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Showing entries 201-300 out of 1155.
dbus-sharpNix package
D-Bus for .NET
dbus-sharp-glibdbus-sharp-glib-1_0Nix package
D-Bus for .NET:
dbus-sharp-glibdbus-sharp-glib-2_0Nix package
D-Bus for .NET:
dee-unstableNix package
Library that uses DBus to provide objects allowing you to create Model-View-Controller type progra…
discord-rpcNix package
Official library to interface with the Discord client
dracoNix package
Library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds
drumstickkdePackagesNix package
MIDI libraries for Qt/C++
drumsticklibsForQt5Nix package
MIDI libraries for Qt/C++
duckdbNix package
Embeddable SQL OLAP Database Management System
dxflibNix package
DXF file format library
eccodeseccodesNix package
ECMWF library for reading and writing GRIB, BUFR and GTS abbreviated header
eccodespython312Packages.eccodesNix package
ECMWF library for reading and writing GRIB, BUFR and GTS abbreviated header
eccodespython313Packages.eccodesNix package
ECMWF library for reading and writing GRIB, BUFR and GTS abbreviated header
eigeneigenNix package
C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms
eigeneigen2Nix package
C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms
embreeembreeNix package
High performance ray tracing kernels from Intel
embreeembree2Nix package
High performance ray tracing kernels from Intel
XML parsing library for C
Lossless data-compression library
enchantNix package
Generic spell checking library
farstreamNix package
Audio/Video Communications Framework formely known as farsight
ffmpegffmpegNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpegffmpeg_4Nix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpegffmpeg_6Nix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpegffmpeg_7Nix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-fullffmpeg-fullNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-fullffmpeg_4-fullNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-fullffmpeg_6-fullNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-fullffmpeg_7-fullNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-headlessffmpeg-headlessNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-headlessffmpeg_4-headlessNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-headlessffmpeg_6-headlessNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-headlessffmpeg_7-headlessNix package
Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
ffmpeg-livepeerNix package
flatbuffersflatbuffersNix package
Memory Efficient Serialization Library
flatbuffersflatbuffers_23Nix package
Memory Efficient Serialization Library
flatbuffersflatbuffers_2_0Nix package
Memory Efficient Serialization Library
flintNix package
Fast Library for Number Theory
flint3Nix package
Fast Library for Number Theory
fltkfltkNix package
C++ cross-platform lightweight GUI library
fltkfltk-minimalNix package
C++ cross-platform lightweight GUI library
fltkfltk14Nix package
C++ cross-platform lightweight GUI library
fltkfltk14-minimalNix package
C++ cross-platform lightweight GUI library
fmtfmtNix package
Small, safe and fast formatting library
fmtfmt_11Nix package
Small, safe and fast formatting library
fmtfmt_9Nix package
Small, safe and fast formatting library
fontconfigNix package
Library for font customization and configuration
foxfoxNix package
C++ based class library for building Graphical User Interfaces
foxfox_1_6Nix package
C++ based class library for building Graphical User Interfaces
fplllfplllNix package
Lattice algorithms using floating-point arithmetic
fplllfplll_20160331Nix package
Lattice algorithms using floating-point arithmetic
Open Source library for accessing popular graphics image file formats
freenectNix package
Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on Windows, Linux, and macOS
frog-v0.13.7Nix package
Tagger-Lemmatizer-Morphological-Analyzer-Dependency-Parser for Dutch
Data for Frog, a Tagger-Lemmatizer-Morphological-Analyzer-Dependency-Parser for Dutch
futuresqlfuturesqlNix package
futuresqlkdePackages.futuresqlNix package
futuresqllibsForQt5.futuresqlNix package
g2oNix package
General Framework for Graph Optimization
GameNetworkingSockets is a basic transport layer for games
gcrgcrNix package
GNOME crypto services (daemon and tools)
gcrgcr_4Nix package
GNOME crypto services (daemon and tools)
gdNix package
Dynamic image creation library
gdalgdalNix package
Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
gdalpython312Packages.gdalNix package
Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
gdalpython313Packages.gdalNix package
Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
gdal-minimalNix package
Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
gdcmNix package
Grassroots cross-platform DICOM implementation
gdk-pixbufNix package
Library for image loading and manipulation
gdk-pixbuf-xlibNix package
Deprecated API for integrating GdkPixbuf with Xlib data types
gecodegecodeNix package
Toolkit for developing constraint-based systems
gecodegecode_3Nix package
Toolkit for developing constraint-based systems
geglNix package
Graph-based image processing framework
gensioNix package
General Stream I/O
geoipNix package
API for GeoIP/Geolocation databases
geoip-toolsNix package
API for GeoIP/Geolocation databases
geosgeosNix package
C/C++ library for computational geometry with a focus on algorithms used in geographic information…
geosgeos_3_9Nix package
C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
getdnsNix package
Modern asynchronous DNS API
gettextNix package
Well integrated set of translation tools and documentation
givarogivaroNix package
C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
givarogivaro_3Nix package
C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
givarogivaro_3_7Nix package
C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
glewglewNix package
OpenGL extension loading library for C/C++
glewglew-eglNix package
OpenGL extension loading library for C/C++
glewglew110Nix package
OpenGL extension loading library for C(++)
glfwNix package
Multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse,…
glibcglibcNix package
GNU C Library
glibciconvNix package
GNU C Library
glibc-gdNix package
GNU C Library
glibc-infoNix package
GNU Info manual of the GNU C Library
glibc-localesglibcLocalesNix package
Locale information for the GNU C Library
glibc-localesglibcLocalesUtf8Nix package
Locale information for the GNU C Library
glibc-mtraceNix package
Perl script used to interpret and provide human readable output of the trace log contained in the …
glibc-multiNix package
glibmmglibmmNix package
C++ interface to the GLib library
glibmmglibmm_2_68Nix package
C++ interface to the GLib library
gmimeNix package
C/C++ library for creating, editing and parsing MIME messages and structures