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Showing entries 12901-13000 out of 54071.
Haskell binding to OpenCV-3.x
Haskell binding to OpenCV-3.x extra modules
Raw Haskell bindings to OpenCV >= 2.0
A library for working with Open Data Tables
Fetch exchange rates from
Library for writing images in OpenEXR HDR file format
A binding for the OpenGL graphics system
Library and example for using DLP stereo in OpenGL
Library and example for using a SpaceNavigator-compatible 3-D mouse with OpenGL
Quickcheck instances for various data structures
Functional interface for OpenGL 4.1+ and OpenGL ES 2.0+
A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
The intersection of OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGL 3.1 Core
An implementation of the OpenID-2.0 spec
An OpenID Connect library that does all the heavy lifting for you
Implementation of the OpenPGP message format
OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII Armor codec
Implementation of cryptography for use with OpenPGP using the Crypto library
Implement cryptography for OpenPGP using crypto-api compatible libraries
ADT wrapper and renderer for OpenSCAD models
Haskell OpenSoundControl utilities
Haskell API Wrapper for the Open Source License API
Fetch OpenSSH keys from a GitHub team
Haskell implementation of openssh protocol primitives
Create OpenSSL keypairs
OpenSSL network support for io-streams
The OpenTelemetry Haskell Client
The OpenTelemetry Haskell Client
OpenTelemetry integration for http-client
The OpenTelemetry Haskell Client (Lightstep exporter)
GHC plugin for open telemetry
OpenTelemetry middleware for wai
The standard theory library
Natural number to bit-list conversions
Unicode characters
The divides relation on natural numbers
Fibonacci numbers
Stream parsers
Prime natural numbers
Haskell primitives used by OpenTheory packages
Infinite stream types
Unicode characters
An OpenTok SDK for Haskell
OpenTracing for Haskell
OpenTracing instrumentation of http-client
Jaeger backend for OpenTracing
Middleware adding OpenTracing tracing for WAI applications
Zipkin OpenTracing Backend Commons
Zipkin V1 backend for OpenTracing
Zipkin V2 backend for OpenTracing
Opentype loading and writing
OpenVG (ShivaVG-0.2.1) binding
Raw binding to OpenVG (ShivaVG-0.2.1 implementation)
Access data at OpenWeatherMap
Groebner basis computation for Operads
Simple project template from stack
Implementation of difficult monads made easy with operational semantics
A version of Operational suitable for extensible EDSLs
MonadProgram typeclass for the operational package
Interpretation functions and simple instruction sets for operational
Stack-based esoteric programming language
Representing and handling OPML subscription information
Streaming parser/renderer for the OPML 2.0 format
Open files or URLs using associated programs
Settings parsing for Haskell: command-line arguments, environment variables, and configuration val…
A testing companion package for opt-env-conf
The OptDir type for representing optimization directions
Optics as an abstract interface
Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions
Extra utilities and instances for optics-core
A tiny package containing operators missing from the official package
Optics construction using TemplateHaskell
Utilities for compatibility with van Laarhoven optics
Simple command line interface arguments parser
Command-line arguments parsing for Hasql
Optimal Block boundary determination for rsync-like behaviours
Numerical optimization
A supercompiler for f-lite
A strict version of Maybe
Using type-classes for optional function arguments
Optional function arguments
Powerful and easy command-line option parser
Command-line option types for dates and times
optparse-applicativeoptparse-applicativeNix package
Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options
optparse-applicativeoptparse-applicative_0_15_1_0Nix package
Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options
Utility functions for working with optparse-applicative
Simple command line interface arguments parser
Declarative command line option parser
An enum-text based toolkit for optparse-applicative
Auto-generate a command-line parser for your datatype
Helper functions for optparse-applicative
Simple interface to optparse-applicative
Like optparse-generic, but with TemplateHaskell for faster builds
Simple Option to display version text file
Command line option parsing library with a twice applicative interface
FFI bindings for libopusfile