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Showing entries 2701-2800 out of 2815.
vrpnNix package
Virtual Reality Peripheral Network
vsqliteNix package
C++ wrapper library for sqlite
vtevteNix package
A library implementing a terminal emulator widget for GTK
vtevte-gtk4Nix package
A library implementing a terminal emulator widget for GTK
vtkpython311Packages.vtkNix package
Open source libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization
vtkpython312Packages.vtkNix package
Open source libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization
vtkvtkNix package
Open source libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization
vtk-qvtkNix package
Open source libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization
vulkan-headersNix package
Vulkan Header files and API registry
vulkan-loaderNix package
LunarG Vulkan loader
A set of utility libraries for Vulkan
vxlNix package
C++ Libraries for Computer Vision Research and Implementation
waffleNix package
A cross-platform C library that allows one to defer selection of an OpenGL API and window system u…
wangleNix package
An open-source C++ networking library
wapp-unstableNix package
A framework for writing web applications in Tcl
wasilibcNix package
WASI libc implementation for WebAssembly
wavpackNix package
Hybrid audio compression format
waylandkdePackages.waylandNix package
Core Wayland window system code and protocol
waylandwayland-scannerNix package
Core Wayland window system code and protocol
Wayland protocol extensions
waylandppNix package
Wayland C++ binding
A wrapper for wlroots based on Qt
wayqtNix package
Qt-based library to handle Wayland and Wlroots protocols to be used with any Qt project
C# bindings for WebKit 2 with GTK+ 3
webkitgtkwebkitgtkNix package
Web content rendering engine, GTK port
webkitgtkwebkitgtk_4_1Nix package
Web content rendering engine, GTK port
webkitgtkwebkitgtk_6_0Nix package
Web content rendering engine, GTK port
WebP GDK Pixbuf Loader library
webrtc-audio-processingwebrtc-audio-processingNix package
A more Linux packaging friendly copy of the AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project
webrtc-audio-processingwebrtc-audio-processing_1Nix package
A more Linux packaging friendly copy of the AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project
websocket++Nix package
C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library
wfa2-libNix package
Wavefront alignment algorithm library v2
Locate the current executable and running module/library
WiiUseNix package
Feature complete cross-platform Wii Remote access library
wildmidiNix package
Software MIDI player and library
wiredtigerNix package
wireplumberNix package
A modular session / policy manager for PipeWire
Wayland roots protocol extensions
wlrootswlrootsNix package
A modular Wayland compositor library
wlrootswlroots_0_15Nix package
A modular Wayland compositor library
wlrootswlroots_0_16Nix package
A modular Wayland compositor library
wlrootswlroots_0_17Nix package
A modular Wayland compositor library
wolfssl-allNix package
A small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices
wpebackend-fdoNix package backend for WPE WebKit
wtNix package
C++ library for developing web applications
wxsqlite3Nix package
A C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x for wxWidgets
wxsqliteplusNix package
A simple SQLite database browser built with wxWidgets
wxSVGNix package
A SVG manipulation library built with wxWidgets
wxwidgetswxGTK31Nix package
A Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
wxwidgetswxGTK32Nix package
A Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
x264-unstableNix package
Library for encoding H264/AVC video streams
x265Nix package
Library for encoding H.265/HEVC video streams
xalan-cNix package
A XSLT processor for transforming XML documents
xapianNix package
Search engine library
xavsNix package
AVS encoder and decoder
Xaw3dNix package
3D widget set based on the Athena Widget set
xbaseNix package
C++ class library formerly known as XDB
xcb-imdkitNix package
Input method development support for xcb
xcb-util-cursorNix package
XCB cursor library (libxcursor port)
xdg-dbus-proxyNix package
DBus proxy for Flatpak and others
Desktop integration portals for sandboxed apps
Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal for the GNOME desktop environment
Desktop integration portals for sandboxed apps
Xdg-desktop-portal backend for wlroots
Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal for Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce
xedNix package
Intel X86 Encoder Decoder (Intel XED)
xerces-cNix package
Validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++
xeusNix package
C++ implementation of the Jupyter Kernel protocol
xeus-zmqNix package
ZeroMQ-based middleware for xeus
xgboostxgboostNix package
Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library
xgboostxgboostWithCudaNix package
Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library
xlslibNix package
C++/C library to construct Excel .xls files in code
xmake-core-svNix package
Public domain cross-platform semantic versioning in c99
xml-security-cNix package
C++ Implementation of W3C security standards for XML
xml-tooling-cNix package
A low-level library that provides a high level interface to XML processing for OpenSAML 2
xmlrpc-cNix package
A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP
xmlsecNix package
XML Security Library in C based on libxml2
xsdNix package
An open-source, cross-platform W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
xsimdNix package
C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics
xtensorNix package
Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing
xtlNix package
Basic tools (containers, algorithms) used by other quantstack packages
xvidcoreNix package
MPEG-4 video codec for PC
xxHashNix package
Extremely fast hash algorithm
xylibNix package
Portable library for reading files that contain x-y data from powder diffraction, spectroscopy and…
yajlNix package
Yet Another JSON Library
yaml-cpplibyamlcppNix package
A YAML parser and emitter for C++
yaml-cpplibyamlcpp_0_3Nix package
A YAML parser and emitter for C++
yaml-cppyaml-cppNix package
A YAML parser and emitter for C++
yaml-cppyaml-cpp_0_3Nix package
A YAML parser and emitter for C++
yasNix package
Yet Another Serialization
yascreenNix package
Yet Another Screen Library (curses replacement for daemons and embedded apps)
yderNix package
Logging library for C applications
yojimboNix package
A network library for client/server games with dedicated servers
yubico-pamNix package
Yubico PAM module
yyjsonNix package
The fastest JSON library in C
zchunkNix package
File format designed for highly efficient deltas while maintaining good compression
zeitgeistpython311Packages.zeitgeistNix package
A service which logs the users’s activities and events
zeitgeistpython312Packages.zeitgeistNix package
A service which logs the users’s activities and events
zeitgeistzeitgeistNix package
A service which logs the users’s activities and events
zeroc-iceNix package
The internet communications engine