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Showing entries 38001-38100 out of 54071.
A Collection of Sample Datasets
Sample Design, Drawing & Data Analysis Using Data Frames
Sample Selection Models
Sample Size Calculation for Various t-Tests and Wilcoxon-Test
Sample Size Calculation for the Comparison of Means or Proportions in Phase III Clinical Trials
Sample Size Calculations for Complex Surveys
Power and Sample Size Calculation for the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test
Choosing Sample Size for Evaluating a Diagnostic Test
Sample Size and Power Calculations for Case-Control Studies
Sample Size Calculations for Normal Means
Calculating Sample Size Requirements when Estimating the Difference Between Two Binomial Proportio…
Draw Stratified Samples from the VADIR Database
Generate Samples with a Variety of Probability Distributions
Survey Sampling
Sampling Methods for Big Data
Survey Sampling Procedures
Sampling Data Within Different Study Designs for Cluster Randomized Trials
Dynamic Survey Sampling Solutions
Sampling and Estimation Methods
Optimal Stratification of Sampling Frames for Multipurpose Sampling Surveys
Sampling Variance Estimation
Compare Human Performance to Sampling Algorithms
Datasets from the SAMPLING Project
Self-Adapting Mixture (SAM) Priors
Sample Size for Validation of Risk Models with Binary Outcomes
r-samrNix package
SAM: Significance Analysis of Microarrays
r-samsNix package
Merge-Split Samplers for Conjugate Bayesian Nonparametric Models
Stock Assessment Methods Toolkit
r-SAMTxNix package
Sensitivity Assessment to Unmeasured Confounding with Multiple Treatments
r-SAMURNix package
Stochastic Augmentation of Matched Data Using Restriction Methods
Statistical Models for the Unsupervised Segmentation of Time-Series ('SaMUraiS')
r-sandNix package
Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R, 2nd Edition
Probabilistic Numerical Modelling of Sediment Properties
Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators
Downloads and Tidies the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Beach Water Quality Monitoring …
Tools for Population Health Management Analytics
r-sanicNix package
Solving Ax = b Nimbly in C++
C/C++ Source Code to Trigger Address and Undefined Behaviour Sanitizers
Keeps Track of all Performed Sanity Checks
Phonetic Transliteration Between Hindi and English
Illustrate the Flow of Information or Material
Create Dependency Wheels and Sankey Diagrams
r-sanonNix package
Stratified Analysis with Nonparametric Covariable Adjustment
Fitting Shared Atoms Nested Models via Markov Chains Monte Carlo
r-sansaNix package
Synthetic Data Generation for Imbalanced Learning in 'R'
r-SANTANix package
Short Asynchronous Time-Series Analysis
A Versatile Cutting Tool
r-SANviNix package
Fitting Shared Atoms Nested Models via Variational Bayes
r-sanzoNix package
Color Palettes Based on the Works of Sanzo Wada
r-saotdNix package
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
r-SAPNix package
Statistical Analysis and Programming
r-sapaNix package
Group Ordinal Method for Multiple Criteria Decision-Making
Working with 'Sapfluxnet' Project Data
r-sapoNix package
Spatial Association of Different Types of Polygon
r-SAPPNix package
Statistical Analysis of Point Processes
r-sapsNix package
Import Air Quality Monitoring Data in a Fast and Easy Way
r-SARNix package
Smart Adaptive Recommendations
An R-GUI for Spatial Analysis of Surface Runoff using the NRCS-CN Method
r-SARCNix package
Simulation and Prediction with Seasonal ARIMA Models
r-sarksNix package
r-sarosNix package
r-sarsNix package
Fit and Compare Species-Area Relationship Models Using Multimodel Inference
Approximate POMDP Planning Software
Sas7bdat Reverse Engineering Documentation
Import ASCII Files Directly into R using Only a 'SAS' Input Script
Convert the Dates to 'SAS' Formats
r-saseRNix package
Sparse and Smooth Functional Clustering
r-sasLMNix package
'SAS' Linear Model
'SAS' Markdown
Data sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models"
r-sasrNix package
'SAS' Interface
r-sassNix package
Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
r-sassyNix package
Makes 'R' Easier for Everyone
Sensitivity Analysis Tools for Dependence and Asymptotic Dependence
r-sateNix package
Scientific Analysis of Trial Errors (SATE)
Handling and Manipulating Remote Sensing Data