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Showing entries 9901-10000 out of 54071.
Lawful typeclasses for bidirectional conversion between types
Concurrent networked stream transducers
Common mathematical laws
Lax arrows
Layered Graph Drawing after Sugiyama
Control structure similar to Control
Modular type class machinery for monad transformer stacks
A prototypical 2d platform game
Turn values into pretty text or markup
Template and widgets for Bootstrap2 to use with Text
A collection of different layout implementations
General layouting library
A simple utility for lazy record matching
Explicit laziness for Haskell
Asynchronous actions that don't start right away
A bracket with lazy resource allocation
Library for caching IO action that leverages on GHC RTS implementation
Efficient lazy parsers for CSV (comma-separated values)
Identifiers for not-yet-computed values
Storing computed values for re-use when the same program runs again
Lazy IO
Get lazy with your io-streams
Lazy PBKDF2 generator
Lazy-Spined Monadic Priority Queues
Finds values satisfying a lazy predicate
Efficient implementation of lazy monolithic arrays (lazy in indexes)
An EDSL for programming the Game Boy
Run IO actions lazily while respecting their order
LazyIO applicative for asymptotic performance
Lazy Probabilistic Programming Library
Set and Map from lazy/infinite lists
A library for demand-driven testing of Haskell programs
Differential solving with lazy splines
L-BFGS optimization
LC-3 virtual machine
O(log n) persistent online lowest common ancestor search without preprocessing
lcov-result-mergernodePackagesNix package
Merges multiple lcov results into one
lcov-result-mergernodePackages_latestNix package
Merges multiple lcov results into one
Find longest common sublist of two lists
Data structures for representing arbitrary intervals
Online Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Haskell binding for C LDAP API
Pure Haskell LDAP Client Library
Pure Haskell LDAP Client Library
See README for synopsis
LDIF idempotent apply tool
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version 3
The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) tools
Datatypes and Aeson instances for parsing LDtk
A simple portfolio generator
Robust space leak, and its strictification
Bonds to Lean theorem prover
A maximally lazy, simple implementation of the Peano numbers with minimal dependencies
Enumerative property-based testing
Listable instances for small enum types
Common LeanCheck instances
LeanKit API
Types for the Leanpub API
Use the Leanpub API via Wreq
Interpretation of leap second files
Leap seconds announced at library release time
Learning Algorithms
Haskell code for learning physics
Examples for learn-physics
The most frequently used machine learning tools
Yet another library for hidden Markov models
LEB128 encoding logic for and in Haskell
Signed and unsigned LEB128 codec for binary library
LEB128 and SLEB128 encoding
Leetify text
Left4dead-inspired roguelike
Distributed, stateful, homogeneous microservice framework
A discovery service based on Legion
Client library for communicating with legion-discovery
Extra non-essential utilities for building legion applications
Haskell IDE written in Haskell
Metadata collection for leksah
Bindings for the LendingClub marketplace API
lenslensNix package
Lenses, Folds and Traversals
lenslens_5_3_2Nix package
Lenses, Folds and Traversals
Instances to mix lens with Accelerate
Monadic Getters and Folds
Law-abiding lenses for aeson
A placeholder for a future lens core package
Please see the README on GitHub at
Lenses for Data
Error handling in lens chains
Lens Families
Haskell 2022 Lens Families
Generate lens-family style lenses
Lens interface for your filesystem; still a bit experimental
Indexed version of Plated
Integration of lenses with OverloadedLabels
Miscellaneous lens utilities
Helper for use with lens
Alternate prelude that exports lens combinators
Optics for system processes
QuickCheck properties for lens
Lens powered regular expression
A lensy interface to regular expressions