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Showing entries 40001-40100 out of 54071.
Easy, Fast, and Pretty Specification Curve Analysis
Change Points Detection with Spectral Clustering
Spectroscopy Related Utilities
Statistical Package for Species Richness Estimation
The Species Chromatogram
r-SPECKNix package
Receptor Abundance Estimation using Reduced Rank Reconstruction and Clustered Thresholding
Reduction of Speckle Data from BTA 6-m Telescope
r-specLNix package
r-specrNix package
Conducting and Visualizing Specification Curve Analyses
r-specsNix package
Single-Equation Penalized Error-Correction Selector (SPECS)
Forecast Verification Routines for Ensemble Forecasts of Weather and Climate
Storing, Manipulating and Analysis Spectroscopy and Associated Data
Interface to the 'Spectator Earth' API
Calculate the Periodogram of a Time-Course
Common Methods of Spectral Data Analysis
Pre-Process, Visualize and Analyse Spectral Data
Detect Anomalies Using the Spectral Residual Algorithm
Spectral Clustering for Mixed Type Data
Approximate Gaussian Processes Using the Fourier Basis
Learning Graphs from Data via Spectral Constraints
Diffusion Map and Spectral Map
Obtain and Visualize Spectral Reflectance Data for Earth Surface Polygons
Visual and Non-Visual Spectral Analysis of Light
Predict Regional Community Composition
Class and Methods for Spectral Data
Fast Adaptive Spectral Clustering for Single and Multi-View Data
r-spedNix package
Multi-Gene Descent Probabilities
Smoothness-Penalized Deconvolution for Density Estimation Under Measurement Error
Estimation of the Relative Importance of Factors Affecting Species Distribution Based on Stability…
r-spEDMNix package
Legislative Speeches
Access the Speechs and Speaker's Informations of House of Representatives of Brazil
Fitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to Large Data Sets
Efficient Bayesian Inference for the Bradley--Terry Model
Automate Code for Adding Labels, Recoding and Renaming Variables, and Converting ASCII Files
Rapidly Import Classifier Results into 'phyloseq'
r-spefNix package
Semiparametric Estimating Functions
Semiparametric Efficient Estimation for a Two-Sample Treatment Effect
r-SPEINix package
Calculation of the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index
Correct the Spelling of a Given Word in the English Language
Tools for Spell Checking in R
r-SPEMNix package
r-spemdNix package
A Bi-Dimensional Implementation of the Empirical Mode Decomposition for Spatial Data
Auxiliary Functions to Estimate Centers of Biodiversity
Perform Spatial Error Estimation and Variable Importance Assessment
Non-Parametric Tests of Parametric Specifications
r-SPEVNix package
Unsmoothed and Smoothed Penalized PCA using Nesterov Smoothing
r-spexNix package
Spatial Extent Tools
r-spfaNix package
Semi-Parametric Factor Analysis
r-spfdaNix package
Function-on-Scalar Regression with Group-Bridge Penalty
Semiparametric Spatial Filtering with Eigenvectors in (Generalized) Linear Models
Spatial Econometric Interaction Models
r-spFSRNix package
Feature Selection and Ranking via Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation
r-spFWNix package
Hierarchical Spatial Finlay-Wilkinson Model
Spatial ARCH and GARCH Models (spGARCH)
r-spgsNix package
Statistical Patterns in Genomic Sequences
r-spgwrNix package
Geographically Weighted Regression
Students' Performance Dataset in Physics Education Research (SPHERE)
Optimization on a Unit Sphere
Spherical Principal Curves
Spherical Plotting
Piecewise Geodesic Smoothing for Spherical Data
Delaunay and Voronoï Tessellations on the Sphere
Numerical Integration over Spheres and Balls in n-Dimensions; Multivariate Polar Coordinates
r-sphetNix package
Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models with and without Heteroskedastic Innovations
Uniformity Tests on the Circle, Sphere, and Hypersphere
r-SPIANix package
r-SPIATNix package
Sparse Method to Identify Joint Effects of Functional Predictors
Species Identity and Evolution in R
Parse and Test Robots Exclusion Protocol Files and Rules
r-spidRNix package
Spider Knowledge Online
r-SPIGANix package
Compute SPI Index using the Methods Genetic Algorithm and Maximum Likelihood
Detecting Election Fraud from Irregularities in Vote-Share Distributions
Prediction and Variable Selection Using Spike and Slab Regression
Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Choice for Generalized Additive Mixed Models
r-spikyNix package
Spillover/Connectedness Index Based on VAR Modelling
r-SPInNix package
r-SPINANix package
Structure Parameter Inference Approach