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Showing entries 37801-37900 out of 54071.
Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
Search 'Vertnet', a 'Database' of Vertebrate Specimen Records
r-rvestNix package
Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages
r-RVFamNix package
r-rvgNix package
R Graphics Devices for 'Office' Vector Graphics Output
Calling Haplotype-Based and Variant-Based Pedigree Disequilibrium Test for Rare Variants in Pedigr…
'ViennaCL' C++ Header Files
Animated Graph Layout Viewer
r-rvifNix package
Collinearity Detection using Redefined Variance Inflation Factor and Graphical Methods
High Performance Algorithms for Vine Copula Modeling
Regional Vulnerability Index
Wrapper for 'Visidata', an Interactive Multitool for Tabular Data
R Interface to API ''
Radial Velocity Method for Detecting Exoplanets
r-rvMFNix package
Fast Generation of von Mises-Fisher Distributed Pseudo-Random Vectors
r-RVSNix package
r-rvTDTNix package
r-rwaNix package
Perform a Relative Weights Analysis
API to Melbourne Pedestrian Data
R Warrior - An AI Programming Game
r-RwaveNix package
Time-Frequency Analysis of 1-D Signals
Wavelet Analysis
r-RWBPNix package
r-rwcNix package
Random Walk Covariance Models
Random Walk Clustering on Weighted Graphs
r-rWCVPNix package
Generating Summaries, Reports and Plots from the World Checklist of Vascular Plants
Read and Manipulate Data from 'RiverWare'
Sweave Drivers with Extra Tricks Up their Sleeve
Download Data from the Webstat API
r-RWekaNix package
R/Weka Interface
R/Weka Interface Jars
r-rwfecNix package
R Wireless, Forward Error Correction
Random Walks on Graphs Representing a Transactional Network
Import and Handling for 'WhatsApp' Chat Logs
WHOIS Server Querying
r-rwiccNix package
Regression with Interval-Censored Covariates
Wiener Process Distribution Functions
Interface for the 'Wildbook' Wildlife Data Management Framework
r-rWindNix package
Download, Edit and Include Wind and Sea Currents Data in Ecological and Evolutionary Analysis
Random Wishart Matrix Generation
r-rwispNix package
WISP Multiple Criteria Sorting Method
Miscellaneous Spatial Functions
r-RWNNNix package
Random Weight Neural Networks
WOFOST Crop Growth Simulation Model
Mapping Global Data
Country boundaries at high resolution
Lazy Search in R Packages, Task Views, CRAN, the Web
Chinese Character Frequency in Real World
r-rwtNix package
r-RwtssNix package
Client for Web Time-Series Service
r-rwtyNix package
R We There Yet?
R Interface to Weather Underground API
r-RXKCDNix package
Get XKCD Comic from R
Functions to Compute Chemical and Chemical Reaction Similarity
r-RxODENix package
Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models
Event Table Functions for 'rxode2'
Log-Likelihood Functions for 'rxode2'
Parsing and Code Generation Functions for 'rxode2'
Random Number Generation Functions for 'rxode2'
r-rxSeqNix package
Combined Total and Allele Specific Reads Sequencing Study
Maximum Likelihood Shrinkage using Generalized Ridge or Least Angle Regression
Import XY-Data into R
R Interface to the 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System
Legacy 'Ryacas' (Interface to 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System)
Load Data From 'Yandex Direct'
R Interface to Yandex Translate API
r-rymNix package
R Interface to Yandex Metrica API
Access to the YouTheria Mammal Trait Database
Work with 'YouTube API'
Simultaneous Selection by Trait and WAASB Index
R Module for Working with the 'Zabbix API'
Client for the 'ZENTRA Cloud' API
Zig-Zag Sampler
r-rzmqNix package
R Bindings for 'ZeroMQ'
Partitioning of Individual Autozygosity into Multiple Homozygous-by-Descent Classes
r-s2Nix package
Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
r-s20xNix package
Functions for University of Auckland Course STATS 201/208 Data Analysis
r-s2dvNix package
A Set of Common Tools for Seasonal to Decadal Verification
Set of Common Tools for Forecast Verification
r-s2netNix package
The Generalized Semi-Supervised Elastic-Net
r-S2slsNix package