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Showing entries 13001-13100 out of 54071.
Types and functions for Kepler orbits
Orchestration-style co-ordination EDSL
An API client for
Unofficial Haskell Client Library for the API
Haskell Wiki Library
Haskell Wiki Demo
Creating Ord instances instantly
Algorithms for the order maintenance problem with a safe interface
Order statistic trees based on weight-balanced trees
L-Estimators for robust statistics
A definition of Posets
Set- and Map-like types that remember the order elements were inserted
Efficient ordered (by popcount) enumeration of bits
Functions for detecting duplicates
Utilities for Orderings
Fork concurrent worker threads and produce ordered results
Basic orders
Convert numbers to words in different languages
Ordinal arithmetic
A Programming Language in Construction
Push-pull implementation of discrete-time FRP
Owned references in the Ownership Monad
Parser for Emacs org-mode files
Lucid integration for org-mode
Parser for Org Mode documents
Basic org to anki exporter
Organize scala imports
Org Mode library for haskell
A collection of Attoparsec combinators for parsing org-mode flavored documents
Statistics visualizer for org-mode
An un-SYB framework for transforming heterogenous data through folds
Please see the README on GitHub at
Token-based authentication and authorization
ormoluhaskellPackages.ormoluNix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
ormoluhaskellPackages.ormolu_0_5_2_0Nix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
ormoluhaskellPackages.ormolu_0_7_4_0Nix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
ormoluhaskellPackages.ormolu_0_7_7_0Nix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
ormoluormoluNix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
A quasiquoter for or-patterns
Multidimensional arrays inspired by APL
Some algorithms from hmatrix
orvalnodePackagesNix package
A swagger client generator for typescript
orvalnodePackages_latestNix package
A swagger client generator for typescript
A Haskell library for PostgreSQL
Auto-generated ory-hydra API Client
API bindings for Ory Kratos
/etc/os-release helpers
Library for manipulating Operating system strings
A library to handle messages in the OSC protocol
Implements an osculatory packing (kissing circles) algorithm and display
Show keys pressed with an on-screen display (Linux only)
An insertion-order-preserving set
Parse OpenStreetMap files
Parse and operate on OSM data in efficient way
Download Open Street Map tiles
Better conversion of Oxford Scholarship Online material to PDF
Tool to update ostree deployment pin
Open Source Vulnerability format
Parser for OS X static archive format
Real-time collaborative editing with Operational Transformation
HMAC-Based and Time-Based One-Time Passwords (HOTP & TOTP)
OTP Authenticator (a la google) command line client
Pretty-printer for Ott parse trees
External sorting package based on Conduit
A purely functional E-Graph library
Hang loose with your lambdas!
Finite overloading
Overloaded pragmas as a plugin
Overloaded Records based on current GHC proposal
An alternative to some of the Prelude
Turn any English text into nonsensical babyspeaks
Collect a tree of errors and pretty-print
“Vertical” parsing of values
Our JSON parsers/encoders
Labels, and labelled tuples and enums (GHC >9.2)
The Possehl Analytics Prelude
Some pretty-printing helpers
Helper functions for spawning subprocesses
Bidirectional fast ByteString packer/unpacker
Fetches a 'GenericPackageDescription' from Hackage
Utilities for working with cabal packages and your package database
A package for retrieving a package's version number
Haskell Package Versioning Tool
packcheckpackcheckNix package
Universal build and CI testing for Haskell packages
packcheckpackcheck_0_7_0Nix package
Universal build and CI testing for Haskell packages
Check your cabal packages for lagging dependencies
Please see the README on Github at
Generation and traversal of highly compressed directed acyclic word graphs
Efficient “spreadsheet table” like maps with multiple marginals
(Deprecated) Packed Strings
Fast byte serializer and unserializer
MessagePack Serialization an Deserialization for Packer
Serialization library for GHC
PackStream converter for Neo4j BOLT protocol
Tool for detecting redundant Cabal package dependencies
Read whole Pacman database which pushes it into the memory cache
Time Library for Pact
API to the Paddle payment processor
Fast, type-safe p-adic arithmetic