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Showing entries 301-400 out of 735.
gppNix package
General-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax
gptcommitNix package
Git prepare-commit-msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT-3
gqlgencNix package
Go tool for building GraphQL client with gqlgen
gqlintgqlintNix package
GraphQL linter
gqlintnodePackages.gqlintNix package
GraphQL linter
gqlintnodePackages_latest.gqlintNix package
GraphQL linter
grabserialNix package
Python based serial dump and timing program
graphql-clientNix package
GraphQL tool for Rust projects
gronNix package
Make JSON greppable!
grpc-gatewayNix package
A gRPC to JSON proxy generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
gtk-mac-bundlerNix package
Helper script that creates application bundles form GTK executables for macOS
halfemptyNix package
Fast, parallel test case minimization tool
hcloudNix package
Command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud, a provider for cloud virtual private servers
herokuNix package
Everything you need to get started using Heroku
hexioNix package
Low-level I/O helpers for hexadecimal, tty/serial devices and so on
hexo-cliNix package
Command line interface for Hexo
hobbesNix package
Language and an embedded JIT compiler
horsNix package
Instant coding answers via the command line
hostessNix package
Idempotent command-line utility for managing your /etc/hosts* file
hotdocNix package
Tastiest API documentation system
html-minifierhtml-minifierNix package
Highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier
html-minifiernodePackages.html-minifierNix package
Highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier
html-minifiernodePackages_latest.html-minifierNix package
Highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier
htmlhinthtmlhintNix package
Static code analysis tool for HTML
htmlhintnodePackages.htmlhintNix package
Static code analysis tool for HTML
htmlhintnodePackages_latest.htmlhintNix package
Static code analysis tool for HTML
htmlqNix package
Like jq, but for HTML
htmltestNix package
Tool to test generated HTML output
iacaiacaNix package
Intel Architecture Code Analyzer
iacaiaca_2_1Nix package
Intel Architecture Code Analyzer
icrNix package
Interactive console for the Crystal programming language
iferrNix package
Generate "if err !
ilspycmdNix package
Tool for decompiling .NET assemblies and generating portable PDBs
imgNix package
Standalone, daemon-less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder
implNix package
Generate method stubs for implementing an interface
Detect ineffectual assignments in Go code
infernoNix package
Port of parts of the flamegraph toolkit to Rust
infisicalNix package
Official Infisical CLI
initoolNix package
Manipulate INI files from the command line
irony-serverNix package
Server part of irony
jakejakeNix package
JavaScript build tool, similar to Make or Rake
jakenodePackages.jakeNix package
JavaScript build tool, similar to Make or Rake
jakenodePackages_latest.jakeNix package
JavaScript build tool, similar to Make or Rake
jaqNix package
Jq clone focused on correctness, speed and simplicity
jazzyNix package
Command-line utility that generates documentation for Swift or Objective-C
jbakeNix package
Java based, open source, static site/blog generator for developers & designers
jbangNix package
Run java as scripts anywhere
jd-diff-patchNix package
Commandline utility and Go library for diffing and patching JSON values
jetNix package
CLI to transform between JSON, EDN, YAML and Transit, powered with a minimal query language
jfNix package
Small utility to safely format and print JSON objects in the commandline
jfmtNix package
CLI utility to format json files
jidNix package
Command-line tool to incrementally drill down JSON
jlessNix package
Command-line pager for JSON data
jmespathNix package
JMESPath implementation in Go
joNix package
Small utility to create JSON objects
jpNix package
Command line interface to the JMESPath expression language for JSON
jpexsNix package
Flash SWF decompiler and editor
jqNix package
Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
jqlNix package
JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust
jqpNix package
TUI playground to experiment with jq
jsduckNix package
Simple JavaScript Duckumentation generator
json2hclNix package
Convert JSON to HCL, and vice versa
jsonnet-bundlerNix package
Jsonnet package manager
jtcNix package
JSON manipulation and transformation tool
k6Nix package
Modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript
kafNix package
Modern CLI for Apache Kafka, written in Go
Highly efficient daemon for streaming data from Kafka into Delta Lake
kafkactlNix package
Command Line Tool for managing Apache Kafka
karateNix package
API Test Automation Made Simple
karmakarma-runnerNix package
Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
karmanodePackages.karmaNix package
Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
karmanodePackages_latest.karmaNix package
Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
kcatkafkacatNix package
Generic non-JVM producer and consumer for Apache Kafka
kcatkcatNix package
Generic non-JVM producer and consumer for Apache Kafka
kcliNix package
Kafka command line browser
kdashNix package
Simple and fast dashboard for Kubernetes
kdoctorNix package
Environment analysis tool for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
kgtNix package
BNF wrangling and railroad diagrams
kindNix package
Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
koNix package
Build and deploy Go applications on Kubernetes
konstraintNix package
Policy management tool for interacting with Gatekeeper
krankerlNix package
CLI helper to manage, package and publish Nextcloud apps
krewNix package
Package manager for kubectl plugins
ktlintNix package
Anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
kube-linterNix package
Static analysis tool that checks Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts
kube-promptNix package
Interactive kubernetes client featuring auto-complete
kubectxNix package
Fast way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl!
kubedockNix package
Minimal implementation of the Docker API that will orchestrate containers on a Kubernetes cluster
kubepromptNix package
Kubernetes prompt
kubepugNix package
Checks a Kubernetes cluster for objects using deprecated API versions
kubeswitchNix package
Kubectx for operators, a drop-in replacement for kubectx
kubieNix package
Shell independent context and namespace switcher for kubectl
kustomizeNix package
Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
kustomize-sopsNix package
Flexible Kustomize Plugin for SOPS Encrypted Resource
kustomize_3Nix package
Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
kustomize_4Nix package
Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
kytheNix package
Pluggable, (mostly) language-agnostic ecosystem for building tools that work with code
lalrpopNix package
LR(1) parser generator for Rust
lc3toolsNix package
Toolchain and emulator for the LC-3 architecture
ldidNix package
Link Identity Editor