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Showing entries 42801-42900 out of 54071.
P-Spline Regression for Utility Functions and Derived Measures
IPEA Common Functions
r-utimlNix package
Utilities for Multi-Label Learning
r-utsfNix package
Univariate Time Series Forecasting
r-uuidNix package
Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs
Data Research, Access, Governance Network : Statistical Disclosure Control
r-UWHAMNix package
Unbinned Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (UWHAM)
r-uwotNix package
The Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) Method for Dimensionality Reduction
r-uxrNix package
User Experience Research
r-V8Nix package
Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R
Statistical Tools for Immune Correlates Analysis of Vaccine Clinical Trial Data
Estimate Vaccine Effectiveness Based on Different Study Designs
A Method for Visualization of Pharmacometric Models
Tukey's Vacuum Cleaner
r-vaderNix package
Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER)
Non-Domestic Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Vaccine Data for Present
US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Vaccine Data for Present
Access to the 'Vagalume' API
r-vagamNix package
Variational Approximations for Generalized Additive Models
Variational Approximation for Joint Survival and Marker Models
Functional Input Validation
Sampler for Verification Studies
Spread the Love for R Packages with Poetry
Visualising Splicing at Single-Cell Resolution
r-valetNix package
Provide R Client to the Bank of Canada's Valet API
A Tidy Interface to the 'Valhalla' Routing Engine
Validation Tools for Artificial Neural Networks
Validate Data Frames
Data Validation Infrastructure
Validating Topic Coherence and Topic Labels
Generate Suggestions for Validation Rules
Checking and Simplifying Validation Rule Sets
VALID Inference for Clusters Separation Testing
Interface to the 'ValidMind' Platform
Metrics and Plots for Model Evaluation
Velocity and Accuracy of the LOg-RAnk TEst
Results from the Virginia Lottery Draw Games
r-valrNix package
r-valseNix package
Variable Selection with Mixture of Models
Scoring EQ-5d Descriptive System
Making Choropleth Map
Comparing HRQoL Instrument Value Sets
r-VAMNix package
Variance-Adjusted Mahalanobis
r-vamcNix package
A Monte Carlo Valuation Framework for Variable Annuities
Factor Analysis Controlling the Effects of Response Bias
Access the 'City of Vancouver' Open Data API
Evaluation of Presence-Absence Models
A Vincent Van Gogh Color Palette Generator
Simplified Statistics for PA 606
Variant Quality Investigation Helper
Access to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL')
Variable Banding of Large Precision Matrices
Optimal Binning of Continuous and Categorical Variables
Large-Scale Bayesian Variable Selection Using Variational Methods
Variables Clustering
Multiple Change Point Detection in Structural VAR Models
Variogram Diagnostics
Variance Estimation for Sample Surveys by the Ultimate Cluster Method
r-VarEDNix package
Variance Estimation using Difference-Based Methods
r-VaRESNix package
Computes Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall for over 100 Parametric Distributions
Variance Estimation
Functions for Robust Variable Handling
Genetic Variability Analysis for Plant Breeding Research
Variable Descriptions
High-Dimensional Screening for Semiparametric Longitudinal Regression
Variability Analysis in R
The Variance Gamma Distribution
A 'Sparklyr' Extension for 'VariantSpark'
Variational Bayesian Estimation for Diagnostic Classification Models
RF Variable Importance for Arbitrary Measures
Testing Spatial Dependence Using Empirical Variogram
VA CVD Risk Score
Variant Calling in Targeted Analysis Sequencing Data
Estimations for the Covariance of Estimated Parameters in Joint Mean-Covariance Models
r-varocNix package
Value Added Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve
Heuristics Tools Based on Mutual Information for Variable Ranking
A Framework for Variance Reduction
Semi-Parametric Variance Regression
r-varsNix package
VAR Modelling