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Showing entries 32501-32600 out of 52683.
Interface to the 'Perspective' API
Random Perturbation of Count Matrices
Reviewed Official Classification of Endangered Wild Flora Species in Peru
A Tidy API for Sequence Iteration and Set Comprehension
Catalogue of the Timber Forest Species of the Peruvian Amazon
r-peselNix package
Automatic Estimation of Number of Principal Components in PCA
Computes Danish Pesticide Load Indicator
r-pestrNix package
Interface to Download Data on Pests and Hosts from 'EPPO'
Estimators for Two-Sample Capture-Recapture Studies
A Collection of R Functions by the Petersen Lab
Power-Enhanced (PE) Tests for High-Dimensional Data
'Petfinder' API Wrapper
Relative Growth Rate
Building, Visualizing, Exporting and Replaying Petri Nets
Reproducible Retrieval of Pew Research Center Datasets
r-pexmNix package
Loading a JAGS Module for the Piecewise Exponential Distribution
r-pezNix package
Phylogenetics for the Environmental Sciences
r-pfaNix package
Estimates False Discovery Proportion Under Arbitrary Covariance Dependence
r-pficaNix package
Independent Components Analysis Techniques for Functional Data
r-PFIMNix package
Population Fisher Information Matrix
r-PFLRNix package
r-PFPNix package
r-pfrNix package
Interface to the 'C++' Library 'Pf'
r-pgNix package
Polya Gamma Distribution Sampler
r-pgamNix package
Poisson-Gamma Additive Models
r-pgcaNix package
Generate Random Samples from the Polya-Gamma Distribution
r-PGEENix package
Penalized Generalized Estimating Equations in High-Dimension
PLINK 2 Binary (.pgen) Reader
Spatial Analysis and Data Mining for Field Ecologists
Parametrically Guided Kernel Density Estimator for Spherical Data
r-pglmNix package
Panel Generalized Linear Models
r-PGM2Nix package
Nested Resolvable Designs and their Associated Uniform Designs
r-pGMGMNix package
r-pgmmNix package
Parsimonious Gaussian Mixture Models
The p-Generalized Normal Distribution
r-pGPxNix package
Pseudo-Realizations for Gaussian Process Excursions
Build Dependency Graphs using Projection
Discover Probable Duplicates in Plant Genetic Resources Collections
r-pGRNNix package
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Pseudo-Time Based Gene Regulatory Network Inference
r-pgscNix package
Computes Powell's Generalized Synthetic Control Estimator
Functions for Generating PostgreSQL Statements/Scripts
Phase I Shewhart X-Bar Chart
Bayesian Single-Arm Phase II Designs
Phase II Clinical Trial Design Using Bayesian Methods
Phase II Clinical Trial Design for Multinomial Endpoints
Sensitivity Analysis for p-Hacking in Meta-Analyses
Design of the Best Phage Cocktail
Phylogenetic Reconstruction and Analysis
Create Phantom Variables in Structural Equation Models for Sensitivity Analyses
Enhanced RTF Wrapper for Use with Existing Table Packages
Navigate 'Pharmaverse'
ADaM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of Packages
SDTM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of Packages
Interface to the 'Pharmpy' 'Pharmacometrics' Library
r-phaseNix package
Analyse Biological Time-Series Data
Simulating and Conducting Phase 123 Trials
Simulates SPSO and Efftox Phase 12 Trials with Correlated Outcomes
Personalized Repeated Measurement Design for Phase I Clinical Trials
Repeated Measurement Design for Phase I Clinical Trial
Phase Plane Analysis of One-
Inference for Phase-Type Distributions
General-Purpose Phase-Type Functions
PHATE - Potential of Heat-Diffusion for Affinity-Based Transition Embedding
Poisson Hurdle Clustering for Sparse Microbiome Data
r-phdNix package
Permutation Testing in High-Dimensional Linear Models
Enhance the Ease of R Experience as an Emerging Researcher
Pretty Heatmaps
Classifying High-Dimensional Phenotypes with Ensemble Learning
High-Throughput Phenotyping with EHR using a Common Automated Pipeline
Visualization for PheCode Mapping with ICD-9 and ICD-10-CM Codes
Common Public Health Statistics and their Confidence Intervals
r-phemdNix package
Estimate Phenological Metrics using Presence-Only Data
Auxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Analysis
Phenotypic Integration Index
Auxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Processing, Modelling and Result Handling
Insect Phenology Model Evaluation Based on Daily Temperatures
r-phenoNix package
Auxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Analysis
Facilitates 'PhenoCam' Data Access and Time Series Post-Processing
Continuous Development Models for Incremental Time-Series Analysis
Extract Remote Sensing Vegetation Phenology