Showing entries 23101-23200 out of 52683.
Bimodal Skew Symmetric Normal Distribution
Generalized Additive Extreme Value Models for Location, Scale and Shape
Generalized Additive Mixed Models using 'mgcv' and 'lme4'
Dose Rate Estimation from in-Situ Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Measurements
Classic Gamma Regression: Joint Modeling of Mean and Shape Parameters
Generalized Additive Mixed Model Analysis via Slice Sampling
Robust and Sparse Regression via Gamma-Divergence
Calculate the RR for the GAM
Bayesian Generalized Additive Model Selection
A Data Interface Between 'GAMS' and R
Build a Metric Subspaces Data Model for a Data Source
Generate Generative Data for a Data Source
Gene Association Network-Based Pathway Analysis (GANPA)
The GANPA Datasets Package
Searching Parsimony Models with Genetic Algorithms
Estimate Gaps Under an Intervention
Fill Missing Values in Satellite Data
Drawing Gapped Cluster Heatmaps with 'ggplot2'
Class of GARCH-Ito Models
Estimating a GARCHSK Model and GJRSK Model
Flexible and Robust GARCH-X Modelling
Gene and Region Counting of Mutations ("GARCOM")
Utilities for Working with Google APIs
An Event-Based Mechanism for 'Shiny'
Fitting and Forecasting Gegenbauer ARMA Time Series Models
Generalized Array Arithmetic for Ragged Arrays with Named Margins
Generalized Autoregressive Score Models
Import, Recompute and Analyze Data from Portable Gas Analyzers
Genetic Algorithm (GA) for Variable Selection from High-Dimensional Data
Greenhouse Gas Flux Calculation from Chamber Measurements
Generalized Autoregressive Score Models
Train and Apply a Gaussian Stochastic Process Model
Analyzing Gastric Emptying from MRI or Scintigraphy
Genetic Data Handling (QC, GRM, LD, PCA) & Linear Mixed Models
Easily Gate or Select Points on a Scatter Plot
Flow/Mass Cytometry Gating via Spatial Kernel Density Estimation
Geographic and Taxonomic Occurrence R-Based Scrubbing
Lotka-Volterra Models for Gause's 'Struggle for Existence'
The Gaussian Covariate Method for Variable Selection
Difference measures for multivariate Gaussian probability density functions
The Greatest Mathematician Since Antiquity
Inference, Goodness-of-Fit and Forecast for Univariate Gaussian Hidden Markov Models
Fit, Predict and Plot 2D Gaussians
Collection of Functions for Gaussian Quadrature
Multi-Trait Dissimilarity with more Uniform Contributions
Generalize Lambda Distribution and Generalized Bootstrapping
Generalized Beta Distribution of the Second Kind: Properties, Likelihood, Estimation
Estimation of the Generalised Beta Distribution of the Second Kind from Grouped Data
Gradient Boosting Algorithm for Predicting Methylation States
Generalized Beta and Beta Prime Distributions
Interface with Live Bikeshare Data
High Performance Interface to 'GBIF'
Generalized Berk-Jones Test for Set-Based Inference in Genetic Association Studies
Generalized Boosted Regression Models
Convert GBM Object Trees to SAS Code
Group-Based Multivariate Trajectory Modeling
A Bin Packing Problem Solver
Utilities for Processing Rd Objects and Files
Inference of Ploidy from (Genotyping-by-Sequencing) GBS Data
Hyperparameter Search for Gradient Boosted Trees
Utilities for Simulation, Plots, Quantile Functions and Programming
A Data Manipulation and Analysis Package for Calcium Indicator Data
Simple Peak Alignment for Gas-Chromatography Data
Graph-Based Two-Sample Tests for Categorical Data
'GPU'/CPU Benchmarking in Debian-Based Systems
GCC Estimation of the Multilevel Factor Model