Showing entries 22501-22568 out of 22568.
Jump back to a specific directory, without doing cd ../../
Better completion for npm
Ohmyzsh plugin that integrates kill-ring with system clipboard
Plugin that output time: xx
Additional completion definitions for zsh
Deferred execution of zsh commands
Set of powerful extensions to the Zsh command line editor
Feature-rich Syntax Highlighting for Zsh
Syntax-highlighting for Zshell
Utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively
Simple zsh plugin that replaces Ctrl+R with an fzf-driven select which includes date/times
Replace zsh's default completion selection menu with fzf!
Informative git prompt for zsh
History database for Zsh, based on SQLite
CLI to provide enhanced history for your ZSH shell
Multi-word, syntax highlighted history searching for Zsh
Fish shell history-substring-search for Zsh
Bring your ZSH history to Fish shell
Curses-based tools for ZSH
Zsh plugin that lets you use zsh in nix-shell shell
Configuration framework for Zsh
Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh
Plugin that adds key bindings support for ZLE (Zsh Line Editor) clipboard operations for vi emulat…
Better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH
ZSH plugin that reminds you to use existing aliases for commands you just typed
Jump quickly to directories that you have visited frequently in the past, or recently
A tool for displaying the code for all Zsh hook functions
Super Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator
Maintained fork of zsnes
SSH and Telnet client with ZMODEM file transfer capability
Zstandard real-time compression algorithm
Detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP
Utilities to deal with text based name service databases
World's fastest (simd) CSV parser, with an extensible CLI
File distribution system using the rsync algorithm
Rewrite of the advanced file download/sync tool zsync
Generate tags files for Zig projects
Program that throttles a pipeline, only letting a line through at most every $1 seconds
An essential set of Z-machine tools for interpreter authors, experienced Inform programmers, and Z…
Library for functional interactive c++ programs
Themes for GTK, gnome-shell and Xfce
Desktop client for Zulip Chat
Zulip's official terminal client
Certified builds of OpenJDK
Certified builds of OpenJDK
Certified builds of OpenJDK
Certified builds of OpenJDK
Certified builds of OpenJDK
Powerful testing framework for ZSH projects
Tiny Racket for Scripting
X terminal emulator rendering through OpenGL ES Compute Shaders
Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI) utilities
Tool to manage and use different Zig versions
Small server wrapper around Z-Wave JS to access it via a WebSocket
Full featured Z-Wave Control Panel and MQTT Gateway
Tool for writing scripts using JavaScript
C/C++ implementation of the zxcvbn password strength estimation
Popular script for managing ZFS snapshot replication
1D and 2D code reading library
Shell scripts made simple
Crossplatform chiptunes player
Fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library
High quality software synthesizer (Zyn-Fusion GUI)
High quality software synthesizer (Zyn-Fusion GUI)
High quality software synthesizer (FLTK GUI)
High quality software synthesizer (NTK GUI)
Library to extract data from files archived in a zip file
Transparent application input fuzzer