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Showing entries 21701-21800 out of 54071.
Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for Two-Sample U-Statistics with Censored Data
Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test/Confidence Interval for AUC or pAUC
r-emsNix package
Epimed Solutions Collection for Data Editing, Analysis, and Benchmark of Health Units
The Analysis of Variance with EMS
r-EMSCNix package
Extended Multiplicative Signal Correction
r-EMSNMNix package
EM Algorithm for Sigmoid Normal Model
r-EMSSNix package
Some EM-Type Estimation Methods for the Heckman Selection Model
Tools for Fast Computing and Visualizing Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees
r-EMTNix package
Exact Multinomial Test: Goodness-of-Fit Test for Discrete Multivariate Data
Bayesian Emulation of Computer Programs
r-emuRNix package
Main Package of the EMU Speech Database Management System
r-EMVSNix package
r-encNix package
Encoding of Nucleotide Sequences into Numeric Feature Vectors
Ensemble Methods for Multiple Change-Point Detection
Represent Ordered Lists and Pairs as Strings
Direct Multi-Step Forecast Based Comparison of Nested Models via an Encompassing Test
Encrypt Html Reports Using 'Libsodium'
Easily Encrypt and Decrypt Data Frame/Tibble Columns or Files using RSA Public/Private Keys
Recursive Two-Stage Models to Address Endogeneity
Classical Simultaneous Equation Models
Bayesian Measurement Models for Analyzing Endorsement Experiments
Endogenous Switching Regression Models
Transmissions and Receptions in an End to End Network
E-Statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data
Distribution Free Multivariate Control Chart Based on Energy Test
Data Published by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Compute Energy Landscapes
Robust and Sparse Methods for High Dimensional Linear and Binary and Multinomial Regression
Translate Integers into English
Engineering Economics Analysis for Engineering Projects Cost Analysis
Engression Modelling
Data sets from "Introductory Statistics for Engineering Experimentation"
r-EnMCBNix package
Automated Tuning and Evaluations of Ecological Niche Models
r-ENmixNix package
r-enmpaNix package
Ecological Niche Modeling using Presence-Absence Data
Species Distribution Modeling and Ecological Niche Modeling
Analysis of Niche Evolution using Niche and Distribution Models
r-enplsNix package
Ensemble Partial Least Squares Regression
Enrichment Analysis and Intersecting Sankey Diagram
Provides an R Interface to 'Enrichr'
Methods to Enrich R Objects with Extra Components
Clustering of Categorical Data
Extensible Package for Parallel, Batch Training of Base Learners for Ensemble Modeling
Probabilistic Forecasting using Ensembles and Bayesian Model Averaging
Extensible Package for Cross-Validation-Based Integration of Base Learners
Ensemble Model Output Statistics
Extensible Package for Principal-Component-Regression-Based Heterogeneous Ensemble Meta-Learning
Extensible Classes and Methods for Penalized-Regression-Based Integration of Base Learners
Ensemble Postprocessing Data Sets
Ensemble Models in R
Ensemble Taxonomic Assignments of Amplicon Sequencing Data
Human Gene Annotation Data from 'Ensembl'
r-ensrNix package
Elastic Net SearcheR
Ensure Values at Runtime
r-entcnNix package
Entropy Partitioning to Measure Diversity
Functions Based on Entropic Statistics
Estimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related Quantities
Estimation of Entropy and Related Quantities
MCMC Simulation and Convergence Evaluation using Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence Estimation
Estimate Entry Models
Miscellaneous Functions for Environmental Analyses
Detection of Structural Changes in Climate and Environment Time Series
Document the R Working Environment
r-enviNix package
Environmental Interpolation using Spatial Kernel Density Estimation
GC/LC-MS Data Analysis for Environmental Science
Isotope Pattern, Profile and Centroid Calculation for Mass Spectrometry