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Showing entries 36701-36800 out of 54071.
r-riotNix package
r-rIPNix package
r-Rip46Nix package
r-RIPATNix package
r-ripcNix package
Download and Tidy IPC and CH Data
Calculate Persistent Homology with Ripser-Based Engines
R Client for 'iRODS'
r-RirtNix package
Data Analysis and Parameter Estimation Using Item Response Theory
r-RisaNix package
r-RISCANix package
Causal Inference and Prediction in Cohort-Based Analyses
r-riseNix package
Conduct RISE Analysis
High-Dimensional Ising Model Selection
r-RiskNix package
Computes 26 Financial Risk Measures for Any Continuous Distribution
Functions to Study Etiologic Heterogeneity
G-Computation to Estimate Interpretable Epidemiological Effects
Geo-Statistical Modeling of Spatially Referenced Data
Risk Metrics to Evaluating R Packages
Design of Risk Parity Portfolios
Computation of Risk-Based Portfolios
Assessing Risk Predictions for Clustered Data
r-riskRNix package
Risk Regression Models and Prediction Scores for Survival Analysis with Competing Risks
r-risksNix package
Estimate Risk Ratios and Risk Differences using Regression
Optimized Integer Risk Score Models
Cardiovascular Risk Scores Calculator
Riskset ROC Curve Estimation from Censored Survival Data
Risk Quantification for Stock Portfolios under the T-Copula Model
Rendering Risk Literacy more Transparent
Download Content from NCBI Databases
r-RitaNix package
Automated Transformations, Normality Testing, and Reporting
r-RITANNix package
r-RitcNix package
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) Data Analysis
r-RITCHNix package
R Parser for the ITCH-Protocol
r-ritisNix package
Integrated Taxonomic Information System Client
Randomization Inference Tools
r-rivNix package
Robust Instrumental Variables Estimator
r-RIVERNix package
River Generation for Given Data Sets
Fragmentation and Connectivity Indices for Riverscapes
River Network Distance Computation and Applications
Read, Analyze and Plot River Networks
In Vitro in Vivo Correlation Linear Level "A"
Extract and Analyze Rivers from Elevation Data
r-rivrNix package
Steady and Unsteady Open-Channel Flow Computation
Retrieve Global River Gauge Data
r-rixNix package
r-rjadeNix package
A Clean, Whitespace-Sensitive Template Language for Writing HTML
r-rjafNix package
Regularized Joint Assignment Forest with Treatment Arm Clustering
Artificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance
r-rjagsNix package
Bayesian Graphical Models using MCMC
Handling Jalali Date (Persian / Solar Hijri)
r-rJavaNix package
Low-Level R to Java Interface
'Java' Environments for R Projects
r-rjazzNix package
A Fast Clustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Data Based on the Gram Matrix Decomposition
r-RJDBCNix package
Provides Access to Databases Through the JDBC Interface
Interface to 'JDemetra+' Seasonal Adjustment Software
'rmarkdown' Extension for Formatted 'RJDemetra' Outputs
r-rjdqaNix package
Quality Assessment for Seasonal Adjustment
Manipulate 'JDemetra+' Workspaces
r-rjeNix package
Miscellaneous Useful Functions for Statistics
Reversible-Jump MCMC Using Post-Processing
r-rjqpdNix package
The Johnson Quantile-Parameterised Distribution
R Interface to SDMX Web Services
r-rjsonNix package
JSON for R
Query, Pivot, Patch, and Validate 'JSON' and 'NDJSON'
Serialize R Objects to JSON, JavaScript Object Notation
Interactive Graphs with R
Handle 'JSON-stat' Format in R
Preparing, Checking, and Submitting Articles to the 'R Journal'
Interface to the 'JWSACruncher' of 'JDemetra+'
External Jars Required for Package 'rkafka'
r-RKEANix package
R/KEA Interface
R/KEA Interface Jars
r-RKEELNix package
Using 'KEEL' in R Code
Datasets from 'KEEL' for it Use in 'RKEEL'
Translate Odds and Probabilities
Historical Data for Kenya Foreign Exchange Prices
Ridge Group Sparse Optimization Problem for Estimation of a Meta Model Based on Reproducing Kernel…
r-rKINNix package
(Kernel) Isotope Niche Estimation
Hybrid Mortality Estimation
r-rknnNix package
Access Data from the 'Kolada' Database
Minicircle Sequence Classes (MSC) Analyses
'KorAP' Web Service Client Package
Kriging Modeling
r-rktNix package
Mann-Kendall Test, Seasonal and Regional Kendall Tests