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Showing entries 2801-2815 out of 2815.
zeroc-iceNix package
The internet communications engine
zeromqNix package
The Intelligent Transport Layer
zimgNix package
Scaling, colorspace conversion and dithering library
zimlibNix package
Library for reading and writing ZIM files
zintNix package
A barcode generating tool and library
zlibNix package
Lossless data-compression library
zlib-ngNix package
Zlib data compression library for the next generation systems
zlogNix package
Reliable, high-performance, thread safe, flexible, clear-model, pure C logging library
zmqppNix package
C++ wrapper for czmq
zmusicNix package
GZDoom's music system as a standalone library
zookeeper_mtNix package
Apache Zookeeper
zxcvbn-cNix package
A C/C++ implementation of the zxcvbn password strength estimation
C++ port of zxing (a Java barcode image processing library)
zydisNix package
Fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library
zziplibNix package
Library to extract data from files archived in a zip file