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Showing entries 19601-19700 out of 21303.
utf8testsNix package
UTF-8 test cases and supporting code
A hash table for C structures
A small cross-platform library for verifying Authenticode digital signatures
utilNix package
Small utilities that isn't large enough to have a individual modules
util-linuxutil-linuxNix package
A set of system utilities for Linux
util-linuxutil-linuxCursesNix package
A set of system utilities for Linux
util-linuxutillinuxNix package
A set of system utilities for Linux
A set of system utilities for Linux
utilsNix package
Collection of useful Nim code
Full featured system emulator and virtual machine host for iOS and macOS
Lightweight Tox client
A Plasma theme with Nordic Colors, transparency, blur and round edges for UI elements
A rounded desktop theme and window borders for Plasma 5 that follows any color scheme
uuagcNix package
Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht
uucpNix package
Unix-unix cp over serial line, also includes cu program
The Nice and Friendly Decoder
uuidNix package
Wrapper for the UUID library
uuid4Nix package
UUIDs in pure Nim
uuidsNix package
UUID library
uusiNix package
Tweak .cabal files
uutils-coreutilsuutils-coreutilsNix package
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
uutils-coreutilsuutils-coreutils-noprefixNix package
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
uuuNix package
Freescale/NXP I.MX Chip image deploy tools
uvNix package
An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust
Capture image from USB webcam at a specified interval
A simple interface for devices supported by the linux UVC driver
UW IMAP toolkit - IMAP-supporting software developed by the UW
Monospace bitmap screen fonts for X11
uwcNix package
Like wc, but unicode-aware, and with per-line mode
Universal WHOIS proxy server
uwsgiNix package
A fast, self-healing and developer/sysadmin-friendly application container server coded in pure C
A meme system info tool for Linux
uwuifyNix package
Fast text uwuifier
An assembler and emulator for the Uxn stack machine
uxplayNix package
AirPlay Unix mirroring server
A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions
Community managed domain list
Prometheus exporter for V2Ray daemon
GeoIP for V2Ray
A Linux web GUI client of Project V which supports V2Ray, Xray, SS, SSR, Trojan and Pingtunnel
V4L utils and libv4l, provide common image formats regardless of the v4l device
v4l-utilsv4l-utilsNix package
V4L utils and libv4l, provide common image formats regardless of the v4l device
Streaming relay for v4l2loopback using GStreamer
Google's open source JavaScript engine
An XMPP client fully composed of plugins
A tool for building complete development environments
Compiler for GObject type system
valavala_0_48Nix package
Compiler for GObject type system
valavala_0_54Nix package
Compiler for GObject type system
valavala_0_56Nix package
Compiler for GObject type system
Code Intelligence for Vala & Genie
Check Vala code files for code-style errors
valeNix package
A syntax-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind
An implementation of the KDE Connect protocol, built on GNOME platform libraries
An open source sewing pattern drafting software
A WiFi mapping companion app for Valetudo
Debugging and profiling tool suite
valgrindvalgrind-lightNix package
Debugging and profiling tool suite
Open Source Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap
validateipNix package
Nim module for checking if a provided string is actually a correct IP address
validationNix package
Field validation for Nim objects
validatorNix package
This library provides several functions to validate real world data types
Helps you catch problems in your HTML/CSS/SVG
validoNix package
A library of string validators and sanitizers
NNPDF analysis framework
Header-only C++ library for JSON Schema validation, with support for many popular parsers
Helm-like configuration values loader with support for various sources
valuesNix package
Library for working with arbitrary values + a map data structure
Web micro-framework written in Vala
Audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data
The Vampire Theorem Prover
A style neutral scalable cursor theme
A video processing framework with the future in mind
A set of filters for motion estimation and compensation
variaNix package
A simple download manager based on aria2 and libadwaita
variantNix package
Variant type and type matching
variantkeyNix package
Encode variants to uint64
variantsugarNix package
Utility macros mostly for object variants
A wallpaper manager for Linux systems
varnishvarnishNix package
Web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy
varnishvarnish60Nix package
Web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy
Variant calling and somatic mutation/CNV detection for next-generation sequencing data
VASSALNix package
A free, open-source boardgame engine
A tool for managing secrets
A tool for managing secrets, this binary includes the UI
A cli tool for importing and exporting Hashicorp Vault secrets
Automatically use HashiCorp Vault SSH Client Key Signing with ssh(1)
Auto-unseal utility for Hashicorp Vault
vaultclientNix package
Hashicorp Vault HTTP Client
Runs processes with secrets from HashiCorp Vault
vaultwardenbitwarden_rsNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenbitwarden_rs-mysqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenbitwarden_rs-postgresqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenbitwarden_rs-sqliteNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenvaultwardenNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenvaultwarden-mysqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenvaultwarden-postgresqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
Integrates the web vault into vaultwarden