Showing entries 1501-1600 out of 29379.
Sample Size and Power for Comparing Inequality Constrained Hypotheses
Plot Positive and Negative Predictive Values for Medical Tests
General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian t Regression for Modeling Mean and Scale Parameters
MCMC Estimation of Bayesian Vectorautoregressions
Bayesian Methods for Image Segmentation using a Potts Model
Bayesian Latent Class Analysis
Bayesian Projection of Life Expectancy
Bayesian Analysis of List Experiments with Prior Information
Efficient Sampling for Gaussian Linear Regression with Arbitrary Priors
Bayesian Inference for Log-Normal Data
PolyaGamma Sampling
Adjust Longitudinal Regression Models Using Bayesian Methodology
Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics
Bayesian Preference Learning with the Mallows Rank Model
Bayesian Data Reconciliation of Separation Processes
Bayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
Bayesian Misclassified-Failure Survival Model
Bayesian Projection of Migration
Bayesian Mixture Models with JAGS
Bayesian Mixture Survival Models using Additive Mixture-of-Weibull Hazards, with Lasso Shrinkage a…
A Multistate Life Table (MSLT) Methodology Based on Bayesian Approach
Bayesian Mortality Modelling
Non-Parametric Bayesian Analyses of Animal Movement
Bayesian Multivariate Receptor Modeling
Bayesian Mode Inference
Bayesian Multivariate Meta-Analysis
A Bayesian No-Effect- Concentration (NEC) Algorithm
Bayesian Network Belief Propagation
Bayesian Analysis of Non-Stationary Gaussian Process Models
Bayesian Group Sequential Design for Ordinal Data
Variable Selection in a Hierarchical Bayesian Model for a Hazard Function
The Bayes Factor Playground
Plotting for Bayesian Models
Bayesian Statistical Process Monitoring
Bayesian Inference for Presence-Only Data
Probabilistic Population Projection
Generate Postestimation Quantities for Bayesian MCMC Estimation
Bayesian Power Prior Design
Bayesian Power Prior Design for Survival Data
Fast Projection Direction for Multivariate Changepoint Detection
Bayesian Quantile Regression
Probabilistic Reconciliation via Conditioning
Bayesian Regression Models with Global-Local Shrinkage Priors
Bayesian Reliability Estimation
Bayesian Analysis of Replication Studies
Bayesian Design of Replication Studies
Fits the Bayesian Piecewise Linear Log-Hazard Model
Bayesian Robust Generalized Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data
Bayesian Regions of Evidence
Bayes Factors for Hierarchical Linear Models with Continuous Predictors
Datasets and Supplemental Functions from Bayes Rules!
Bayesian Essentials with R
Bayesian Variable Selection Using Simplified Shotgun Stochastic Search with Screening (S5)
Bayes Linear Estimators for Finite Population
Different Models of Posterior Distributions of Adjusted Odds Ratio
Bayesian Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models in High-Dimensional Settings
Bayesian Survival Regression with Flexible Error and Random Effects Distributions
Bayesian Survival Analysis for Right Censored Data
Bayesian Survival Models for High-Dimensional Data
Effect Size Targeted Bayesian Two-Sample t-Tests via Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Gaussian Mixture …
Bayesian Fertility Projection
Tools for Bayesian Analyses
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Bayesian Tree Prior Simulation
Bayesian Analysis of Item-Level Twin Data
Bayes Factors, Model Choice and Variable Selection in Linear Models
Visually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networks and Performing MCMC with 'Stan'
Bayesian Change-Point Detection for Process Monitoring with Fault Detection
R Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX
Distribution of the 'BayesX' C++ Sources
Bayesian Zero-Inflated Bernoulli Regression Model
Global Bayesian Foraminifera Core Top Calibration
Bayesian Shrinkage Estimators for Precision Matrices in Gaussian Graphical Models
Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon Age Da…
Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling and Choice of Dimension
Computation of Bayes Factors for Common Biomedical Designs
Bayesian Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)
On Bayesian Analysis of Threshold Autoregressive Models