Showing entries 24401-24500 out of 54071.
Pedigree and Genetic Groups
Add Some Van Gogh Colors and Overlay Colors on Your 'ggplot()'
Create Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'
Scatter Plot Combined with Ridgelines in 'ggplot2'
Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for 'ggplot2'
Plotting Decision Curve Analysis with Coloured Bars
'stats' for Seasonal Adjustment on the Fly with 'ggplot2'
Plotting Tool for Brain Atlases
Tri-Surface Mesh Plots for Brain Atlases
A 'ggplot2' Extension for Drawing Publication-Ready Sequence Logos
Render Sequence Plots using 'ggplot2'
Shadow and Glow Geoms for 'ggplot2'
Significance Brackets for 'ggplot2'
Visualising Output from Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers and Ensemble-Based Methods
A 'ggplot2'-Plot of Composition of Solvency II SCR: SF and IM
New Data Visualisations for SOMs Networks
'ggplot2' Functions to Create Tufte Style Sparklines
Spatial Data Framework for ggplot2
Horizontal 'ggplot2' Components
Multiple Geometric Shape Point Layer for 'ggplot2'
'ggplot2' Based Plots with Statistical Details
Create Streamplots in 'ggplot2'
Continuous Confidence Interval Plots using t-Distribution
Simplifying 'ggplot2' for Survey Data
Flexible Time-to-Event Figures
Offers Various Swiss Maps as Data Frames and 'ggplot2' Objects
Create Plots to Visualize Taxonomy
Palettes and Themes for 'ggplot2'
An Extension to 'ggplot2', for the Creation of Ternary Diagrams
Improved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'
Add-in to Customize 'ggplot2' Themes
Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot' Theme for University of Ljubljana
Create Tibbles and Lists of 'ggplot' Figures for Reporting
Post-Process 'ggplot2' Plots with 'TikZ' Code Using Plot Coordinates
Time Series Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
Trace and Highlight Groups of Data Points
Add Trendline and Confidence Interval to 'ggplot'
Create Sector and Other Charts Easily Using Grammar of Graphics
Generalized Graded Unfolding Model
Combination Matrix Axis for 'ggplot2' to Create 'UpSet' Plots
Draw Venn Diagram by 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' Implement of Venn Diagram
Graficas Versatiles Con 'ggplot2'
'ggplot2' Picture Previewer
Interactive Grammar of Graphics
Publication-Ready Volcano Plots
A Word Cloud Geom for 'ggplot2'
A Natural Language Interface to 'ggplot2'
Authenticate as a 'GitHub' App
Quantifying Evolution and Selection on Complex Traits
Tools for Managing Classes on GitHub
Functional Conditional Independence Testing with the GHCM
Studio Ghibli Colour Palettes
Missing Data Segments Imputation in Multivariate Streams
The Knockoff Inference Using Summary Statistics
General Purpose 'GraphQL' Client
Graphical Horseshoe MCMC Sampler Using Data Augmented Block Gibbs Sampler
Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution and Its Special Cases
Fit and Simulate Generalised Hypergeometric Ensembles of Graphs
Interface to the Computer Algebra System 'Giac'
Gene Set Uncertainty in Enrichment Analysis
An Alternative 'Rcpp' Wrapper of 'MeCab'
A General Iterative Clustering Algorithm
API Wrapper for the Natural Gas Transparency Platforms of Gas Infrastructure Europe
Graphical Independence Filtering
Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling
Highest Quality GIF Encoder
Access to the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT)
Reads in 'Neuroimaging' 'GIFTI' Files with Geometry Information
GIFT Questions Format Generator from Dataframes
Group Inverse-Gamma Gamma Shrinkage for Sparse Regression with Grouping Structure