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Showing entries 20101-20200 out of 21303.
Core Wayland window system code and protocol
A utility designed to kill a single instance of a wayland compositor
Suspends automatic idling of Wayland compositors when media is being played through Pipewire
Wayland utilities (wayland-info)
Wayland C++ binding
A tool to print wayland toplevels and other compositor info
A small screenlocker for Wayland compositors
A graphical logout/suspend/reboot/shutdown dialog for wayland
Desktop lyrics with QQ and NetEase Music source
A synergy client for Wayland compositors
Simple output management tool for wlroots based compositors implementing
GUI wallpaper setter for Wayland-based window managers
A network proxy for Wayland clients (applications)
A tool to build, deploy, and release any application on any platform
A native, blazing-fast screenshot tool for wlroots based compositors such as sway and river
A simple terminal emulator
wayvNix package
A gesture control for X11
A VNC server for wlroots based Wayland compositors
A zero dependency WebAssembly runtime for Go developers
USB programmer for downloading and uploading firmware to/from USB devices
Wallpaper application for Wayland compositors
A simple HTTP benchmarking tool
A command line calculator
Witchcraft compiler collection: tools to convert and script ELF files
Firmware programmer for WCH microcontrollers over USB
wchartNix package
Chart plugin for wNim
Worst-Case Peak-Gain library
World Coordinate System library for astronomy
wcwidthNix package
Implementation of wcwidth with Nim
User-space filesystem that allows to mount a webdav share
wdiffNix package
Comparing files on a word by word basis
A graphical application for configuring displays in Wayland compositors
Mirrors an output of a wlroots compositor to a window
Warp speed Data Transfer
weasisNix package
Multipurpose standalone and web-based DICOM viewer with a highly modular architecture
Quick access to current weather conditions and forecasts
Weather Icons
weaveNix package
A state-of-the-art ùultithreading runtime
The ML-first vector search engine
Signing and authentication operations with smart cards for the Web eID browser extension
A command line tool to help build, run, and test web extensions
web3Nix package
This is the humble begginings of library similar to web3.[js|py]
Web server log file analysis program
Tool to uncover technologies used on websites
webaudioNix package
API for Web Audio (JS)
webbyNix package
Common HTTP data structures and functionality
Webcam Capture Software
webcatNix package
The lightweight swiss army knife for websockets
A Discord and SpaceBar electron-based client implemented without Discord API
Webcord with Vencord web extension
webdavNix package
Simple WebDAV server
An implementation of WebDAV server in Rust
webdavclientNix package
WebDAV Client for Nim
A Redis HTTP interface with JSON output
webdriverNix package
Implementation of the WebDriver w3c spec
The all-in-one app to call, meet, message, and get work done
Webfont Kit Generator is a simple utility that allows you to generate woff, woff2 and the necessar…
HTTP server for purely static content
webglNix package
Basic wrapper for WebGL
webguiNix package
Web Technologies based Crossplatform GUI, modified wrapper for modified webview.h
Incoming webhook server that executes shell commands
webkitgtkwebkitgtkNix package
Web content rendering engine, GTK port
webkitgtkwebkitgtk_4_1Nix package
Web content rendering engine, GTK port
webkitgtkwebkitgtk_6_0Nix package
Web content rendering engine, GTK port
Keyboard-based web browser with Emacs/conkeror heritage
webmeshNix package
A simple, distributed, zero-configuration WireGuard mesh provider
Simple relay server for broadcasting a WebM stream
webpNix package
WebP Tools wrapper for Nim
WebP GDK Pixbuf Loader library
webrodNix package
webrtc-audio-processingwebrtc-audio-processingNix package
A more Linux packaging friendly copy of the AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project
webrtc-audio-processingwebrtc-audio-processing_1Nix package
A more Linux packaging friendly copy of the AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project
webrtcvadNix package
Webrtcvad (google's opensourced voice activity detection engine) bindings for Nim
Web Security Assessment Tool
Command-line client for WebSockets (like netcat/socat)
websockNix package
WS protocol implementation
websocketNix package
Websockets for nim
C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library
Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server
websocketxNix package
Websocket for httpx
A high level MITM framework
Web based SSH client
webterminalNix package
Simple HTML5/Javascript text terminal for embedding an nim app on a web page
Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux
webuiNix package
Wrapper for WebUI
webviewNix package
Nim bindings for zserge's webview
Send files using peer authenticated WebRTC
Fast, light and extensible chat client
Fast, light and extensible chat client
Weggli is a fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases
Weather app for the terminal
weiduNix package
InfinityEngine Modding Engine
weightedgraphNix package
Weighted Graph Libary
Collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks
An RDF visualizer
A DAB/DAB+ Software Radio
Multi-user tmux made easy
wepollNix package
Windows epoll wrapper