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Showing entries 40301-40400 out of 54071.
Stationary Subspace Analysis
r-ssanvNix package
Sample Size Adjusted for Nonadherence or Variability of Input Parameters
Statistics Norway's Miscellaneous Tools
r-sscNix package
Semi-Supervised Classification Methods
r-sscorNix package
Robust Correlation Estimation and Testing Based on Spatial Signs
r-sscuNix package
r-ssdNix package
Web Application for the SSD Module of the MOSAIC Platform
Species Sensitivity Distribution Data
Functions to Analyze Single System Data
Single Sample Directional Gene Set Analysis
r-SSDLNix package
r-SSDMNix package
Stacked Species Distribution Modelling
r-sSDRNix package
Tools Developed for Structured Sufficient Dimension Reduction (sSDR)
r-sseNix package
Sample Size Estimation
Parse Server-Sent Events
r-sSeqNix package
r-ssevNix package
Sample Size Computation for Fixed N with Optimal Reward
r-ssfaNix package
Spatial Stochastic Frontier Analysis
r-ssfitNix package
Fitting of Parametric Models using Summary Statistics
r-SSGLNix package
Spike-and-Slab Group Lasso for Group-Regularized Generalized Linear Models
Bayesian Graph Structure Learning using Spike-and-Slab Priors
r-sshNix package
Secure Shell (SSH) Client for R
Searching Shared HLA Amino Acid Residue Prevalence
Nonparametric, Tuning-Free Estimation of S-Shaped Functions
Information Consistency-Based Measures for Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity
r-sshipNix package
Tool for Secure Shipment of Content
r-ssifsNix package
Stochastic Search Inconsistency Factor Selection
The Structural Similarity Index Measure for Maps
Standard Schedules Information Parser
r-ssizeNix package
Sample Size Calculation for RNA-Seq Experimental Design
The Spike-and-Slab LASSO
r-SSLRNix package
Semi-Supervised Classification, Regression and Clustering Methods
r-SSMNix package
Fit and Analyze Smooth Supersaturated Models
r-ssmnNix package
Skew Scale Mixtures of Normal Distributions
Sample Selection Models
Bayesian State-Space Modeling of Mouse-Tracking Experiments via Stan
Spatially Smoothed MRCD Estimator
Robust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection Models
r-ssmsnNix package
Scale-Shape Mixtures of Skew-Normal Distributions
Single-Sample Mutation-Based Pathway Analysis
r-SSNNix package
r-SSN2Nix package
Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks
Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis in Stream Networks
Assemble 'SSN' Objects
Stream Suitable Online Support Vector Machines
r-SSPNix package
Simulated Sampling Procedure for Community Ecology
r-SSPANix package
Stock Status Plots (SSPs)
r-sspmNix package
r-sspseNix package
Estimating Hidden Population Size using Respondent Driven Sampling Data
r-ssrNix package
Semi-Supervised Regression Methods
r-SSRANix package
Sakai Sequential Relation Analysis
r-SSratNix package
Two-Dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with Rating Scales
r-ssrchNix package
Sample Size Calculation using Restricted Mean Survival Time
r-ssrnNix package
Scan Statistics for Railway Network
Easy SSRT Calculation
r-sssNix package
Import Files in the Triple-s (Standard Survey Structure) Format
r-ssscNix package
Same Species Sample Contamination Detection
State Space Models
Bootstrap Stacking of Random Forest Models for Heterogeneous Data
r-ssvdNix package
r-ssvizNix package
r-SSVSNix package
Functions for Stochastic Search Variable Selection (SSVS)
r-sswNix package
Striped Smith-Waterman Algorithm for Sequence Alignment using SIMD
r-ssymNix package
Fitting Semi-Parametric log-Symmetric Regression Models
r-stNix package
Shrinkage t Statistic and Correlation-Adjusted t-Score
r-staNix package
Seasonal Trend Analysis for Time Series Imagery in R
Stabilising Variable Selection
Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)
Stability Analysis App for GEI in Multi-Environment Trials
Stabilizing Regression and Variable Selection
Stabilometric Signal Quantification
Probability Functions and Generalized Regression Models for Stable Distributions
Stable Distribution Functions
Estimate the Four Parameters of Stable Laws using Different Methods
A Stable Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic for Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Stability Assessment of Statistical Learning Methods
Stable Specification Search in Structural Equation Models
r-stabmNix package
Stability Measures for Feature Selection
Linear Regression with the Stable Distribution
r-stabsNix package
Stability Selection with Error Control
Standardized Accuracy and Other Model Performance Metrics
Stacked Gradient Boosting Machines
Tools for Analysis of Stacked Multiple Imputations