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Showing entries 15301-15400 out of 54071.
r-aofNix package
r-aoosNix package
Another Object Orientation System
Data from the 'Access to Opportunities Project (AOP)'
A-Optimal Block Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with Controls
Generates Aoristic Probability Distributions
r-aorsfNix package
Accelerated Oblique Random Forests
r-aosNix package
Animate on Scroll Library for 'shiny'
r-AOV1RNix package
Inference in the Balanced One-Way ANOVA Model with Random Factor
Classic, Nonparametric and Bayesian One-Way Analysis of Variance Panel
r-apaNix package
Format Outputs of Statistical Tests According to APA Guidelines
Process the Apache Web Server Log Files
Visualization of Clonal Expansion for Single Cell Immune Profiles
Create American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables
Create R Markdown Text for Results in the Style of the American Psychological Association (APA)
r-apcNix package
Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
Analysis of Unreplicated Orthogonal Experiments using All Possible Comparisons
r-apcfNix package
Adapted Pair Correlation Function
r-APCINix package
A New Age-Period-Cohort Model for Describing and Investigating Inter-Cohort Differences and Life C…
Affinity Propagation Clustering
r-aPCoANix package
Covariate Adjusted PCoA Plot
Routines for Descriptive and Model-Based APC Analysis
An Implementation of the Additive Polynomial Design Matrix
r-apeNix package
Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
r-aPEARNix package
Advanced Pathway Enrichment Analysis Representation
Quick Look at your Data
r-apexNix package
Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data
Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'ApexCharts' Library
r-APFrNix package
Multiple Testing Approach using Average Power Function (APF) and Bayes FDR Robust Estimation
r-APfunNix package
r-aphidNix package
Analysis with Profile Hidden Markov Models
Statistical Inference and Prediction of Annotations in Phylogenetic Trees
Functions and Data Sets for the Book "A Progressive Introduction to Linear Models"
r-APISNix package
Auto-Adaptive Parentage Inference Software Tolerant to Missing Parents
Interface to 'episensr' for Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological Results
r-APLNix package
Datasets from Hosmer, Lemeshow and Sturdivant, "Applied Logistic Regression" (3rd Ed., 2013)
r-aplotNix package
Decorate a 'ggplot' with Associated Information
Creating Composite Plots using 'aplot'
Another Plot Package: 'Bagplots', 'Iconplots', 'Summaryplots', Slider Functions and Others
r-APMLNix package
r-APML0Nix package
r-apmxNix package
Automated Population Pharmacokinetic Dataset Assembly
r-apngNix package
Convert Png Files into Animated Png
Prioritize and Delete Erroneous Taxa in a Large Phylogenetic Tree
Tools for Choice Model Estimation and Application
2D Apollonius Graphs
Interface to 'AppEEARS' NASA Web Services
Adjusted Prediction Model Performance Estimation
Get Apple Search Ads Data via the '' API
'Apple App Store' and 'iTunes' Data Extraction
A Compilation of Applicability Domain Methods
Functions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling'
r-appnnNix package
Amyloid Propensity Prediction Neural Network
Apportion Seats
Code and Obtain Customized Planned Comparisons with 'appRiori'
Bayesian Prediction of Complex Computer Codes
Approximately Optimal Fine Balance Matching with Multiple Groups
Approximate and Exact Optimal Transport Methods
Get Data from 'Appsflyer' via the '' API
An Interface to the 'AppSheet' API
Datasets from Draper and Smith "Applied Regression Analysis" (3rd Ed., 1998)
r-aprofNix package
Amdahl's Profiler, Directed Optimization Made Easy
Inspect, Read, Edit and Run 'APSIM' "Next Generation" and 'APSIM' Classic
r-aptNix package
Asymmetric Price Transmission
r-aptgNix package
Average Positive Predictive Values (AP) for Binary Outcomes and Censored Event Times
Visualize Population Pyramids Aggregated by Age
Air Quality Evaluation
r-aqfigNix package
Display Air Quality Model Output and Monitoring Data
Retrieving Acceptance Sampling Schemes
r-aqpNix package
Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology
Water Quality Analysis
Estimation and Prediction of Wet Season Calendar and Soil Water Balance for Agriculture
Confidentiality of Spatial Point Data
Integrated Development Toolbox for Aquatic Chemical Model Generation
Water and Measurements Quality
Life History Analysis Tools
Access to Aquo domaintables from R (Dutch)
r-ARNix package
Another Look at the Acceptance-Rejection Method
Convert Arabic Numerals to Kansuji
Arabic Stemmer for Text Analysis
ARAchnid KNowledge Online
Rigorous Data Reduction and Error Propagation of Ar40 / Ar39 Data
r-aRbsNix package
r-arcNix package
Association Rule Classification