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Showing entries 601-700 out of 814.
rbspyNix package
A Sampling CPU Profiler for Ruby
rcodesignNix package
A cross-platform CLI interface to interact with Apple code signing
rdbtoolsNix package
Parse Redis dump.rdb files, Analyze Memory, and Export Data to JSON
rdocker-unstableNix package
Securely control a remote docker daemon CLI using ssh forwarding, no SSL setup needed
The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redu…
react-staticnodePackages.react-staticNix package
A progressive static site generator for React
react-staticnodePackages_latest.react-staticNix package
A progressive static site generator for React
react-staticreact-staticNix package
A progressive static site generator for React
rebazelNix package
Tool for expediting bazel build workflows
redis-dumpNix package
Backup and restore your Redis data to and from JSON
RedisInsight Redis client powered by Electron
redoc-clinodePackages.redoc-cliNix package
OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
redoc-clinodePackages_latest.redoc-cliNix package
OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
redoc-cliredoc-cliNix package
OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
refinery-cliNix package
Run migrations for the Refinery ORM for Rust via the CLI
reflexNix package
A small tool to watch a directory and rerun a command when certain files change
refmtNix package
Reformat HCL <-> JSON <-> YAML
Refactoring tools for Go
refurbNix package
A tool for refurbishing and modernizing Python codebases
regclientregbotNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
regclientregclientNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
regclientregctlNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
regclientregsyncNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
reindeerNix package
Reindeer is a tool which takes Rust Cargo dependencies and generates Buck build rules
relicNix package
A service and a tool for adding digital signatures to operating system packages for Linux and Wind…
remodelNix package
Roblox file manipulation tool
renderdocNix package
A single-frame graphics debugger
renderizerNix package
CLI to render Go template text files
renoNix package
Release Notes Manager
Single-shot nREPL client
replay-ioNix package
The Time Travel Debugger for Web Development
replay-node-cliNix package
The Time Travel Debugger for Web Development - Node Command Line
reshapeNix package
An easy-to-use, zero-downtime schema migration tool for Postgres
Tool to determine what GCC flags -march=native would resolve into
reviveNix package
Fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful linter for Go
rgpNix package
A tool from AMD that allows for deep inspection of GPU workloads
richgoNix package
Enrich go test outputs with text decorations
riot-redisNix package
Get data in and out of Redis
rojoNix package
Project management tool for Roblox
ronnNix package
Markdown-based tool for building manpages
roswellNix package
Lisp implementation installer/manager and launcher
roverNix package
A CLI for interacting with ApolloGraphQL's developer tooling, including managing self-hosted and G…
rqNix package
A tool for doing record analysis and transformation
rslintNix package
A fast, customizable, and easy to use JavaScript and TypeScript linter
rstfmtNix package
A formatter for reStructuredText
rtagsNix package
C/C++ client-server indexer based on clang
rubyfmtNix package
A Ruby autoformatter
rucksackNix package
Texture packer and resource bundler
ruffNix package
An extremely fast Python linter
rufoNix package
Ruby formatter
runNix package
Easily manage and invoke small scripts and wrappers
rundNix package
A compiler-wrapper that runs and caches D programs
Analyze and collect metrics on source code
ryeNix package
A tool to easily manage python dependencies and environments
sassNix package
Tools and Ruby libraries for the CSS3 extension languages:
sasscNix package
A front-end for libsass
sauce-connectNix package
A secure tunneling app for executing tests securely when testing behind firewalls
sca2dNix package
An experimental static code analyser for OpenSCAD
scalafixNix package
Refactoring and linting tool for Scala
scalafmtNix package
Opinionated code formatter for Scala
scenebuilderNix package
A visual, drag'n'drop, layout tool for designing JavaFX application user interfaces
scenic-viewNix package
JavaFx application to visualize and modify the scenegraph of running JavaFx applications
schemacrawlerNix package
Database schema discovery and comprehension tool
scryNix package
Code analysis server for the Crystal programming language
scss_lintNix package
A tool to help keep your SCSS files clean and readable
sd-localNix package local mode
sea-orm-cliNix package
Command line utility for SeaORM
seleneNix package
A blazing-fast modern Lua linter written in Rust
semNix package
A cli to operate on semaphore ci (2.0)
semantic-releaseNix package
Fully automated version management and package publishing
sentry-cliNix package
A command line utility to work with Sentry
SHADERedNix package
Lightweight, cross-platform & full-featured shader IDE
shellhardenNix package
The corrective bash syntax highlighter
sigrok-cliNix package
Command-line frontend for the sigrok signal analysis software suite
Firmware for FX2 logic analyzers
simavrNix package
A lean and mean Atmel AVR simulator
skaffoldNix package
Easy and Repeatable Kubernetes Development
skjoldNix package
Tool to Python dependencies against security advisory databases
skopeoNix package
A command line utility for various operations on container images and image repositories
slimerjsNix package
Gecko-based programmatically-driven browser
smlfmtNix package
A custom parser/auto-formatter for Standard ML
snazyNix package
A snazzy json log viewer
soNix package
A TUI interface to the StackExchange network
The editor for the Zelda-like ARPG game engine, Solarus
spicyNix package
A Nintendo 64 segment assembler
spirv-toolsNix package
The SPIR-V Tools project provides an API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
sprNix package
Submit pull requests for individual, amendable, rebaseable commits to GitHub
spring-boot-clispring-bootNix package
CLI which makes it easy to create spring-based applications
spring-boot-clispring-boot-cliNix package
CLI which makes it easy to create spring-based applications
sqNix package
Swiss army knife for data
sqlboilerNix package
Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema
sqldefNix package
Idempotent SQL schema management tool
sqlintNix package
Simple SQL linter
sqshNix package
Command line tool for querying Sybase/MSSQL databases
squawkNix package
Linter for PostgreSQL, focused on migrations
sshsNix package
Terminal user interface for SSH
sslmateNix package
Easy to buy, deploy, and manage your SSL certs
sslmate-agentNix package
Daemon for managing SSL/TLS certificates on a server
stagitNix package
Git static site generator
Azure static sites client