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Showing entries 9701-9800 out of 54071.
A Quantitative Information Flow aware programming language
Library for automated composition and musical learning
Combinators for Strategic Programming
Generator for Boilerplate KURE Combinators
Find the alpha emoji
kvitablekvitableNix package
Key/Value Indexed Table container and formatting library
kvitablekvitable_1_1_0_1Nix package
Key/Value Indexed Table container and formatting library
Mid level bindings to Kyoto Cabinet
Kyoto Cabinet DB bindings
Bindings to L-BFGS-B, Fortran code for limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization
Plant growing programming game
Enables providing localization as typeclass instances in separate files
Labeled graph structure
Labeled tree structure
Anonymous records via named tuples
An experiment management framework
LabSat TCP Interface Wrapper
A complicated turn-based game
A complicated turn-based game - Web server
Generate Ruby clients from Servant APIs
Fizzy n dizzy
Solve Lagrange multiplier problems
Minimalistic type-checked compile-time template engine
Interpreters for lambda calculus, calculus of constructions, and more
Lambda Calculi Abstract Syntax Trees
A bridge from Haskell (on a CPU) to VHDL on a FPGA
A lambda calculus interpreter
Lambda Calculus interpreter
Educational drawing canvas for FP explorers
Haskell implementation of (some of) lambda cube calculi
A Paralell-DEVS implementaion based on distributed-process
Declarative command-line parser with type-driven pattern matching
A library to emulate laceholders similar to Scala
Boltzmann sampler utilities for lambda calculus
An application to work with the lambda calculus (for learning)
Untyped Lambda calculus to JavaScript compiler
LambdaBase is a lambda based language hosting an other language (defined by the person using it)
lambdabothaskellPackages.lambdabotNix package
Lambdabot is a development tool and advanced IRC bot
lambdabotlambdabotNix package
Lambdabot is a development tool and advanced IRC bot
Lambdabot core functionality
Lambdabot Haskell plugins
IRC plugins for lambdabot
Lambdabot miscellaneous plugins
Novelty plugins for Lambdabot
Lambdabot reference plugins
Social plugins for Lambdabot
Lambdabot for Telegram
Lambdabot trusted code
Utility libraries for the advanced IRC bot, Lambdabot
Lambdabot plugin for XMPP (Jabber) protocol
Lambdabot for Zulip Chat
A basic lambda calculator with beta reduction and a REPL
Webkit Browser
LambdaCms 'core' subsite for Yesod apps
LambdaCms "media" extension
A simple lambda cube type checker
Example for combining LambdaCube and Bullet
LambdaCube 3D is a DSL to program GPUs
LambdaCube 3D IR
LambdaCube 3D EDSL definition
3D rendering engine written entirely in Haskell
Examples for LambdaCube
OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile backend for LambdaCube 3D
LambdaCube 3D intermediate representation of 3D graphics pipelines
Samples for LambdaCube 3D
On-memory Database using Lambda Function environment
A type-safe EDSL for TouchDesigner written in Haskell
RSS 2.0 feed generator
A game engine library for tactical squad ASCII roguelike dungeon crawlers
Graphical Interaction Net Evaluator for Optimal Evaluation
A library to easily host Haskell based programming competitions
An repl using the lambdaBase package
A configurable and extensible neural network library
Quasiquoter, and Arbitrary helpers for the lambda calculus
Simple shell for evaluating lambda expressions
A libary for generating low-level sounds with high-level combinators
Type-Safe LaTeX EDSL
Lambdabot running as a twitter bot
Library for RedPitaya
Fpga bus core and serialization for RedPitaya
Diff Viewer
A high-level binding to the LAME encoder
A strange and unnecessary selective test-running library
Run dependent IO actions asynchronously
Haskell bindings for the Linux Landlock API
A Lisp
ASN.1 encoding and decoding
Parsing of ASN1 definitions
Parser and pretty-printer for ATS
Language definition and parser for AVRO files
Parsing and pretty-printing Bash shell scripts
An implementation of the Bluespec Haskell AST
Interpreter and language infrastructure for Boogie
language-clanguage-cNix package
Analysis and generation of C code
language-clanguage-c_0_10_0Nix package
Analysis and generation of C code
Extracting comments from C code
Inline C & Objective-C code in Haskell for language interoperability
C/CUDA/OpenCL/Objective-C quasiquoting library
An implementation of the C99 AST that strictly follows the standard
C-like AST to simplify writing C99 programs