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Showing entries 38801-38900 out of 54071.
r-sftNix package
Functions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of Data
Classes and Methods for Simple Feature Objects that Have a Time Column
Space Filling Based Tools for Data Mining
Modern Classes for Tracking and Movement Data
r-sgNix package
'SendGrid' Email API Client
r-sgapiNix package
Aid Querying 'nomis' and 'Office for National Statistics Open Geography' APIs
r-sgatNix package
Extract Information from Google's "Popular Times"
r-SGBNix package
Simplicial Generalized Beta Regression
r-sGBJNix package
Survival Extension of the Generalized Berk-Jones Test
Sparse-Group Boosting
r-SGCPNix package
r-sgdNix package
Stochastic Gradient Descent for Scalable Estimation
Inference with Stochastic Gradient Descent
r-sgeeNix package
Stagewise Generalized Estimating Equations
An Object-Oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+
r-SGLNix package
Fit a GLM (or Cox Model) with a Combination of Lasso and Group Lasso Regularization
Lasso Method for RCON(V,E) Models
r-sglgNix package
Fitting Semi-Parametric Generalized log-Gamma Regression Models
r-sglrNix package
Sequential Generalized Likelihood Ratio Decision Boundaries Proposed by Shih, Lai, Heyse and Chen …
Solves a Generic Stochastic Growth Model with a Representative Agent
Sparse Gaussian Markov Random Field Mixtures for Anomaly Detection
r-sgoNix package
Simple Geographical Operations (with OSGB36)
r-sgofNix package
Multiple Hypothesis Testing
Efficient Savitzky-Golay Filtering
r-SGPNix package
Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories
Exemplar Data Sets for Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) Analyses
r-sgPLSNix package
Sparse Group Partial Least Square Methods
r-SGPRNix package
Sparse Group Penalized Regression for Bi-Level Variable Selection
r-sgpvNix package
Calculate Second-Generation p-Values and Associated Measures
r-sgrNix package
Sample Generation by Replacement
Network Visualization Using 'sigma.js'
r-sgsNix package
Sparse-Group SLOPE:
r-SGSeqNix package
r-sgsRNix package
Structurally Guided Sampling
Seasonal Generalized Space Time Autoregressive (S-GSTAR) Model
r-sgtNix package
Skewed Generalized T Distribution Tree
Simple Colour Manipulation
Selenium Plugin to Manage Multi Level Shadow Elements on Web Page
Shadow Text Grob and Layer
Computation of Entropy Measures and Relative Loss
Approximation of the Shapley Values Based on Experimental Designs
r-shapeNix package
Functions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors
Change-Point Estimation using Shape-Restricted Splines
Read and Write ESRI Shapefiles
M-Estimation of Shape for Data with Missing Values
Tools for Analyzing Shapes and Patterns
Collection and Analysis of Otolith Shape Data
Standardised Rigid Rotations of Articulated Three-Dimensional Structures
Statistical Shape Analysis
Shape Selection for Landsat Time Series of Forest Dynamics
SHAP Plots for 'XGBoost'
Weighted Mean SHAP for Feature Selection in ML Grid and Ensemble
Multivariate Outlier Explanations using Shapley Values and Mahalanobis Distances
Shapley Value Regression for Relative Importance of Attributes
Wrapper of Python Library 'shap'
r-shaprNix package
Prediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley Values
r-sharNix package
Species-Habitat Associations
Shark Demographic Analyses Using Leslie Matrix Models
r-sharpNix package
Stability-enHanced Approaches using Resampling Procedures
Data Sharpening
Statistical Significance of the Sharpe Ratio
Moment-Free Estimation of Sharpe Ratios
Penalized Data Sharpening for Local Polynomial Regression
Estimating Regulatory Scores and Identifying ATAC-STARR Data
A Soil Survey Toolkit
r-sharxNix package
Models and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area Relationships
Estimate the Shattering Coefficient for a Particular Dataset
Immunoglobulin Somatic Hypermutation Analysis
Parse xlsx Files
r-SHELFNix package
Tools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation Framework
Builds Chronologies from Oxygen Isotope Profiles in Shells
Bivalve Growth and Trace Element Accumulation Model
Support for Secure API Key Management
Graphical Displays for Structured Problem Solving and Diagnosis
Building a Concordance of Terms in a Series of Texts
A Shiny Dashboard Template System
r-shideNix package
Date/Time Classes Based on Jalali Calendar
Exactly Computing the Tail of the Poisson-Binomial Distribution
Fast Enrichment Analysis via Circular Permutations
Inference in Regressions with Shift-Share Structure
Lorem-Ipsum-Like Helpers for Fast Shiny Prototyping
r-shinyNix package
Web Application Framework for R