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Showing entries 2601-2700 out of 2815.
thriftNix package
Library for scalable cross-language services
This module contains useful functions for general use in the TiCC software stack and beyond
ticpp-unstableNix package
Interface to TinyXML
tidypNix package
A program that can validate your HTML, as well as modify it to be more clean and standard
tiledbNix package
TileDB allows you to manage the massive dense and sparse multi-dimensional array data
TiMBL implements several memory-based learning algorithms
This server for TiMBL implements several memory-based learning algorithms
timezonemapNix package
A GTK+3 Timezone Map Widget
tinycborNix package
Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Library
tinycdbNix package
Utility to manipulate constant databases (cdb)
tinyobjloaderNix package
Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader
tinyxmlNix package
Simple, small, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs
tixNix package
A widget library for Tcl/Tk
tktkNix package
A widget toolkit that provides a library of basic elements for building a GUI in many different pr…
tktk-8_5Nix package
A widget toolkit that provides a library of basic elements for building a GUI in many different pr…
tkimgNix package
The Img package adds several image formats to Tcl/Tk
tkrzwNix package
A set of implementations of DBM
tl-expectedNix package
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
tllistNix package
C header file only implementation of a typed linked list
tntNix package
Template Numerical Toolkit: C++ headers for array and matrices
tntdbNix package
C++ library which makes accessing SQL databases easy and robust
tntnetNix package
Web server which allows users to develop web applications using C++
tokyocabinetNix package
Tokyo Cabinet: a modern implementation of DBM
tokyotyrantNix package
Network interface of the Tokyo Cabinet DBM
toml-fNix package
TOML parser implementation for data serialization and deserialization in Fortran
toml11Nix package
TOML for Modern C++
tomlc99Nix package
TOML v1.0.0-compliant library written in C99
tomlcppNix package
No fanfare TOML C++ Library
tomlplusplusNix package
Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for C++17
totem-pl-parserNix package
Simple GObject-based library to parse and save a host of playlist formats
tpm2-tssNix package
OSS implementation of the TCG TPM2 Software Stack (TSS2)
trackerNix package
Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer
tracker-minersNix package
Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer
treNix package
Lightweight and robust POSIX compliant regexp matching library
tremor-unstableNix package
Fixed-point version of the Ogg Vorbis decoder
trompeloeilNix package
Header only C++14 mocking framework
tsocksNix package
Transparent SOCKS v4 proxying library
tweenyNix package
A modern C++ tweening library
twolameNix package
A MP2 encoder
ubus-unstableNix package
OpenWrt system message/RPC bus
uccNix package
Collective communication operations API
uchardetNix package
Mozilla's Universal Charset Detector C/C++ API
uci-unstableNix package
OpenWrt Unified Configuration Interface
uclNix package
Portable lossless data compression library
uclient-unstableNix package
Tiny OpenWrt fork of libnl
ucommonNix package
C++ library to facilitate using C++ design patterns
A rule-based tokenizer for natural language
A rule-based tokenizer for natural language
ucxNix package
Unified Communication X library
udnsNix package
Async-capable DNS stub resolver library
udunits-unstableNix package
A C-based package for the programatic handling of units of physical quantities
uhttpmockNix package
Project for mocking web service APIs which use HTTP or HTTPS
uid_wrapperNix package
A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
umockdevNix package
Mock hardware devices for creating unit tests
unibiliumNix package
A very basic terminfo library
unicornunicornNix package
Lightweight multi-platform CPU emulator library
unicornunicorn-emuNix package
Lightweight multi-platform CPU emulator library
unittest-cppNix package
Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
unixODBCNix package
ODBC driver manager for Unix
unqliteNix package
Self-contained, serverless, zero-conf, transactional NoSQL DB library
updfparserNix package
A very simple PDF parser
urdfdomNix package
Provides core data structures and a simple XML parser for populating the class data structures fro…
urdfdom-headersNix package
URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers provides core data structure headers for URDF
uriNix package
C++ URI library
uriparserNix package
Strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library
usbredirNix package
USB traffic redirection protocol
usrsctpNix package
A portable SCTP userland stack
ustrNix package
Micro String API for C language
ustream-ssl-unstableustream-sslNix package
Ustream SSL wrapper
ustream-ssl-unstableustream-ssl-mbedtlsNix package
Ustream SSL wrapper
ustream-ssl-unstableustream-ssl-wolfsslNix package
Ustream SSL wrapper
utf8cppNix package
UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way
utf8procNix package
A clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data
uthashNix package
A hash table for C structures
uthenticodeNix package
A small cross-platform library for verifying Authenticode digital signatures
v8Nix package
Google's open source JavaScript engine
valhallaNix package
Open Source Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap
vapoursynthNix package
A video processing framework with the future in mind
A set of filters for motion estimation and compensation
VcvcNix package
Library for multiprecision complex arithmetic with exact rounding
Vcvc_0_7Nix package
Library for multiprecision complex arithmetic with exact rounding
vcdimagerNix package
Full-featured mastering suite for authoring, disassembling and analyzing Video CDs and Super Video…
vcgNix package
C++ library for manipulation, processing and displaying with OpenGL of triangle and tetrahedral me…
vectorscanNix package
A portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library
Video stabilization library
vigra-unstableNix package
Novel computer vision C++ library with customizable algorithms and data structures
virglrendererNix package
A virtual 3D GPU library that allows a qemu guest to use the host GPU for accelerated 3D rendering
virtualpgNix package
Loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite
vk-bootstrapNix package
Vulkan Bootstrapping Library
vkd3dNix package
A 3D graphics library with an API very similar, but not identical, to Direct3D 12
A fork of VKD3D, which aims to implement the full Direct3D 12 API on top of Vulkan
vmime-unstableNix package
Free mail library for C++
vmmlibNix package
A vector and matrix math library implemented using C++ templates
vo-aacencNix package
VisualOn AAC encoder library
vo-amrwbencNix package
VisualOn Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) encoder
volkNix package
The Vector Optimized Library of Kernels
volume_keyNix package
A library for manipulating storage volume encryption keys and storing them separately from volumes…
vrbNix package
A virtual ring buffer library written in C