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Showing entries 15901-16000 out of 54071.
Function Minimum Approximator
Render Barcode Distribution Plots
Label Creation for Tracking and Collecting Data from Biological Samples
Species Identification using DNA Barcodes
r-bardrNix package
Complete Works of William Shakespeare in Tidy Format
r-BAREBNix package
A Bayesian Repulsive Biclustering Model for Periodontal Data
r-BARISNix package
r-barkNix package
Bayesian Additive Regression Kernels
Barnard's Unconditional Test
Calculate Bark Beetle Phenology Using Different Models
r-BARTNix package
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Causal Inference using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Confounder Selection
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
BartMachine JARs
Create Visualisations for BART Models
r-BASNix package
Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling
r-basadNix package
Bayesian Variable Selection with Shrinking and Diffusing Priors
Base64 Encoder and Decoder
Tools for base64 encoding
Fast and URL-Safe Base64 Encoder and Decoder
Acquiring and Analyzing Baseball Data
Utilities for Streamlined Data Import, Imputation and Modelling
'Base Dos Dados' R Client
Infrastructure for Computing with Basis Functions
Baseline Correction of Spectra
Accessing Spatial Basemaps in R
Baseline Models for Classification and Regression
r-baseqNix package
Basic Sequence Processing Tool for Biological Data
Working with Sets the Tidy Way
Estimation of Seed Germination Base Temperature in Thermal Modelling
Themes for Base Graphics Plots
r-basfNix package
Plot Simple Features with 'base' Sensibilities
Fit Hill Dose Response Models
Trace Plots, Density Plots and Chain Comparisons for MCMC Samples
Recovering a Basic Space from Issue Scales
Construct Rich Tables for Output to 'HTML'/'Excel'
Retrieval and Processing of the Spanish National Forest Inventory
Classification of RNA Sequences using Complex Network Theory
Classification of RNA Sequences using Complex Network and Information Theory
r-BASIXNix package
Bayesian Model to Archaeological Faunal Skeletal Profiles
Basket Trial Analysis
Analysis and Visualization of Basketball Data
Analytical Calculation of Basket Trial Operating Characteristics
Simulation-Based Calculation of Basket Trial Operating Characteristics
r-BASSNix package
Bayesian Adaptive Spline Surfaces
r-BaSTANix package
Age-Specific Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis from Incomplete Census or Capture-Recapture/Rec…
r-BATNix package
Biodiversity Assessment Tools
Managing Packages Removal and Installation
r-batchNix package
Batching Routines in Parallel and Passing Command-Line Arguments to R
Statistical Experiments on Batch Computing Clusters
Downloads and Organizes Financial Data for Multiple Tickers
Batch Computing with R
Batch Process LLM Text Completions Using a Data Frame
Consistent Batch Means Estimation of Monte Carlo Standard Errors
Semi-Supervised Bayesian Mixture Models Incorporating Batch Correction
Batch Script Helpers
Batch Effect Adjustments
Tools for Computation on Batch Systems
r-bateNix package
Computes Bias-Adjusted Treatment Effect
Convert Categorical Representations of Logicals to Actual Logicals
Real-Time PCR Data Sets by Batsch et al. (2008)
r-BATSSNix package
Bayesian Adaptive Trial Simulator Software (BATSS) for Generalised Linear Models
An R Package for Data Reduction by Battery Reduction
r-BAwiRNix package
Analysis of Basketball Data
Bayesian Analysis of Clumped Isotope Datasets
r-baycnNix package
Bayesian Inference for Causal Networks
Bayesian Estimation and Optimisation of Expected False Discovery Rate
Bayesian Quantile Elastic Net for Genetic Study
User Friendly Bayesian Data Analysis for Psychology
Fast Bayesian Methods for AB Testing
Bayesian Estimation of the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model
Bayesian Inference in the Analysis of Variance via Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Gaussian Mixture Mo…
Bayesian Estimation of ARIMAX Model
Bayesian Assurance Computation