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Showing entries 9601-9700 out of 54071.
DearImGui elements for Keid engine
Multi-process orchestration for development and integration testing
Kempe compiler
Manage and abstract your packer configurations
Haskell implementation of nix-hash
A super small web framework for those who don't like big and fancy codebases
keterketerNix package
Web application deployment manager, focusing on Haskell web frameworks
keterketer_2_1_8Nix package
Web application deployment manager, focusing on Haskell web frameworks
Data validation in Haskell that is composable, made easy and clean
A dAmn ↔ IRC proxy
CLI and library to generate QR codes
Type-safe unconstrained dynamic typing
Manage key and button states and statuses
Store of values of arbitrary types
Please see the README on GitHub at
Maps web browser keycodes to their corresponding keyboard keys
Generic indexing for many data structures
An abstract Handle for accessing collections in stores like Redis
Validate a keyed-vals Handle
Implements a keyed-vals Handle using in-process memory
Access Redis using a keyed-vals Handle
Tools for macOS .keylayout files
keyoxidenodePackagesNix package
CLI for Keyoxide
keyoxidenodePackages_latestNix package
CLI for Keyoxide
Keyring access
keyskeysNix package
Keyed functors and containers
keyskeys_3_12_4Nix package
Keyed functors and containers
Back up a secret key securely to the cloud
Managing stores of secret things
Pure Haskell key/value store implementation
Extract data from a keyword-args config file format
Command-line file tagging and organization tool
A lightweight structured concurrency library
Adaptation of the ki library for the effectful ecosystem
A lightweight structured concurrency library
Parser and writer for KiCad files
Parses torrent dumps
Kick Channels: bounded channels with non-blocking writes
A compiler from Curry to Haskell
Debug features for kics
A transformation used by the kics debugger
Process KIF iOS test logs
Boolean strong typing
Utilities to work with lists of types
Generic programming in GHC style for arbitrary kinds and GADTs
Generic programming in GHC style for arbitrary kinds and GADTs
Template Haskell support for generating GenericK instances
Type-level integers
Type-level rationals
A category polymorphic Functor typeclass
Emulation of subkinds and subkind polymorphism
A dependency manager for Xcode (Objective-C) projects
Kleene algebra
A list type based on the Kleene star and plus
Variants of Control
K-means clustering algorithm
Sequential and parallel implementations of Lloyd's algorithm
An implementation of the kmeans clustering algorithm based on the vector package
K_M,N quadratic programming
kmonadhaskellPackages.kmonadNix package
Advanced keyboard remapping utility
kmonadkmonadNix package
Advanced keyboard remapping utility
Knuth–Morris–Pratt string searching algorithm
KMP algorithm implementation, based on Deterministic Finite State Automata
Repa-like array processing using LLVM JIT
Linear algebra and interpolation using LLVM JIT
Ties the knot on data structures that reference each other by unique keys
A minimal Rmarkdown sort-of-thing for haskell, by way of Pandoc
Memory-backed handles
Khovanov homology computations
"map German words to code representing pronunciation"
Koji buildsystem XML-RPC API bindings
CLI tool for installing rpms directly from Fedora Koji
koji-toolkoji-toolNix package
Koji CLI tool for querying tasks and installing builds
koji-toolkoji-tool_1_2Nix package
Koji CLI tool for querying tasks and installing builds
A concatenative not-quite-lisp for kittens
A configuration language and a parser
Formalising the rules of Konnakol, an Indian percussional art form
JSON config file parsing based on unjson
Utilities for working with many HStringTemplate templates from files
Client to Koofr API
Korea Holidays
The Korfu ORF Utility
Extracts values from /proc/cmdline
A binding to the kqueue event library API client
krankhaskellPackages.krankNix package
Krank checks issue tracker link status in your source code
krankkrankNix package
Krank checks issue tracker link status in your source code
Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets
Category for Continuation Passing Style
KRPC protocol implementation
Kolmogorov distribution and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
A library with the kerbal space program universe and demo code
System management tooling
A binding for libktx from Khronos
Khronos texture format
Client library for Kubernetes
Auto-generated kubernetes-client-core API Client
Create Kubernetes Admission Webhooks in Haskell
Coverage driven random testing framework