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Showing entries 27501-27600 out of 29379.
Species Trait Data from Around the Web
Bootstrap Trait Values to Calculate Moments
Clustering of Functional Data Based on Measures of Change
Classes and Methods for Trajectory Data
Marginal Structural Models with Latent Class Growth Analysis of Treatment Trajectories
Animal Trajectory Analysis
Transformation Models
Model-Based Causal Feature Selection for General Response Types
Trajectory Miner: a Sequence Analysis Toolkit
TraMineR Extension
Transformation Models with Mixed Effects
Penalized Transformation Models
Make Functions that Can Recurse Infinitely
'TRFLP' Analysis and Matching Package for R
Optimal Subset Selection for Transformation Models
Transformation Discriminant Analysis
Sentiment Analysis for Text, Image and Video using Transformer Models
Statistical Transformations
Implementation of Transformer Deep Neural Network with Vignettes
Transform MOS Values to be Robust for using Rank Based Statistics
Polygon and Path Transformations
Transfer of Hydrograph from Gauged to Ungauged Catchments
Transfer Graph Learning
Simple and Robust Translation System
Semiparametric Transformation Models
Treatment of Membrane-Transport Data
Fit Linear Transformation Models for Right Censored Data
Implementation of Transportation Problem Algorithms
Inference of Transmission Tree from a Dated Phylogeny
Audit and Research Functions for Transplantation
Visualize Transcript Structures in Elegant Way
Computation of Optimal Transport Plans and Wasserstein Distances
Analysis and Visualization of Multi-Omics Data
Penalised Regression with Multiple Sets of Prior Effects ('Transfer Learning')
Transfer Learning for Tensor Graphical Models
Transformation Model Based Estimation of Survival and Regression Under Dependent Truncation and In…
Transform Univariate Time Series
The Trapezoidal Distribution
Use TauDEM
Interface to 'Travel Time' API
Estimation and Simulation of Trawl Processes
r-TRDNix package
Transmission Ratio Distortion
Univariate Proability Distributions with Truncation
Client for US Treasury XML Feed and Published Data
Analyzes Real-World Treatment Patterns of a Study Population of Interest
Evaluate Treatment Selection Biomarkers
Trees and Traits Simulations
Classification and Regression Trees
3D Tree Models
Computation of Tree (Im)Balance Indices
Discovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' Phylogenies
Hierarchical Multinomial Processing Tree Modeling
Numerical Calibration of Proxy-Climate Relationships
Cluster Distances Through Trees
Tree-Based Discriminant Analysis
Fast Molecular Clock Dating of Phylogenetic Trees with Rate Variation
Computation of 3D Tree Imbalance
Air Pollution Removal by Dry Deposition on Trees
Tree Diagram
Testing Differences Between Families of Trees
Trajectory Presence and Heterogeneity in Multivariate Data
The First Software for Quantitative Trajectory Inference
Heatmap-Integrated Decision Tree Visualizations