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Showing entries 39401-39500 out of 54071.
r-slamNix package
Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
Slanted Matrices and Ordered Clustering
r-slapNix package
Simplified Error Handling
S-LASSO Estimator for the Function-on-Function Linear Regression
r-SLBDDNix package
Statistical Learning for Big Dependent Data
r-SLCNix package
r-slcaNix package
Structural Modeling for Multiple Latent Class Variables
Semiparametric Latent Class Analysis of Recurrent Events
r-slcmNix package
Sparse Latent Class Model for Cognitive Diagnosis
r-sldNix package
Estimation and Use of the Quantile-Based Skew Logistic Distribution
Software for Analyzing Limiting Dilution Assays
4253H, Twice Smoothing
Sleep Cycle Detection
Wrapper Functions Around 'Sleeper' (Fantasy Sports) API
Analyse Activity and Sleep Behaviour
Interactively Explore Dimension-Reduced Embeddings
r-sleevNix package
Semiparametric Likelihood Estimation with Errors in Variables
r-SLEMINix package
Statistical Learning Based Estimation of Mutual Information
A Simulation Framework for Spatiotemporal Population Genetics
Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (2nd Ed)"
Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (3rd Ed)"
r-slfmNix package
Fitting a Bayesian Sparse Latent Factor Model in Gene Expression Analysis
Sparse Logistic Functional Principal Component Analysis
r-slgaNix package
r-slgfNix package
Bayesian Model Selection with Suspected Latent Grouping Factors
r-SLGINix package
r-SLHDNix package
Maximin-Distance (Sliced) Latin Hypercube Designs
Sliced Latin Hypercube Designs
Create Interactive Carousels with the 'JavaScript' 'Slick' Library
r-SLIDENix package
Single Cell Linkage by Distance Estimation is SLIDE
Sliding Window Functions
Compare Raster Images Side by Side with a Slider
Methods for Time Series Analysis
r-slimNix package
Singular Linear Models for Longitudinal Data
Sparse Linear Method to Predict Ratings and Top-N Recommendations
Slippy Map Tile Tools
r-slmNix package
Stationary Linear Models
Stepwise Linear Models for Binary Classification Problems under Youden Index Optimisation
r-sloopNix package
Helpers for 'OOP' in R
r-SLOPENix package
Sorted L1 Penalized Estimation
Change-in-Slope OP Algorithm with a Finite Number of States
Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Comparative Hypotheses
A Slow Version of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE)
r-slpNix package
Discrete Prolate Spheroidal (Slepian) Sequence Regression Smoothers
Presidential Election Data of "Sri Lanka" from 1982 to 2015
r-slrNix package
Semi-Latin Rectangles
Optimal Regression Design under the Second-Order Least Squares Estimator
r-SLTCANix package
Scalable and Robust Latent Trajectory Class Analysis
A Lightweight Wrapper for 'Slurm'
r-smNix package
Smoothing Methods for Nonparametric Regression and Density Estimation
r-smaaNix package
Stochastic Multi-Criteria Acceptability Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling
Flexible Multidimensional Scaling and 'smacof' Extensions
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Case-Control Point Data
r-SMADNix package
Fits a Fay Herriot Model
Small Count Rounding of Tabular Data
Visual Documentation for Data Preprocessing
Dr. Small's Functions
r-smamNix package
Statistical Modeling of Animal Movements
r-SMAPNix package
r-smaprNix package
Bayesian Set of Best Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Sample Size in SMARTs for Binary Outcomes
Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial Design
Summarize and Explore the Data
Tools for Accessing Various Datasets Developed by the Foundation
Smartly Create Maps from R Objects
Methods for Smart Meter Data Analysis
Sample Size for SMART Designs in Non-Surgical Periodontal Trials
Access and Write 'Smartsheet' Data using the 'Smartsheet' API 2.0
Power Analysis for a SMART Design
Fast Multivariate Analyses of Big Genomic Data
Fast and Robust Surrogate Variable Analysis
r-smatrNix package
(Standardised) Major Axis Estimation and Testing Routines
Scoring Modeling and Optimal Binning
r-SMCNix package
Sparse Multiple Canonical Correlation Network Analysis Tool
r-smcoNix package
r-SMCRMNix package
Data Sets for Statistical Methods in Customer Relationship Management by Kumar and Petersen (2012)
ShangMi(SM) Cryptographic Algorithms(SM2/SM3/SM4)
Fit Semiparametric Mixture Cure Models
r-smdNix package
Compute Standardized Mean Differences
Data to Accompany Smithson & Merkle, 2013
r-smdiNix package
Perform Structural Missing Data Investigations
r-SMDICNix package
Identification of Somatic Mutation-Driven Immune Cells
Build 'Docker Images' in 'Amazon SageMaker Studio' using 'Amazon Web Service CodeBuild'
r-smdsNix package
r-smercNix package
Statistical Methods for Regional Counts
Read and Write SMET Files
r-SMFI5Nix package
Filtering Algorithms for the State Space Models on the Stiefel Manifold