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Showing entries 6201-6300 out of 21714.
ghcidNix package
GHCi based bare bones IDE
Ghci-based file watching recompiler for Haskell development
VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator
VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator
ghdl-mcodeghdlNix package
VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator
ghdl-mcodeghdl-mcodeNix package
VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator
Extensible GitHub dorking tool
ghexNix package
Hex editor for GNOME desktop environment
CLI tool to fetch GitHub user information and show like neofetch
ghiNix package
GitHub Issues on the command line
ghidraghidraNix package
Software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools
ghidraghidra-binNix package
Software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA's Research Directorate in suppo…
ghorgNix package
Quickly clone an entire org/users repositories into one directory
ghostNix package
Android post-exploitation framework
Github notifications in your terminal
PostScript interpreter (mainline version)
ghostscript-with-XghostscriptNix package
PostScript interpreter (mainline version)
ghostscript-with-XghostscriptXNix package
PostScript interpreter (mainline version)
Convert Ghost export to Hugo posts
TLS proxy with mutual authentication support for securing non-TLS backend applications
Cross-platform, aesthetic, distraction-free Markdown editor
Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch
ghqNix package
Remote repository management made easy
ghrNix package
Upload multiple artifacts to GitHub Release in parallel
Python module and CLI tool for GitHub repo statistics
Submit stacked diffs to GitHub on the command line
ghuntNix package
Offensive Google framework
ghzNix package
Simple gRPC benchmarking and load testing tool
GI Crystal is a binding generator used to generate Crystal bindings for GObject based libraries us…
Documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
giacNix package
Free computer algebra system (CAS)
Free computer algebra system (CAS)
giadaNix package
Free, minimal, hardcore audio tool for DJs, live performers and electronic musicians
giaraNix package
Reddit app, built with Python, GTK and Handy; Created with mobile Linux in mind
Python module to detect gibberish strings
giboNix package
Shell script for easily accessing gitignore boilerplates
gickupNix package
Tool to backup repositories
Render gifs as ASCII art in your cli
Simple program that converts animations from GIF to APNG format
gifgenNix package
Simple high quality GIF encoding
giflibNix package
Library for reading and writing gif images
Command-line tool for creating, editing, and getting information about GIF images and animations
GIF encoder based on libimagequant (pngquant)
Medical imaging geometry format C API
Gigalixir Command-Line Interface
Gigasampler file access library
gildasNix package
Radioastronomy data analysis software
Simple Gtk/Qt front-end to tesseract-ocr
CLI that utilizes Okta IdP via SAML to acquire temporary AWS credentials
gimojiNix package
Easily add emojis to your git commit messages
GNU Image Manipulation Program
GNU Image Manipulation Program
gimxNix package
Game Input Multiplexer
ginacNix package
GiNaC is Not a CAS
ginkgoNix package
Modern Testing Framework for Go
GIO API bindings
giphNix package
Simple gif recorder
girNix package
Tool to generate rust bindings and user API for glib-based libraries
User interface library
Show the weather in the terminal, in style
girshNix package
Automatically spawn a reverse shell fully interactive for Linux or Windows victim
gistNix package
Upload code to (or github enterprise)
Python based GitHub GIST management tool
Distributed version control system
Git commit --fixup, but automatic
Alternative to git-crypt using age instead of GPG
Manage the aggregation of git branches from different remotes to build a consolidated one
Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git
Graphical interface for git-annex metadata commands
Git-annex special remote for Dropbox
Git-annex special remote for Google Drive
Use rclone supported cloud storage providers with git-annex
Gadu, a du like utility for annexed files
Distributed code review system for Git repos
Archive a repository with all its submodules
Git clone wrapper that automatically uses --reference to save disk space and download time
Backdate a commit or range of commit to a date or range of dates
Backup all your GitHub & GitLab repositories
Utility for visualising git commit activity as bars on the terminal
Tool for visualization of Git repositories
Suite of tools to help you visualize, navigate, manipulate, and repair your commit history
Efficiently manage Git branches without leaving your local branch
Git checkout command-line tool
Distributed bug tracker embedded in Git
Tool for upgrading repositories using git-bug to new versions
Program to add and manage a system-wide or user-wide cache for remote git repositories
Tool for rebasing a chain of local git branches
CHANGELOG generator implemented in Go (Golang)
Git remote helper to interact with mercurial repositories
Highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications
Git extension to work with CODEOWNERS files
Manage the code review process for Git changes using a Gerrit server
Sleek and powerful Git GUI
Git subcommand to interactively select changes to commit or stage
Manage git credentials using gopass
Helper that allows Git (and shell scripts) to use KeePassXC as credential store
Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and othe…
Git credential helper that securely authenticates to GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket using OAuth
Transparent file encryption in git
Command-line tool to delete merged Git branches