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Showing entries 201-300 out of 814.
electronNix package
Cross platform desktop application shell
electron-fiddleNix package
The easiest way to get started with Electron
eliot-treeNix package
Render Eliot logs as an ASCII tree
A parser generator which emits GLR parsers, either in OCaml or C++
eltclshNix package
Interactive shell for the TCL programming language based on editline
enochecker-testNix package
Automatically test services/checker using the enochecker API
ent-goNix package
An entity framework for Go
errcheckNix package
Checks for unchecked errors in go programs
esbuildesbuildNix package
An extremely fast JavaScript bundler
esbuildesbuild_netlifyNix package
A fork of esbuild maintained by netlify
eslint_deslint_dNix package
Makes eslint the fastest linter on the planet
eslint_dnodePackages.eslint_dNix package
Makes eslint the fastest linter on the planet
eslint_dnodePackages_latest.eslint_dNix package
Makes eslint the fastest linter on the planet
espupNix package
Tool for installing and maintaining Espressif Rust ecosystem
evansNix package
More expressive universal gRPC client
exhaustiveNix package
Check exhaustiveness of switch statements of enum-like constants in Go code
explainNix package
Library and utility to explain system call errors
extism-cliNix package
The extism CLI is used to manage Extism installations
f2cNix package
Convert Fortran 77 source code to C
faas-cliNix package
Official CLI for OpenFaaS
fableNix package
Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler
faq-unstableNix package
Faq is a tool intended to be a more flexible jq, supporting additional formats
fastddsgenNix package
Fast-DDS IDL code generator tool
fastgronNix package
High-performance JSON to GRON (greppable, flattened JSON) converter
fatcatNix package
FAT filesystems explore, extract, repair, and forensic tool
fblogNix package
A small command-line JSON log viewer
Server and tools for F-Droid, the Free Software repository system for Android
fermyon-spinNix package
Framework for building, deploying, and running fast, secure, and composable cloud microservices wi…
firebase-toolsfirebase-toolsNix package
Manage, and deploy your Firebase project from the command line
firebase-toolsnodePackages.firebase-toolsNix package
Manage, and deploy your Firebase project from the command line
firebase-toolsnodePackages_latest.firebase-toolsNix package
Manage, and deploy your Firebase project from the command line
fissionNix package
The cli used by end user to interact Fission
FlameGraphNix package
Visualization for profiled code
flatpak-builderNix package
Tool to build flatpaks from source
flawfinderNix package
Tool to examines C/C++ source code for security flaws
flip-linkNix package
Adds zero-cost stack overflow protection to your embedded programs
flockNix package
Cross-platform version of flock(1)
FloottyNix package
A collaborative terminal
flywayNix package
Evolve your Database Schema easily and reliably across all your instances
fnlfmtNix package
Formatter for Fennel
fnmNix package
Fast and simple Node.js version manager
fprettifyNix package
An auto-formatter for modern Fortran code that imposes strict whitespace formatting, written in Py…
fqNix package
Jq for binary formats
freceNix package
Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency + recency)
frinkNix package
A practical calculating tool and programming language
frugalNix package
Thrift improved
fsautocompleteNix package
The FsAutoComplete project (FSAC) provides a backend service for rich editing or intellisense feat…
fsouza-prettierdNix package
Prettier, as a daemon, for improved formatting speed
Server for FunctionTrace, a graphical Python profiler
fundocNix package
Language agnostic documentation generator
Work-in-progress launcher for one of the Tegra X1 bootROM exploits
A minimalist re-implementation of the Fusée Gelée exploit
fxNix package
Terminal JSON viewer
galenNix package
Automated layout testing for websites
gamecube-toolsNix package
Tools for gamecube/wii projects
gammarayNix package
A software introspection tool for Qt applications developed by KDAB
garbleNix package
Obfuscate Go code by wrapping the Go toolchain
gaugeNix package
Light weight cross-platform test automation
gciNix package
Controls golang package import order and makes it always deterministic
gcov2lcovNix package
Convert go coverage files to lcov format
gdlvNix package
GUI frontend for Delve
gdtoolkitNix package
Independent set of tools for working with Godot's GDScript - parser, linter and formatter
geckodriverNix package
Proxy for using W3C WebDriver-compatible clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers
gemstashNix package
A cache for and a private gem server
gen-licenseNix package
Create licenses for your projects right from your terminal
gendefNix package
A tool which generate def files from DLLs
gi-crystalNix package
GI Crystal is a binding generator used to generate Crystal bindings for GObject based libraries us…
ginkgoNix package
A Modern Testing Framework for Go
girNix package
Tool to generate rust bindings and user API for glib-based libraries
git-ps-rsNix package
Tool for working with a stack of patches
github-commenterNix package
Command line utility for creating GitHub comments on Commits, Pull Request Reviews or Issues
The GitHub copilot IntelliJ plugin's native component
Fully automated changelog generation - This gem generates a changelog file based on tags, issues a…
gladeNix package
User interface designer for GTK applications
glamoroustoolkitNix package
The GlamorousToolkit Development Environment
gllvmNix package
Whole Program LLVM: wllvm ported to go
Command-line utility for managing applets and keys on Java Cards
glockNix package
A command-line tool to lock Go dependencies to specific revisions
glpaper-unstableNix package
Wallpaper program for wlroots based Wayland compositors such as sway that allows you to render gls…
glslviewerNix package
Live GLSL coding renderer
GNOME test runner for installed tests
gnu-mdkNix package
GNU MIX Development Kit (MDK)
gnulibNix package
Central location for code to be shared among GNU packages
go-bindataNix package
A small utility which generates Go code from any file, useful for embedding binary data in a Go pr…
Serve embedded files from jteeuwen/go-bindata
go-callvisNix package
Visualize call graph of a Go program using Graphviz
go-containerregistrycraneNix package
Tools for interacting with remote images and registries including crane and gcrane
go-containerregistrygcraneNix package
Tools for interacting with remote images and registries including crane and gcrane
go-containerregistrygo-containerregistryNix package
Tools for interacting with remote images and registries including crane and gcrane
go-jetNix package
Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping
go-junit-reportNix package
Convert go test output to junit xml
go-migrateNix package
Database migrations
go-minimockNix package
A golang mock generator from interfaces
go-mockeryNix package
A mock code autogenerator for Golang
A tool build chart by go mod graph output with zero dependencies
Utility to extract JSON representation of declarations from a Go source file
go-protobufNix package
Go bindings for protocol buffer
go-swagNix package
Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go
go-swaggerNix package
Golang implementation of Swagger 2.0, representation of your RESTful API
go-symbolsNix package
A utility for extracting a JSON representation of the package symbols from a go source tree