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Showing entries 601-700 out of 2664.
gluNix package
OpenGL utility library
gluiNix package
User interface library using OpenGL
gmimegmimeNix package
C/C++ library for creating, editing and parsing MIME messages and structures
gmimegmime3Nix package
C/C++ library for creating, editing and parsing MIME messages and structures
gmmNix package
Generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices
gmpgmp4Nix package
GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
gmpgmp5Nix package
GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
gmp-with-cxxgmpNix package
GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
gmp-with-cxxgmpxxNix package
GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
gnetNix package
Network library, written in C, object-oriented, and built upon GLib
gnome-desktopNix package
Library with common API for various GNOME modules
gnome-menusNix package
Library that implements freedesktops's Desktop Menu Specification in GNOME
Single sign-on framework for GNOME
Collection of GStreamer effects to be used in different GNOME Modules
gnu-configNix package
Attempt to guess a canonical system name
gnu-efiNix package
GNU EFI development toolchain
gnutlsNix package
GNU Transport Layer Security Library
Middleware layer between C libraries and language bindings
Middleware layer between C libraries and language bindings
gofficeNix package
Glib/GTK set of document centric objects and utilities
gomNix package
GObject to SQLite object mapper
goocanvasgoocanvasNix package
Canvas widget for GTK based on the the Cairo 2D library
goocanvasgoocanvas2Nix package
Canvas widget for GTK based on the the Cairo 2D library
goocanvasgoocanvas3Nix package
Canvas widget for GTK based on the the Cairo 2D library
goocanvasmmNix package
C++ bindings for GooCanvas
google-cloud-cppNix package
C++ Idiomatic Clients for Google Cloud Platform services
gperftoolsNix package
Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
gpgmegpgmeNix package
Library for making GnuPG easier to use
gpgmekdePackages.qgpgmeNix package
Library for making GnuPG easier to use
gpgmelibsForQt5.qgpgmeNix package
Library for making GnuPG easier to use
gpgmepython311Packages.gpgmeNix package
Library for making GnuPG easier to use
gpgmepython312Packages.gpgmeNix package
Library for making GnuPG easier to use
grailNix package
Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library
grantleeNix package
Libraries for text templating with Qt
grapheneNix package
Thin layer of graphic data types
graphite2Nix package
Advanced font engine
griloNix package
Framework that provides access to various sources of multimedia content, using a pluggable system
grilo-pluginsNix package
Collection of plugins for the Grilo framework
grpcNix package
C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
gsaslNix package
GNU SASL, Simple Authentication and Security Layer library
Collection of GSettings schemas for settings shared by various components of a desktop
gsettings-qtNix package
Library to access GSettings from Qt
gsignondNix package
D-Bus service which performs user authentication on behalf of its clients
gslNix package
GNU Scientific Library, a large numerical library
gsl-liteNix package
A single-file header-only version of ISO C++ Guidelines Support Library (GSL) for C++98, C++11, an…
gsmNix package
Lossy speech compression codec
gsmlib-unstableNix package
Library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems
gsoapNix package
C/C++ toolkit for SOAP web services and XML-based applications
gsoundNix package
Small library for playing system sounds
gspellNix package
Spell-checking library for GTK applications
gssNix package
Generic Security Service
gssdpgssdpNix package
GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
gssdpgssdp_1_6Nix package
GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
gssdp-toolsNix package
Device Sniffer tool based on GSSDP framework
gtdialogNix package
Cross-platform helper for creating interactive dialogs
gtestgmockNix package
Google's framework for writing C++ tests
gtestgtestNix package
Google's framework for writing C++ tests
gthreeNix package
GObject/GTK port of three.js
gtk+gnome2.gtkNix package
Multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
gtk+gtk2-x11Nix package
Multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
gtk+3gtk3Nix package
Multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
gtk+3gtk3-x11Nix package
Multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
Original Bluecurve engine from Red Hat's artwork package
Very flexible theme engine
gtk-enginesNix package
Theme engines for GTK 2
gtk-frdpNix package
RDP viewer widget for GTK
gtk-layer-shellNix package
Library to create panels and other desktop components for Wayland using the Layer Shell protocol
gtk-mac-integrationgtk-mac-integrationNix package
Provides integration for GTK applications into the Mac desktop
gtk-mac-integrationgtk-mac-integration-gtk2Nix package
Provides integration for GTK applications into the Mac desktop
gtk-sharpgtk-sharp-2_0Nix package
Graphical User Interface Toolkit for mono and .Net
gtk-sharpgtk-sharp-3_0Nix package
gtk-sharp-beansNix package
Binds some API from GTK that isn't in GTK# 2.12.x
gtk4Nix package
Multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
gtk4-layer-shellNix package
Library to create panels and other desktop components for Wayland using the Layer Shell protocol a…
gtkdNix package
D binding and OO wrapper for GTK
gtkdataboxNix package
GTK widget for displaying large amounts of numerical data
gtkextraNix package
GtkExtra is a useful set of widgets for creating GUI's for GTK+
gtkimageviewNix package
Image viewer widget for GTK
gtkmmgnome2.gtkmmNix package
C++ interface to the GTK graphical user interface library
gtkmmgtkmm3Nix package
C++ interface to the GTK graphical user interface library
gtkmmgtkmm4Nix package
C++ interface to the GTK graphical user interface library
gtksourceviewgtksourceviewNix package
gtksourceviewgtksourceview4Nix package
Source code editing widget for GTK
gtksourceviewgtksourceview5Nix package
Source code editing widget for GTK
gtksourceviewmmgtksourceviewmmNix package
C++ wrapper for gtksourceview
gtksourceviewmmgtksourceviewmm4Nix package
C++ wrapper for gtksourceview
gtkspellgtkspell2Nix package
Word-processor-style highlighting and replacement of misspelled words
gtkspellgtkspell3Nix package
Word-processor-style highlighting GtkTextView widget
gtkspellmmNix package
C++ binding for the gtkspell library
gtsNix package
GNU Triangulated Surface Library
gumboNix package
C99 HTML parsing algorithm
gupnpgupnpNix package
Implementation of the UPnP specification
gupnpgupnp_1_6Nix package
Implementation of the UPnP specification
gupnp-avNix package
Collection of helpers for building AV (audio/video) applications using GUPnP
gupnp-dlnaNix package
Library to ease DLNA-related bits for applications using GUPnP
gupnp-igdNix package
Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
gusbNix package
GLib libusb wrapper
gvfsgnomeNix package
Virtual Filesystem support library (full GNOME support)
gvfsgnome2Nix package
Virtual Filesystem support library
gvm-libsNix package
Libraries module for the Greenbone Vulnerability Management Solution