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Showing entries 601-700 out of 1200.
marlin-calcNix package
Marlin 3D printer timing simulator
massrenNix package
Easily rename multiple files using your text editor
mastotoolNix package
A collection of command-line tools to work with your Mastodon account
OCR tool to convert pictures to LaTeX
mbufferNix package
A tool for buffering data streams with a large set of unique features
mcflyNix package
An upgraded ctrl-r where history results make sense for what you're working on right now
mcryptNix package
Replacement for old UNIX crypt(1)
mdbtoolsNix package
.mdb (MS Access) format tools
mdrNix package
MarkDown Renderer for the terminal
Using markdown, write simple but beautiful presentations with math, animations and media, which ca…
megacliNix package
CLI program for LSI MegaRAID cards, which also works with some Dell PERC RAID cards
melodyNix package
Language that compiles to regular expressions
memtest86+Nix package
A tool to detect memory errors
memtest86-efiNix package
A tool to detect memory errors, to be run from a bootloader
mermaid-filterNix package
Pandoc filter for creating diagrams in mermaid syntax blocks in markdown docs
microplaneNix package
A CLI tool to make git changes across many repos
mimeoNix package
Open files by MIME-type or file name using regular expressions
minicomNix package
Modem control and terminal emulation program
miniproNix package
An open source program for controlling the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers
miniserveNix package
CLI tool to serve files and directories over HTTP
ministatNix package
Simple tool for statistical comparison of data sets
misemiseNix package
The front-end to your dev env
misertxNix package
The front-end to your dev env
mktorrentNix package
Command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files
mloaderNix package
Command-line tool to download manga from mangaplus
mlocateNix package
Merging locate is an utility to index and quickly search for files
mlxbf-bootctlNix package
Control BlueField boot partitions
mmakeNix package
A small program which wraps make to provide additional functionality
mmctlNix package
A remote CLI tool for Mattermost
mmvNix package
Utility for wildcard renaming, copying, etc
mmv-goNix package
Rename multiple files using your $EDITOR
mncNix package
Opens the user's crontab and echos the time when the next cronjob will be ran
moarNix package
Nice-to-use pager for humans
modsNix package
AI on the command line
mongo-toolsNix package
Tools for the MongoDB
mongodb-compassNix package
The GUI for MongoDB
mons-unstableNix package
POSIX Shell script to quickly manage 2-monitors display
moon-phasesNix package
Command-line/WM bar tool to display the moon phase at a certain date
moreutilsNix package
Growing collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago when unix was young
moserialNix package
Clean, friendly gtk-based serial terminal for the gnome desktop
mostNix package
A terminal pager similar to 'more' and 'less'
mpdscribbleNix package
A MPD client which submits info about tracks being played to a scrobbler
mpremoteNix package
An integrated set of utilities to remotely interact with and automate a MicroPython device over a …
mprimeNix package
Mersenne prime search / System stability tester
mprocsNix package
A TUI tool to run multiple commands in parallel and show the output of each command separately
mpy-utilsNix package
MicroPython development utility programs
mrtgNix package
The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
ms-sysNix package
A program for writing Microsoft-compatible boot records
mslinkNix package
Create Windows Shortcut Files (.LNK) without using Windows
msrtoolNix package
Dump chipset-specific MSR registers
mstflintNix package
Open source version of Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT)
mtmNix package
Perhaps the smallest useful terminal multiplexer in the world
multitailNix package
Tail on Steroids
multitimeNix package
Time command execution over multiple executions
mutagenNix package
Make remote development work with your local tools
mutagen-composeNix package
Compose with Mutagen integration
mutt-wizardNix package
System for automatically configuring mutt and isync
Boot 64-bit Marvell EBU SoC over UART
mynewt-newtmgrNix package
Tool to communicate with devices running Mynewt OS
mysql2pgsqlNix package
Convert MySQL dump files to PostgreSQL-loadable files
mysqltunerNix package
Make recommendations for increased performance and stability of MariaDB/MySQL
nagstamonNix package
A status monitor for the desktop
nanoemojiNix package
A wee tool to build color fonts
natlsNix package
The 'ls' replacement you never knew you needed
nbNix package
A command line note-taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application
nbench-byteNix package
A synthetic computing benchmark program
nbqaNix package
Run ruff, isort, pyupgrade, mypy, pylint, flake8, black, blacken-docs, and more on Jupyter Noteboo…
ncduncduNix package
Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
ncduncdu_1Nix package
Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
ncduncdu_2Nix package
Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
near-clinear-cliNix package
General purpose command line tools for interacting with NEAR Protocol
near-clinodePackages.near-cliNix package
General purpose command line tools for interacting with NEAR Protocol
near-clinodePackages_latest.near-cliNix package
General purpose command line tools for interacting with NEAR Protocol
neo-cowsayNix package
Cowsay reborn, written in Go
A fast, highly customizable system info script package
A tool to boot OS installers and utilities over the network, to be run from a bootloader
Nginx config file formatter
nmsNix package
A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneake…
nominoNix package
Batch rename utility for developers
noteshrinkNix package
Convert scans of handwritten notes to beautiful, compact PDFs
notiNix package
Monitor a process and trigger a notification
notifyNix package
Notify allows sending the output from any tool to Slack, Discord and Telegram
notify-desktopNix package
Little application that lets you send desktop notifications with one command
ntfyNix package
A utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish
ntfy-shNix package
Send push notifications to your phone or desktop via PUT/POST
nurlNix package
Command-line tool to generate Nix fetcher calls from repository URLs
nuxNix package
A wrapper over the nix cli
nvfancontrolNix package
NVidia dynamic fan control for Linux
nvimpagerNix package
Use neovim as pager
nvramtoolNix package
Read and write coreboot parameters and display information from the coreboot table in CMOS/NVRAM
nyancatNix package
Nyancat in your terminal, rendered through ANSI escape sequences
A Livesplit-inspired speedrunning split timer for Linux/macOS terminal
A small script to submit to Gradescope via GitHub
ocs-urlNix package
Open Collaboration System for use with DE store websites
octofetchNix package
Github user information on terminal
octosqlNix package
Commandline tool for joining, analyzing and transforming data from multiple databases and file for…
Secure boot enabled boot loader for ODROID-XU{3,4}
odysseyNix package
Scalable PostgreSQL connection pooler
oggvideotoolsNix package
Toolbox for manipulating and creating Ogg video files
ollamaNix package
Get up and running with large language models locally