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Showing entries 38301-38400 out of 54071.
r-scmapNix package
Single Cell Mapper
r-scMETNix package
Fitting Discrete Distribution Models to Count Data
r-sconeNix package
Aligning Ontology Annotation Across Single Cell Datasets with 'scOntoMatch'
r-SCOPENix package
Spectral Clustering-Based Method for Identifying B Cell Clones
r-scoprNix package
Score Projection Between in 'Vivo' and in 'Vitro' Datasets
r-SCORNix package
Spherically Constrained Optimization Routine
r-scoreNix package
A Package to Score Behavioral Questionnaires
Credit Risk Scorecard
Credit Scorecard Modelling Utils
S-Core Graph Decomposition
Score Test Integrated with Empirical Bayes for Association Study
Score Matching Estimation by Automatic Differentiation
Peak Functions for Peak Detection in Univariate Time Series
Implementation of SCORE, SCORE+ and Mixed-SCORE
Proper Scoring Rules
A Collection of Scoring Functions for Assessing Point Forecasts
Scoring Rules for Parametric and Simulated Distribution Forecasts
Utilities for Scoring and Assessing Predictions
Semi-Supervised Calibration of Risk with Noisy Event Times
Single Cell Oriented Reconstruction of PANDA Individual Optimized Networks
Inferring Developmental Chronologies from Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
The ScottKnott Clustering Algorithm
The Scott-Knott Effect Size Difference (ESD) Test
r-scoupNix package
r-scoutNix package
Implements the Scout Method for Covariance-Regularized Regression
A Spotlight 'React' Widget for 'shiny' Apps
Simulate Controlled Outliers
r-scpNix package
r-scPCANix package
Functions for Planning and Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain
E-Statistics for Seurat Objects
r-scpiNix package
Prediction Intervals for Synthetic Control Methods with Multiple Treated Units and Staggered Adopt…
Infer Ploidy of Single Cells
Plot Function for Single-Case Data Frames
r-scpmNix package
r-SCPMENix package
Single Cell Poisson Probability Paradigm
r-scPOPNix package
Generate Publication Ready Visualizations of Single Cell Transcriptomics Data
r-scqeNix package
Stability Controlled Quasi-Experimentation
Estimate Ploidy and Absolute Copy Number from Single Cell Sequencing
r-scRNix package
Estimate Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension and Sample Complexity
Scrape the Web with Extra Power
r-scranNix package
These Functions Fetch and Extract Text Content from Specified Web Pages
A Simple Web Scraper
Screen and clean variable selection procedures
'ScreeNOT': MSE-Optimal Singular Value Thresholding in Correlated Noise
Take Screenshots (Screen Capture) from R Command
Reconstructing the Regulatory Programs of Target Genes in scRNA-Seq Data
Command Argument Parsing
Analysis of High-Dimensional Categorical Data Such as SNP Data
r-SCRIPNix package
An Accurate Simulator for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
Identify Script Name
Execute Native Scripts
Get the Location of the R Script that is Being Sourced/Executed
R Script Visualization in Cytoscape
Determine a Script's Filename from Within the Script Itself
Complete Text of the LDS Scriptures
r-scrmNix package
Simulating the Evolution of Biological Sequences
Performing Single-Cell RNA-Seq Imputation by Using Mean/Median Imputation
A Pipeline to Process Single Cell RNAseq Data
Single Cell RNA Sequencing Data Analysis Tools
Download 'Scrobbles' from ''
Animate 'shiny' Elements when They Scroll into View using the 'scrollrevealjs' Library
Robust Supervised Hierarchical Identification of Single Cells
r-SCRTNix package
Single-Case Randomization Tests
Error Detection in Science
r-scryNix package
Key Derivation Functions for R Based on Scrypt
r-scryrNix package
An Interface to the 'Scryfall' API