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Showing entries 2001-2100 out of 2815.
Myspell Hebrew dictionary
MySQL ODBC database driver
mythesNix package
Thesaurus library from Hunspell project
nanodbcNix package
Small C++ wrapper for the native C ODBC API
nanoflannNix package
Header only C++ library for approximate nearest neighbor search
nanomsgNix package
Socket library that provides several common communication patterns
nanopbnanopbNix package
Protocol Buffers with small code size
nanopbnanopbMallocNix package
Protocol Buffers with small code size
nanosvg-unstableNix package
Simple stupid SVG parser
ncnnNix package
Ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
ncoNix package
NetCDF Operator toolkit
ncursesncursesNix package
Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more
ncursesncurses6Nix package
Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more
Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more
ndiNix package
NDI Software Developer Kit
ndn-cxxNix package
A Named Data Networking (NDN) or Content Centric Networking (CCN) abstraction
ndpiNix package
A library for deep-packet inspection
neardal-unstableNix package
C APIs to exchange datas with the NFC daemon 'Neard'
neatvncNix package
A VNC server library
Nemo DBus plugin for qml
neonNix package
An HTTP and WebDAV client library
netcdfNix package
Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Format
netcdf-cxx4Nix package
C++ API to manipulate netcdf files
netcdf-fortranNix package
Fortran API to manipulate netcdf files
netcdf-mpiNix package
Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Format
nettleNix package
Cryptographic library
Experimental implementation of the C++ Networking Technical Specification
newtnewtNix package
Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces
newtpython311Packages.snackNix package
Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces
newtpython312Packages.snackNix package
Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces
nghttp2libnghttp2Nix package
HTTP/2 C library and tools
nghttp2nghttp2Nix package
HTTP/2 C library and tools
nghttp3Nix package
Nghttp3 is an implementation of HTTP/3 mapping over QUIC and QPACK in C
ngspiceNix package
The Next Generation Spice (Electronic Circuit Simulator)
NGTNix package
Nearest Neighbor Search with Neighborhood Graph and Tree for High-dimensional Data
ngtcp2ngtcp2Nix package
Ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG…
ngtcp2ngtcp2-gnutlsNix package
An effort to implement RFC9000 QUIC protocol
nix-pluginsNix package
Collection of miscellaneous plugins for the nix expression language
nlohmann_jsonNix package
JSON for Modern C++
nloptNix package
Free open-source library for nonlinear optimization
nngNix package
Nanomsg next generation
notcursesNix package
Blingful TUIs and character graphics
notify-sharpNix package
D-Bus for .NET
npapi-sdkNix package
A bundle of NPAPI headers by Mozilla
npthNix package
The New GNU Portable Threads Library
nrf5-sdkNix package
Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 Software Development Kit
nsprNix package
Netscape Portable Runtime, a platform-neutral API for system-level and libc-like functions
nssnssNix package
A set of libraries for development of security-enabled client and server applications
nssnss_latestNix package
A set of libraries for development of security-enabled client and server applications
nssnssToolsNix package
A set of libraries for development of security-enabled client and server applications
nss_wrapperNix package
A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
nsyncNix package
C library that exports various synchronization primitives
ntbtlsNix package
A tiny TLS 1.2 only implementation
ntirpcNix package
Transport-independent RPC (TI-RPC)
ntlNix package
A Library for doing Number Theory
numcppNix package
A Templatized Header Only C++
nuraftNix package
C++ implementation of Raft core logic as a replication library
nuspellNix package
Free and open source C++ spell checking library
nv-codec-headersnv-codec-headersNix package
FFmpeg version of headers for NVENC
nv-codec-headersnv-codec-headers-10Nix package
FFmpeg version of headers for NVENC
nv-codec-headersnv-codec-headers-11Nix package
FFmpeg version of headers for NVENC
nv-codec-headersnv-codec-headers-12Nix package
FFmpeg version of headers for NVENC
Nvidia optical flow headers for computing the relative motion of pixels between images
A VA-API implemention using NVIDIA's NVDEC
oatppNix package
Light and powerful C++ web framework for highly scalable and resource-efficient web applications
ocl-icdNix package
OpenCL ICD Loader for opencl-headers-2023.12.14
octomapNix package
A probabilistic, flexible, and compact 3D mapping library for robotic systems
odeNix package
Open Dynamics Engine
odpicNix package
Oracle ODPI-C library
ogdfNix package
Open Graph Drawing Framework/Open Graph algorithms and Data structure Framework
ogreogreNix package
3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
ogreogre_13Nix package
3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
oisNix package
Object-oriented C++ input system
okapiNix package
Okapi Library
olmNix package
Implements double cryptographic ratchet and Megolm ratchet
omorfiNix package
Analysis for Finnish text
oneDNNdnnlNix package
OneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)
oneDNNoneDNNNix package
OneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)
oneDNNoneDNN_2Nix package
OneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)
onigurumaNix package
Regular expressions library
onnxruntimeNix package
Cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for ML models
opaeNix package
Open Programmable Acceleration Engine SDK
open62541Nix package
Open source implementation of OPC UA
openal-softNix package
OpenAL alternative
openbabelNix package
A toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data
A toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data
openbsmNix package
An implementation of Sun's Basic Security Module (BSM) security audit API and file format
opencascade-occtNix package
Open CASCADE Technology, libraries for 3D modeling and numerical simulation
A clang wrapper library with an OpenCL-oriented API and the ability to compile OpenCL C kernels to…
opencl-clhppNix package
OpenCL Host API C++ bindings
opencl-headersNix package
Khronos OpenCL headers version 2023.12.14
Official Khronos OpenCL ICD Loader
opencolladacollada-domNix package
A library for handling the COLLADA file format
opencolladaopencolladaNix package
A library for handling the COLLADA file format
opencolorioopencolorioNix package
A color management framework for visual effects and animation
opencolorioopencolorio_1Nix package
A color management framework for visual effects and animation
opencore-amrNix package
Library of OpenCORE Framework implementation of Adaptive Multi Rate Narrowband and Wideband (AMR-N…
opencsgNix package
Constructive Solid Geometry library
openctNix package
Drivers for several smart card readers