Showing entries 43401-43500 out of 54071.
Welch-James Statistic for Robust Hypothesis Testing under Heterocedasticity and Non-Normality
A Wes Anderson Palette Generator
Whole Genome Average Interval Mapping for QTL Detection and Estimation using ASReml-R
Work with the 'what3words' API for Easy Location Referencing
Incrementally Build Complex Plots using Natural Semantics
Reliably Return the Source and Call Location of a Command
Geolocalization of IATA Codes
'WhiteboxTools' R Frontend
Advanced Policing Techniques for the Board Game "Letters from Whitechapel"
Novel Methods for Reproduction Number Estimation, Back-Calculation, and Forecasting
Whitening and High-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis
White Test and Bootstrapped White Test for Heteroskedasticity
White Matter Normalization for Magnetic Resonance Images
Parallel Processing Options for Package 'dataRetrieval'
Utilities for Sampling
'Htmlwidgets' in Responsive 'iframes'
Derivatives of the First-Passage Time Density and Cumulative Distribution Function, and Random Sam…
Access Databases from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany
Functions and Datasets of the German WikiBook "GNU R"
API Client Library for 'Wikidata Query Service'
Read-Write API Client Library for Wikidata
Get Facts and Data from Wikipedia and Wikidata
Scrape Lake Metadata Tables from Wikipedia
A MediaWiki API Wrapper
'WikiPathway' Based Data Integration and Visualization
Taxonomic Information from 'Wikipedia'
Tools for Wikidata and Wikipedia
Tidy Analysis of Wikipedia
Computes Values for the 1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test for Medians
Templates for Data Frames
Calculate Indices of Dynamic Interaction for Wildlife Tracking Data
Cluster Wild Bootstrapping for Meta-Analysis
Best Hand Analysis for Poker Variants Including Wildcards
Fast Computation of Romano-Wolf Corrected p-Values for Linear Regression Models
Tool to Fit
Access the '' API
Interact with Peak Flow Data in the United Kingdom
Variable Input Allocation Among Crops
Win Ratio for Prioritized Outcomes and 95% Confidence Interval
Put ... in a Function's Argument List