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Showing entries 101-200 out of 583.
Low-level interface to debugger-protocol
Explicitly implicit renaming
Conveniently bind to getopt-long options
Trivial macro to define records and appropriate printers
A more convenient form of define-record
Directed graph in adjacency list format
Disjoint set implementation based on Scheme vectors and their indexes
Exports strings corresponding to standard XML (XHTML, HTML) doctypes
FFI convenience macro
Advisory locking mechanism based on standard file operations
Lambda equivalents with dots as trailing symbols
Fetch and install CHICKEN versions
Dynamic (dense) vectors based on SRFI-43
EDN data reader/writer
An extensible implementation of the ed text editor as defined in POSIX.1-2008
Creates tarballs for eggs in henrietta cache
Generate nix-expression from CHICKEN scheme eggs
Generate nix-expression from CHICKEN scheme eggs
Arithmetic and Cryptography on Elliptic Curve Groups over Finite Fields
Endian-specific procedures for converting blobs to numeric values and vectors
An I/O port that supports different endian formats
Simple templating with parameter expansion
A wrapper for libnova a 'general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and As…
Bindings to OpenGL and OpenGL ES through the Epoxy library
A template engine inspired by Jinja2 and Jingoo
Chicken bindings for espeak-ng's speak_lib.h
A pure Scheme Hyper Estraier client library
Binding to libexif, reading EXIF meta data from digital camera images
An interface to James Clark's Expat XML parser
Easy drawing for programs on X displays
A simple 2D and 3D graphics library for X11
Shift/Reset Control Operators
Automatic ASCII smart quotes and ligature handling for SXML
Fast-generic functions
Very basic interface to freenet FCP
Foreign feature testing
Cross-platform file path manipulation
Make tweaks and changes to sexp trees
Combinator Formatting
Extensible looping macros (originally based on Alex Shinn's)
Thread- and exception aware, lazy-looking synchronization with timeouts - extending srfi-45
Foreign helper macros
Common-Lisp style formatted output
Freetype2 Interface
Interface based sequence library
Filesystems in Userspace
Client library for the gemini:// protocol
Client library for the gemini:// protocol
Checks Gemini space for replies to your posts
Chicken bindings to genann - a simple neural network library in ANSI C
An implementation providing generalized arrays and storage classes for CHICKEN Scheme
An implementation of generic functions and a lot of helpers
Geographic Utilities
Command line option parsing
Utilities for getopt-long
Libgit2 bindings
A small gamedev-oriented math library
Freetype font rendering in OpenGL
High(er) level tools for OpenGL
Bindings to the GLFW3 OpenGL window and event management library
A compiler for a Scheme-like language targeting the GLSL
Gemtext reader and writer
A simple interface to Gnuplot
Golang channels in CHICKEN
Breadth-first search in a graph
Enumerate all simple cycles in a graph
Depth-first search in a graph
Compute strongly-connected components (SCC) of a graph
Determine the separation vertices of a graph
In-source documentation
Serve extensions over HTTP
Fetch and cache extensions from various sources for Henrietta to consume
A tool to convert and keep henrietta's cache in a git repository
HMAC provides a HMAC using the message-digest interface
Partial expressions as procedures with named parameters
Simple software transactional memory
A permissive, scalable HTML parser
High-level HTTP client library
Facilities for managing HTTP sessions
A static website compiler
Scene graph and spatial partitioning
Character-set conversions
Chicken bindings to the ICU unicode library
Detect image dimensions for common formats
Chicken bindings for the Imlib2 image library
Bindings to inotify