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Showing entries 10201-10300 out of 54071.
Aeson JSON support for Linnet
Conduit-backed support for streaming in Linnet
Bindings to the Linode API
Haskell wrapper for the Linode v4 API
Linux libblkid
Linux capabilities Haskell data type
Very basic interface to the Linux CGroup Virtual Filesystem
Bindings to Linux evdev input device interface
Retrieve file fragmentation information under Linux
Linux fbdev (framebuffer device, /dev/fbX) utility functions
Thinner binding to the Linux Kernel's inotify interface
Linux kernel modules support
Mount and unmount filesystems
linux-namespaceslinux-namespacesNix package
Work with linux namespaces: create new or enter existing ones
linux-namespaceslinux-namespaces_0_2_0_1Nix package
Work with linux namespaces: create new or enter existing ones
Read files generated by perf on Linux
Wrapping of Linux' ptrace(2)
Read, set and list extended attributes
Implementation of the Enea LINX gateway protocol
Labeled IO Information Flow Control Library
Labeled IO library
Labeled File System interface for LIO
LIO support for the Simple web framework
Generators for random sequences of English-like nonsense text
Liquid template language library
Base specs for LiquidHaskell
Old specs for the bytestring package
Old specs for containers
Predicate Abstraction-based Horn-Clause/Implication Constraint Solver
Drop-in ghc-prim replacement for LH
LiquidHaskell specs for the parallel package
A battery-included platform for LiquidHaskell
General utility modules for LiquidHaskell
LiquidHaskell specs for the vector package
Liquid Types for Haskell
Liquid Types for Haskell
Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack
Demo of Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack
Algorithmic Doom map generation
Simple parser for LISP S-expressions
List monad transformer and class
Group and delete duplicates from a list
Common not-so-common functions for lists
Special takes and drops on lists
Testing list fusion for success
Functions for grouping a list into sublists
List Multiplexing
Predicates on lists
A simple list prompt UI for the terminal
List all remote forwards for mail accounts stored in a SQL database
List shuffling and sampling
Easily and clearly create lists with only one element in them
ListT done right
An "attoparsec" adapter for "list-t"
Streaming HTML parser
A streaming HTTP client
A "libcurl"-based streaming HTTP client
A streaming text codec
List monad transformer
Tries and Patricia tries: finite sets and maps for list keys
List-like operations for tuples
Witnesses for working with type-level lists
Provides zips with default values
A list zipper
Helpers for working with NonEmpty lists
A client library to the ListenBrainz project
Generalized support for list-like structures
Extra instances of the ListLike class
Functions for dealing with lists
Additional data and structures to some 'String'-related lists
Safe wrappers for partial list functions, supporting MonadThrow
List transformer
Trees and monadic trees expressed as monadic lists where the underlying monad is a list
Define a list constant using Monadic syntax other than overhead
Simple zipper for lists
Append only key-list database
A simple tool for literate programming
Non-overloaded functions for concrete literals
Converter to convert from .lhs to .md
Transform literate source code to Markdown
Simple implementation of Earley parsing
little-loggerlittle-loggerNix package
Basic logging based on monad-logger
little-loggerlittle-logger_3_0_1Nix package
Basic logging based on monad-logger
little-riolittle-rioNix package
When you need just the RIO monad
little-riolittle-rio_3_0_0Nix package
When you need just the RIO monad
Live coding of MIDI music
live-servernodePackagesNix package
Simple development http server with live reload capability
live-servernodePackages_latestNix package
Simple development http server with live reload capability
livedownnodePackagesNix package
Live Markdown previews for your favourite editor
livedownnodePackages_latestNix package
Live Markdown previews for your favourite editor
Dirt simple picosat bindings
Purely functional sets and heaps
An implementation of the LLSD data system
Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit
A Haskell library for analyzing LLVM bitcode
FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit
The base types for a mostly pure Haskell LLVM analysis library
Utilities for bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit