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Showing entries 19701-19800 out of 54071.
r-cxrNix package
A Toolbox for Modelling Species Coexistence in R
Extend 'cxxfunction' by Saving the Dynamic Shared Objects
r-cycleNix package
Tools for Cycling Data Analysis
Cycle Routing and Data for Cycling Advocacy
Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code
Tools for Calculating Hypocycloids, Epicycloids, Hypotrochoids, and Epitrochoids
Survival Modeling with a Periodic Hazard Function
Cyclic Coordinate Descent for Logistic, Poisson and Survival Analysis
The Field of Cyclotomic Numbers
r-cydarNix package
Cytoscape.js Shiny Widget (cyjShiny)
Circular-Linear Copulas with Angular Symmetry for Movement Data
Query 'Team Cymru' 'IP' Address, Autonomous System Number ('ASN'), Border Gateway Protocol ('BGP')…
r-cyphrNix package
High Level Encryption Wrappers
Agent-Based Model for Taenia_solium Transmission and Control
Cytobank API Wrapper for R
Plot Fan Plots for Cytometry Data using 'ggplot2'
Automated Cytometry Gating and Annotation
Methods for Image-Based Cell Profiling
Optimal Transport for Gating Transfer in Cytometry Data with Domain Adaptation
Simplex Visualization of Cell Fate Similarity in Single-Cell Data
Czech Interest & Foreign Exchange Rates
r-czsoNix package
Use Open Data from the Czech Statistical Office in R
r-D2MCSNix package
Data Driving Multiple Classifier System
r-D3GBNix package
Interactive Genome Browser
Descriptive 3D Multidimensional Item Response Theory Modelling
Tools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R
Interactive Charts of Nested and Hierarchical Data with 'D3.js'
Seamless 'D3Plus' Integration
r-d3poNix package
Fast and Beautiful Interactive Visualization for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'
r-d3rNix package
'd3.js' Utilities for R
Create Interactive Collapsible Trees with the JavaScript 'D3' Library
Interface to 'D4Science' 'StorageHub' API
r-DANix package
Discriminant Analysis for Evolutionary Inference
r-DAAGNix package
Data Analysis and Graphics Data and Functions
Data Sets and Functions, for Demonstrations with Expression Arrays and Gene Sequences
Damped Anderson Acceleration with Epsilon Monotonicity for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
Data Analysis using Bootstrap-Coupled Estimation
r-dabrNix package
Database Management with R
r-daccNix package
r-DACFNix package
Data Analysis with Ceiling and/or Floor Data
r-dadNix package
Three-Way / Multigroup Data Analysis Through Densities
r-dada2Nix package
Displays a Dad Joke
Return a Random Dad Joke
r-dadosNix package
Translate Datasets to Portuguese
r-daeNix package
Functions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments
r-daewrNix package
Design and Analysis of Experiments with R
r-daffNix package
Diff, Patch and Merge for Data.frames
Download, Wrangle, and Analyse Vessel Monitoring System Data
r-dafsNix package
Data Analysis for Forensic Scientists
Spatial Vector Data for Danmarks Administrative Geografiske Inddeling DAGI
Graphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models
r-dagRNix package
Directed Acyclic Graphs: Analysis and Data Simulation
DAGs with Omitted Objects Displayed (DAGWOOD)
r-dailNix package
Data from Access to Information Law
r-DAIMENix package
Effects of Changing Deposition Rates
Data Quality Reporting for Temporal Datasets
r-daiRNix package
Interface with Google Cloud Document AI API
Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
Extracts Phylogenetic Island Community Data from Phylogenetic Trees
r-DAKSNix package
Data Analysis and Knowledge Spaces
r-DALEXNix package
MoDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation
Extension for 'DALEX' Package
r-DALSMNix package
Nonparametric Double Additive Location-Scale Model (DALSM)
Leveraging Experiment Lines to Data Analytics
Data Pre-Processing Extensions
r-DALYNix package
The DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for Probabilistic DALY Calculation in R
r-damNix package
Data Analysis Metabolomics
r-daMANix package
Create an 'Area of Interest' Around a Constructed Dam for Comparative Impact Evaluations