reading Java class-files
A parser for JVM bytecode files
Expose Java iterators as streams from the streaming package
JSON Web Token (JWT) decoding and encoding
Some utility functions for JYU projects
Application wrapper for the k8s environment
An implementation of the Kademlia DHT Protocol
Low-level Haskell client library for Apache Kafka 0.7
Synchronous Kafka Client
UI device events via a Kafka message broker
GLUT events via a Kafka message broker
Linux joystick events via a Kafka message broker
Leap Motion events via a Kafka message broker
Linux SpaceNavigator events via a Kafka message broker
VRPN events via a Kafka message broker
Serialization for kafka wire protocol
Haskell Kaleidoscope tutorial
Kalman and particle filters and smoothers
A slightly extended Kalman filter
Kan extensions, Kan lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads
Binary parsing with random access
Perform 漢字検定 (Japan Kanji Aptitude Test) level analysis on Japanese Kanji
A JavaScript push mechanism based on the comet idiom
Kansas Lava is a hardware simulator and VHDL generator
FPGA Cores Written in Kansas Lava
Kansas Lava support files for the Papilio FPGA board
Shake rules for building Kansas Lava projects
Karabiner elements configuration generation
Good stateful automata
Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets
A simple template engine, inspired by jinja2
katexnodePackagesNix package
Fast math typesetting for the web
katexnodePackages_latestNix package
Fast math typesetting for the web
A structured logging framework
Datadog scribe for the Katip logging framework
Katip integration for Effectful
ElasticSearch scribe for the Katip logging framework
Katip scribe to send logs to Kafka
Logstash backend for katip
Katip scribe for raven (
Katip scribe that logs to Rollbar
A katip scribe for logging to json
Syslog Katip Scribe
katip-waikatip-waiNix package
WAI middleware for logging request and response info through katip
katip-waikatip-wai_0_2_0_0Nix package
WAI middleware for logging request and response info through katip
Client for the Kattis judge system
A haskell implementation of Katydid
Key-value store in single files
Utilities for serving static sites and blogs with Wai/Warp
A simple parsing library library
Fast concurrent queues much inspired by unagi-chan
Rpoku spoken word programming language
Kayak .kcd parsing library
A simple k-d tree implementation
Build profiles for kdesrc-build
Build profiles for kdesrc-build
Fast and flexible k-d trees for various types of point queries
KdTree, for efficient search in K-dimensional point clouds
Cryptographic functions based on the sponge construction
DSL for creating zero-knowledge proofs
Initial project template from stack
TCP keep alive implementation
Mutable memory locations with callbacks
Rapid Gtk Application Development - I18N
Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based controller for MVC applications
Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based global environment for MVC applications
Rapid Gtk Application Development - Reactive Protected Light Models
Rapid Gtk Application Development - Protected Reactive Models
Haskell on Gtk rails - Easy handling of configuration files
Haskell on Gtk rails - Solutions to recurrent problems in Gtk applications
Haskell on Gtk rails - Generic View for MVC applications
Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based View for MVC applications
Reactive Haskell on Rails - CBMVars as reactive values
Haskell on Rails - Files as Reactive Values
Haskell on Gtk rails - Reactive Fields for Gtk widgets
Keera Hails Reactive bindings for HTML DOM via GHCJS
Haskell on Rails - Sockets as Reactive Values
Haskell on Rails - Polling based Readable RVs
Haskell on Rails - Reactive Fields for WX widgets
Haskell on Rails - FRP Yampa Signal Functions as RVs
Reactive Haskell on Rails - Lenses applied to Reactive Values
Haskell on Rails - Reactive Values
Get notifications when your sitting posture is inappropriate
Core parts of Keid engine
Reactive Banana integration for Keid engine
Geometry primitives for Keid engine
Basic rendering programs for Keid engine
GLTF loader for Keid engine
OpenAL sound system for Keid engine