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Showing entries 301-400 out of 583.
A small awful app implementing a pastebin service
Simple source patch utility
A library for PDF generation
A mailbox constrained by capacity
Sequencing partial combinations
Wrapper around pkg-config
Bindings for OpenBSD's pledge(2)
An interface to GNU libplot, a library for device-independent two-dimensional vector graphics
Access POSIX group information
POSIX message queues API
A thin wrapper around POSIX regular expression matching
POSIX shared memory API
Bindings for PostgreSQL's C-api
Converting a premodule into module, test and doc files
Cache a procedure for a set time
Procedural-macros made easy
A prototype-delegation object model
Protocol buffer serialization
Provide automatically generated release-info and a pseudo-"meta"-file for eggs in svn
Pseudolists as a generalisation of ordinary lists
PS/Tk: Portable Scheme interface to Tk
Maintain and talk to a pthread pool
A command-line-based password manager
An interface to the Python programming language
A lightweight Qt 5 interface
A tree map that respects quote, quasiquote, and unquote
A queue data structure
Qwiki - the quick wiki
An implementation of r6rs bytevectors
R7RS compatibility
"Pure" r7rs compiler and interpreter
Rabbit stream cipher
MT19937 random number generator with Marsaglia and Tang's Ziggurat algorithm to generate random nu…
A sorted dictionary data structure based on red-black trees
Bindings for the Radial Basis Function interpolation routines by John Burkardt
Procedural record-type interface
A Redis client library for Chicken Scheme
Compatibility library for old regular expression API
Provides an easy to use case construct for regular expression matching
Generates wrappers to REST-like HTTP APIs
RFC3339 datetime parser
RIPE Message Digest
Setting resource limits
Bindings to Facebooks's RocksDB Key-Value Store
Heavyweight alternative to strings
Serialization of arbitrary data
Scheme 9 from Empty Space Char Graphics
A tool for testing eggs
A tool to diff salmonella log files
A tool to generate atom feeds out of salmonella log files
A tool to generate HTML ouput out of salmonella log files
Hybrid dynamical systems modeling
A safe evaluation environment
Scan lines until a regex or predicate matches
Tools for Scheme development
Scheme->c compatibility package
An auto-documentation tool for CHICKEN Scheme
Chicken Scheme code formattor to use from stdin/stdout
A reimplementation for CHICKEN of SCSH's process notation
Bindings to Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 (SDL2)
Bindings to SDL_image 2
Bindings to SDL_ttf 2
Semantic Version Utilities
Sending a file over the network
Generic sequence operators
(More) Generic sequence operators
Utilities to help testing servers
Unix filter that turns sexps into C syntax
Computes SHA1 (FIPS-180-1) checksums
Computes 256-, 385- and 512-bit SHA2 checksums
Convenient shell-command invocation
Port of the Shen language for Chicken Scheme
An efficient and powerful lexer generator
Implementation of typed cells to replace general set!
Design by contract for procedures
Some user-friendly exception routines
Some simple looping macros
Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums
A common interface to sequences
A fast and simple SHA1 implementation with minimal dependencies
Some simple test routines
Simple, cancel-able, efficient timer API
The SipHash family of hash functions
An implementation of skiplists
The SLIB applicative routines for the arrays library
The SLIB character plotting library
CHICKEN SLIB compatibility library
A slicer procedure for lists, strings and vectors