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Showing entries 10101-10200 out of 54071.
FFI bindings to libssh2 SSH2 client library (
Conduit wrappers for libssh2 FFI bindings (see libssh2 package)
StackExchange API interface
Haskell bindings for libsystemd-daemon
Haskell bindings to libsystemd-journal
Binding to TagLib C library
Bindings to libtelnet
Haskell bindings for PyTorch
Helpers for integrating libtorch-ffi with Hasktorch
Haskell binding to libversion
FFI bindings to libvirt virtualization API (
Haskell binding for libvorbis, for decoding Ogg Vorbis audio files
Bindings to libxls
Bindings to libxlsxwriter
Binding to libxml2
Enumerator-based API for libXML's SAX interface
Bindings for the libXML2 SAX interface
Binding to libxslt
Low-level, streaming YAML interface
Libyaml clibs
Low-level, streaming YAML interface via streamly
Bindings to libzfs, for dealing with the Z File System and Zpools
Bindings to libzip, a library for manipulating zip archives
A license compatibility helper
Lie Algebras
Conway's Life cellular automaton
Synchronize personal configs across multiple machines
Flexible manual resource management
lift-genericslift-genericsNix package
GHC.Generics-based Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.lift implementation
lift-genericslift-generics_0_3Nix package
GHC.Generics-based Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.lift implementation
Helper methods to define Read1, Read2, Show1, Show2 instances
Lift a type from a Typeable constraint to a Template Haskell type
Run lifted IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
Lifted IO operations from the base library
Lifted IO operations from the base library
A sensible set of defaults for writing lifted custom Preludes
STM operations lifted through monad transformer stacks
Lifted IO operations from the threads library
A boulderdash-like game and solution validator
Expand ligatures in unicode text
Lightweight Implementation of Generics and Dynamics
A simple physics engine
Haskell client for lightning-viz REST API
LightStep OpenTracing client library
Lighttpd configuration file tools
A QuasiQuoter for lighttpd configuration files
Bindings to Lilypond
Convert between Haskell, Markdown, Literate Haskell, TeX
Wrapper for data that can be unbounded
Representation of Integer Linear Programs
Bindings for integer linear programming solver Coin/CBC
Low-dimensional matrices and vectors for graphics and physics
LINear Discriminant Analysis
Zen gardening, based on l-systems
L-systems in Haskell
Haskell SDK for the LINE API
Haskell SDK for LINE Messaging API
Convert newlines in text
Raster line drawing
Line-indexed file reader
Display the number of bytes of each line
Simple command-line utility to convert text into PDF
linearlinearNix package
Linear Algebra
linearlinear_1_23Nix package
Linear Algebra
Lifting linear vector spaces into Accelerate
A linear algebra library with bindings to BLAS and LAPACK
Standard library for linear types
Compute resistance of linear electrical circuits
A simple library for linear codes (coding theory, error correction)
Generic programming library for generalised deriving
Geographic coordinates, built on the linear package
A simple grammar for building linear equations and inclusive inequalities
Finite maps for linear use
Isomorphisms between linear and OpenGL types
Linear Programming basic definitions
Build SMC morphisms using linear types
Typed sockets
Linear Algebra
A low-dimensional linear algebra library, operating on the Num typeclass
Use SMT solvers to solve linear systems over integers and rationals
Native, complete-ish, matrix-free linear algebra
Linear scan register allocator, formally verified in Coq
Makes it easy to use the linearscan register allocator with Hoopl
Partition the sequence of items to the subsequences in the order given
Breaks strings to fit width
A lightweight readline-replacement library for Haskell
Lines of Action, 2-player strategy board game
File extension based programming language detection
Express Integral types as linguistic ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
Collection of types for natural language
Use web link relation types (RFC 5988) in Haskell
Check for broken links in CI
Check a bunch of local html files for broken links
Linkchk is a network interface link ping monitor
Combines multiple GHC Core modules into a single module
A pure linked list which is mutable through iterators
Persistent LinkedHashMap data structure
A Haskell library for the Slack API
Lightweight library for building HTTP API