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Showing entries 50601-50700 out of 54071.
specuphaskellPackages.specupNix package
Manage the application of templates to custom yaml
specupspecupNix package
Manage the application of templates to custom yaml
Speechmatics api client
speed-testnodePackagesNix package
Test your internet connection speed and ping using from the CLI
speed-testnodePackages_latestNix package
Test your internet connection speed and ping using from the CLI
Speedy slice sampling
Spelling suggestion tool with library and command-line interfaces
Geometry on a sphere
Orbotix Sphero client library
Haskell bindings to the Sphinx full-text searching daemon
Sphinx CLI and demo of Haskell Sphinx library
Transform queries for sphinx input
An FRP-based game engine written in Haskell
Experimental web browser
Lock free Spin Counter
Simple implementation of the generic spine view
Random text generation based on spintax
Some utilities for reading and writing SPIR-V files
Spiros Boosalis's Custom Prelude
SPIR-V enumerations generated from Khronos JSON
Types and generator for SPIR-V JSON spec
C-library loader for spirv-reflect tool
Data types from spirv-reflect tool
YAML loader for spirv-reflect tool
Generic splay-based sequence representation
Provides an annotated splay tree
Cross-platform Socket to Socket Data Splicing
Parallel implementation of the Sorokina/Zeilfelder spline scheme
B-Splines, other splines, and NURBS
HLint as a GHC source plugin
Combinator library for splitting lists
Split Epimorphisms and Monomorphisms
Split a big audio file into pieces at positions of silence
STM's TChan split into sending and receiving halves
splitmixsplitmixNix package
Fast Splittable PRNG
splitmixsplitmix_0_1_1Nix package
Fast Splittable PRNG
Random samplers for some common distributions, based on splitmix
Use numerical ranges to split out certain lines from a file
splothaskellPackages.splotNix package
A tool for visualizing the lifecycle of many concurrent multi-staged processes
splotsplotNix package
A tool for visualizing the lifecycle of many concurrent multi-staged processes
Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
Provides authentification helpers for Spock
Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
Digestive functors support for Spock
Lucid support for Spock
Background workers for Spock
Unified API for phantom typed newtypes and type aliases
Convert between ByteString and Vector
Catch errors thrown from pure computations
Spoon's utilities
Catch errors from pure computations in a Maybe/Either
Spotify Web API
Spotify web API wrapper
Read and write spreadsheets from and to CSV files in a lazy way
Write support for Excel's SpreadsheetML format
Binding to Sprig
JSON API to HTML website wrapper
An implementation of the Spritz RC4-like stream cipher in Haskell
HTTP proxy for authenticating users via OAuth2
Web interface to sproxy database
Secure HTTP proxy for authenticating users via OAuth2
Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Optimization Algorithm
A compact file system watcher for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows
High-level SQLite client
Guided derivation for Hasql statements
A small library that lets you generate YouTube-looking IDs from numbers
Common middle-level sql client
Mysql backend for sql-simple
Conection pool for sql-simple
Postgresql backend for sql-simple
Sqlite backend for sql-simple
SQL keywords data constructors into OverloadedString
Haskell binding to sqlcipher
Bindings for SQL/CLI (ODBC) C API
ODBC specific definitions to be used by SQL CLI clients
Calculate db-data dependencies of functions
Haskell binding to sqlite3
A primitive yet easy to use sqlite library
Mid-Level SQLite client library
Wrapper around errors from sqlite-simple
Interpolated SQLite queries via quasiquotation
Typed extension to sqlite simple
Class and instances for conversion to list of SqlValue
Initial project template from stack
The double category of Hask functors and profunctors
Squeal PostgreSQL Library
LTree extension for Squeal
UUID OSSP extension for Squeal
Use databases with the version 3 series of the SQLite C library
A file-packing application
Module limbo
Build and install Debian packages completely from source
Data types for managing source code locations
Parsing and processing s-records
The data type for SRT files
Attoparsec parser for the SRT format